Issue 173# "The day I get my job!"

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'Izzin't today just a snafu, aah've lost many things.' Jabez had dwelled on his previous job as a superhero, he has done so much for people yet to have them stripped. 'Aah'm even called the vigilante of UK.' Jabez held up a newspaper to his mug, narrowing his eyes at the image of him being known. 'So, izzat it for me? Back to square one?' He crumpled up the newspaper and threw it away. Our albino protagonist had been hanging upside down from a flagpole, keeping an extra sharp eye out for others. 

"Heh...that fool still acts like a hero, wait 'til they give him more hate!" Tessa knows where he was at, high ground 'cause of people hating him. 'If I turn myself into a child and people see that he mercilessly beat up a child, --- GENIUS!' Tessa had taken the form of a child, there were many people who weren't fond of him and it's a great opportunity to do it. 'I just need a way to turn things around.' She drew thoughts to a logical scale. 

"Here's our card, feel free to drop by Ancestor Victoria's place." The cloaked figure extended a gold painted card to the albino. They were on the rooftops, the albino accepted the other's offer. "She has found the things you've done, interesting." They were regarding the things found reprehensible done by Jabez. "Aah doesn't think aah've ever met her at all," Jabez says in a confounded state. 

They chuckled in amusement."You shall see," They turned to the ledge of the building, they began walking to it. He instinctively rushed to them after them, they descended from the edge of the building. He thought they were dead, strangely, there wasn't a single body lying below. "This is definitely some preternatural matters aah've thrown me into." Jabez turned his head away from the edge of the building, unaware of what would await him. 

Someone watched him via a crystallized ball.  They were in a huge room, a throne composed of gold, made by the finest hands. Draperies hung, crimson curtains too. There was an immense statue of a certain female figure, red carpet rolled wide open on a flight of stairs. Its like a welcoming house to anybody. "The reprehensible and heinous things he's done, he will be an exceptional choice." A blonde woman grinned at it, concentrating on him. "He had lost many things, we've read his experiences. Mistress." The cloaked figures knelt on the flight of stairs before Ancestor Victoria, two of them were alikes. "His desperation makes it too easy to lure him in." She smirked pompously, she had unearthly armor worn on. 

{Back at home} 

The two were in the kitchen, there were frying pans dangling on hooks. Three refrigerators, aesthetic dining table, cabinets, and drawers.  Chairs were set up to etiquette levels, there was a balanced statue in the center of the table. A flower vase near to a window and the walls were painted alien green. 

"I don't know, Jabez, this sounds like a cult thing." Francois examined the card carefully. "Do you really want to be in a cult, those kinds of beliefs have killed many." He added, continuing. The superhero knew what cults were, he previously used to be a priest. "You're right, Francois. Aah caint live with that, although aah could join them and unfold their schemes!" Jabez suggested something correlating to the acts of a hero. "You're doing it again, Jabez. You aren't who you thought you once were," Orphelia walked in on the scene. 

"You're a vigilante, applying the law isn't your job anymore. Nobody knows who you are anymore," Orphelia pointed out. "Mom, that's a little too cold," Francoise commented. "It's fine, she's right. But that doesn't mean aah'll let negativity halt me." Jabez responded as Orphelia stood unsurprised, that attitude hadn't changed for a long time. "Have it your way, after all, you're already my relative." Orphelia noticed something at the corner of her eye like there was a shadowy figure. 

'What was that?' Orphelia walked to a window, narrowing her eyes at it. "Mistress could have problems with that family hindering him, we must eliminate them." The cloaked figures avoided the window, while Orphelia had it open. Inspecting for what things were there, she heard something, obviously. "Show yourselves!" The level of the window was only one floor, while the cloaked figures chose to fell swoop. 

Orphelia caught their wrists at blazing speeds. "You want to mess with the tank of AT?! Small fries?!" Orphelia thudded the two of them into one another, knocking them out instantly. "What's going on back there?" Jabez had his attention turned to the window, the redhead pulled two cloaked figures in the corridor. "Someone had--" Orphelia was about to explain until they vanished out of thin air. 

"Watched us..." Orphelia wagged her hands. "You think it could be that cult?" Francois asked. "They might, cults have those tendencies to be creepers. If they're eager beavers to have me, aah'll just let it so that none of you have to involve yourselves in my problems." Jabez walked towards the door to leave, he says it while making hand gestures. "After all, aah've called the shots, and this will be what aah gotsta go through." Jabez twisted the doorknob and pulled it forward, the door swung inwards as he left the house. 

"I'll keep an extra eye out for him." Francois followed the albino. "Even to this point, he hadn't attempted to become a supervillain? What motivates him to remain so good?" Orphelia watched the door close shut. 

"Mom has had some... bad history with superheroes, she just needs time to get used to you," Francois explained the whole thing to him. "Roger, wilco." Jabez understood it, sometimes, the concept of a hero isn't always a bright side. 

"Aah've had a bad history with my relatives too," Jabez says to show that just because he was a superhero, doesn't mean he'd go down an easy road. 

"All right. . . so, how are we to find these cult people?" Francois asked about this matter they needed to deal with. 

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