Issue 118#"Nothing is going to stop me!"

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Jabez searched thru the darkness, he knew he lost against Omit, centrally. He knew searching inside the buildings would be a little too invasive for average people to take, people were still people and they had their own free will, doesn't matter if he does all that heroic stuff. He needed to directly find those villains if he only had some directory sense to know wherever the heck they were hiding, but sadly, its hard work that only earns a victory. 'Where would they be hiding? They can't be--' He was continuously searching until he thudded into a taller figure, it smelt quite alluring. 

It's none other than Oriel. "Hey! Been awhile, you know?" Oriel sets her palm against the wall, cocking her brow at Jabez. "Its just, aah hafta take care something? We could chat or talk when its taken care of." He wanted to go onwards, but what was stopping him from preceding, its Oriel. "You're not going at least say something? That you missed your bestie?" Oriel hooked her arm around his throat, as a friendly way of doing things. "You're sure ambiguous, Oriel. All right." Jabez knew he couldn't get free of even her strength, so he'd just play along and this was his friend anyway. 

"Aah reckon so, its just things were so hectic." Jabez referred to the war he attended, had he not decided to ask what year or month it was. "But aah'm back, with a kickoff! So, could you just lemme go? I needa wallop me some baddies!" Jabez didn't want her to abruptly ask so he'd add more to what he was going to say. "Oh, uh, yeah, sure man." Oriel casually loosened her hold on him, he wanted to go off and do his responsibility, and it wasn't her rights to strip him from doing so. She watched him walk off, of course, deep down, she missed seeing him roaming New York, but things were so fast. 

She takes the opposite direction, she wasn't told to interlope in his business with those villains. 

'That fool doesn't even realize what he's walking himself into!' Demogorgon monitored Jabez's tracks via the supreme eye, something he developed while Jabez was gone. It allowed him to view legitimately anything, yet he used this for purposes like keeping his eye on Jabez. 'Which villain shall he walk into first?' It's like a spherical hologram, he watched Jabez inspect alleyways and streets but never the insides of the building. 'It would appear he's walking himself into Chiara's clutches first! This is nothing but a horror show for me!' Demogorgon grinned, leaning in closer to the screen as the supreme eye unveiled the location of Chiara. It's inside a clothes store.

Jabez paused by three convenience stores, it's like something is trying to insinuate him. He shifted his head side to side, it's not being specific due to him not using his evil sensing yet. Jabez couldn't simply assume it was evil, he needed to see it for himself, so he'd await the unexpected. 'He doesn't know a thing yet!' Chiara began dressing herself up quickly without a noise made inside of the clothes shop, once she left the building like some hot model. A fur coat, long streaking black pants, high heels, and shades Jabez hadn't paid mind to the presence of the other, he presumed it was a civvie at first. 

Footsteps were aimed in his direction, he decided to brush it off instead. But as Chiara draws closer to Jabez, its like common sense is trying to tell him. 'Maybe its the footsteps aiming towards mah direction?' Jabez then decided to turn his head into the source of the sound, once the contour paused a few meters from him. Chiara slowly leveled her shades downwards so that he would be able to see her orbs, nanoseconds later he realized it was her. 'I shouldn't have dropped the ball on Chiara! And to think she'd be the first I'll ever fight!' Jabez froze on his tracks, he needed to palliate his own vibe from her mere presence. "All right, you got me, still -- you've got nothing upstairs." Jabez rose his hands up slowly to feign defeat until the last two words he used actuated her to come charging towards him. 

"You dare SAY THAT TO ME?!" With her rage pumped up to the max, it made her movement predictable. 'Aah just need to get her stress to the max, and USE IT AGAINST HER!' Jabez waited for a blow, and he gets struck across the face. Underneath the chin, headbutted in the face, punched into the nose. 'Her will to take me out.. can now be used against her!' He skidded into a brick wall, as she was about to continue towards him. She fell to her knees,  he manipulated her ambition to make it a swift win. 'It took me way too long thru physical activity, but the rest have a much greater will than hers, I don't even think that trick would work on them.' Jabez arched himself forward to pull himself out of the hole in the brick wall, recuperating for a short amount of time. 

"Master would be aroused to see you!" A devil like a creature swooped Jabez off his ground, even for a few moments, they were about 50 blocks away from the junction they previously were in, he had no idea what this creature was. It's rather mind-boggling just to figure it out, instead, he'd twist his own body weight to grasp its tail while his feet cling on its big torso. "What are you--" The servant had no idea of Jabez's capabilities, and Jabez leveled him downwards on a building. "How can such a small person be incredibly supple?!" The creature exclaimed as Jabez stood over its defeated state. "Perhaps my servant wasn't a challenge for you? Is he not?" A gruff voice says towards the albino's direction, he turned into the direction of the other. 

"Aah, uhm, great... Severus." Jabez saw the mighty figure sitting on a throne at the edge of a building. Anticipating and waiting for Jabez's entrance. 

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