Issue 60# "Demogorgon out of the blue!"

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{York's house} 

'I can't sleep.. or do anything right! How could I just let myself fall for someone, that wouldn't love me back?' Ever since Yancy found out about Jabez being with Bai, it wrenched her heart and soul, was she too foolish to let something like that befall? She wasn't the rushing kind into a relationship, she wanted to build one, though it failed. Still, she couldn't go back to Harold, he was mercurial the last time she has seen him. 'Should I just live on? I'll still die at the end of my life.' She lays on her bed, crying herself to sleep, she once was a strong girl, but she found herself hurt. 

A few knocks on her dorm. Quickly sitting up, she wiped away the teary eyes. 'No need for sniveling like this, he wouldn't want me to do this to myself either.' She walked inwards the door, she grabbed on the knob, then twisting it and pulling it forth. It must've been her imagination because nobody stood there, she rubbed her temples in annoyance. 'I need to catch some Zs because I'm beginning to hallucinate.' She seals her door, turning her back on the door. 

{L.A - The Twin Towers} 

'No guard suspected I've invented something.. heh!' Demogorgon was messing with some gizmos, luckily the guards outside his cell weren't paying attention to him. 'Luckily I've invented a device to make everything I do inaudible.' Demogorgon flicked his head inwards the minuscule device attached to the ceiling, then flicking his head into the material he made.

Meanwhile in Area 51. 

Sirens and danger warning painted in the screens. "I repeat! Subject 26 is extremely truculent and murderous--" The scientist talking thru the walkie-talkie, had his skull smashed like butter. "A little noisy, aren't you?" The blood stained the figure, it's like a teenager, gender? Male, apparently, dressed up like a soldier. As he left ruination to area 51, there wasn't a thing or piece of it to remain. No people, the rest of it was just salvage and corpses to be. 

It makes its own destiny to L.A 

'If it wasn't for that good for nothing soldier that left me to my death, I wouldn't have been this freak!' Transonic thought, it takes him a while to get there. Until he had finally found it, what he hadn't known about L.A that there was a superhero protecting it. Its like he's unaware of what the law was, blotched in blood, Jabez drew his attention to the other. 'That guy must be.. waitaminnit!' Once Jabez froze his tracks before him, he noticed the lack of discomfort and normal walking, the blood blotched on his uniform must've been the blood of people. "Gedouddadaway! I'm a hero, short stack!" He had anger and irritation painted on his face, Jabez keeps himself concentrated on him. 

"Care to explain whose blood izzat then?" Jabez calmly pointed at the other's outfit. 'Of course, he'd notice, should've brought an extra pair, but those were in a bloody mess!' The 6'2 figure anatomized his own garments, but he flicked his eyes inwards Jabez. 'Why should I care?! I'll kill this guy myself to get it done!' Transonic began rushing like a killer inwards Jabez, so he was going to get rid of the evidence itself? 

"Do you not know what the thin line of stupidity and bravery is??" As the other grabbed Jabez's by the head, smashing him groundwards. "Sorry, I don't!" Jabez placed his digits against the concrete floor, then sending a flurry of kicks into him. "Because I'm not stupid!" Jabez regained his ground once more, as the figure skids back from Jabez. "Your kicks can't really bring me down!" He exclaimed. 'Is it me, or do I always have a pompous enemy for some reason?' Jabez thought. 

A window opened, something in transonic's familiar opening. "YOU!" He lunges out to the former soldier sticking out of the window, he was maddened and uncontrollable. 'I need to stop that guy! Wait... I'm starting to realize, his own superpower is based on belief dependent physiology!' Jabez leaped out to the figurine leaping inwards a civilian, once he gets atop the other in his leap. "Stay down!" Jabez sends both of his heels against his upper back, then the figure crashes into the concrete floor. As Jabez's tootsies met with the concrete road, he looked down to the crater formed in the ground. 

"Didja really think that's enough to stop me? You must be blind!" Transonic wasn't even harmed by that, it must be his own superpowers. 'If he's continuously believing I can't hurt him, he just might be omnipotent! That kind of superpower is dangerous.. but there's always a limit to it, and its the said name. If.' Jabez gets into a fighting stance, then nanoseconds later transonic was already everywhere as if he was omnipresence.  Then he was struck all over, these blows were all too overwhelming, it's like an infinite array of omnipotents were hitting him. Nothing could heal or keep themselves up like this.. just as the hero fell, he hadn't quit. SO he was going to try something."Tell me! What or who are you?" Jabez questioned, that sudden question caused him to turn into one single being once more. "I don't have to answer you! SHUT UP!" Transonic started coming inwards Jabez, this was an open opportunity to get him. 

The hero kips up, just barely, heading inwards the other. 

'I can get him while he isn't believing in something yet!' Jabez readies himself for the other, he sends a punch straight into his solar plexus. 'No... I.' The being fell on the ground backward, as Jabez was the victor. 'Man, this improvising business is butt-pulling. But hey, I've managed to bring down another whatever he is.' Jabez knelt over to the figure. 'Even my sheer will alone is unable to bring him down, if he did that constantly, it's just equal as my own will to keep fighting.' Jabez thought, the police soon came to the scene, while the figure merely thanked Jabez. Once they appeared in the scene, a villain was laying on the ground in defeat. 

'I still had to deal with Anim weighing me down in the entire fight.' Jabez scurried off, heading out to deal with crime. 

Unexpectedly.. something from above was hovering, Demogorgon was waiting and anticipating for Jabez to finish. 'My enemy! We aren't thru yet!' Demogorgon's eyes were concentrated on the superhero, whilst remaining above the clouds in the darkness. Keeping himself out of the obvious. 

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