Issue 139#"There is only one way."

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{The Universe} 

Jabez wasn't the one to let someone else take responsibility for his mess, he went with what he needed to do, instinctually. There he was, he alternated his very existence into the fabrics of space and time. The chaotic being found himself paused in the particles of time and space, its like he felt the presence of the alike lurking about. "Alike! You've started a war with me! Show yourself!" Snark demanded that he unfolded himself so that their battle may commence. "You might think aah would take the belligerent approach,no, aah'd take the fell swoop approach instead." Jabez's voice echoed throughout the sprawling universe. 

"So, you've darned yourself into the universe to stop me? What an effort you put." Snark laughed aloud that it'd echo thru many realms. "We have one thing in common, Jabez! Its an exact superpower that we both possess, 'Absolute Will'!" Snark severed the being's connection to the universe, grabbing ahold of Jabez's being in his single hand. "What shall I take away from you permanently without limitation, perhaps your memories as a superhero? Or the essence that made you, you? Can't quite decide when both is interesting to me." Snark drew his finger on Jabez's head, sinking his sharp nail into his head. 

"Don't go-- deeper than you should." Jabez threatened him whilst a grimace of pain formed on his face. "And why shouldn't *I* do it? Is it something that you hold dear most of all? Something you don't want to ever forget?" Whilst he pompously narrowed down what Jabez didn't want. "You mess with the bull," Jabez sunk his hands into the being's hands."You get the horns!" Jabez caused adjacent cracks to an irreversible scale. 

"No! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" They had the same powers, so this was the way to go down hard."Taking responsibility for my own actions.. good... goodbye everyone." He began to disperse alongside with the entity. "You inconceivable fool! There is no turning back after this! Do you have any idea what you'll do?! We're both taking each others' existences away! DOES LIFE HAVE NO MEANING TO YOU?!" Snark didn't want to face an impending doom, it was smart of Jabez to take this approach than the brawling type, because this guy was on a whole nother level. 

'Being the hero is all that matters, taking responsibility for everything aah've done.' Jabez thought, he waned slowly away from existence. Including Snark along with him, if he was going down, he needed to retaliate. Once the two's entire existences were no longer in the multiverse, universe, other etcetera. "Brother will not meet the repeated history, he will live." Juma had held up the remaining particles belonging to Jabez, whilst floating in the exact spot they were once in. 

"And not have his name and entitlement as a hero in vain." Juma teleported into the universal artifacts, there was many filled slots for objects of unknown powers. It had a similar picture of Jabez's personal domain, he walked towards the direction of the largest slot. The reason why Juma was able to still pick up the nothingness out of Jabez was his virtual omnipotence as an alike, he wasn't willing to let his brother die, mother had him as his favorite. 'You won't die.. not on my watch, I will make sure every alike lives up to their lives.' Juma stood there, Jabez was being rejuvenated inside of the intangible floating cube. 

"You did your best, and I will do my best to keep yourself together." Juma stole a glance from Jabez before vanishing in nanoseconds, once he teleported himself in the boundaries of earth. He disguised himself as Jabez, if he were to cover things up for him, he'd do it. Usually, this isn't something an omnipotent being would do, because they weren't meant to uphold the titles. He knew how much it meant to Jabez, being this hero, and he was going to portray his own sibling in the best way he was going to. He fabricated himself inside the boundaries of L.A . "This is your city, right, little brother?" Juma attuned his voice to match the southerner voice to Jabez's. 

"Jabez? He-he won?!" Oriel turned her head towards the shorter figure in the distance, she hemmed for a moment. 'I almost doubted him for his abilities.. but.. what am I supposed to believe? That he was turned into nothingness? Or... ' Oriel had no idea what to say to him, so instead she lets him alone for the time being. 'Stopping the inevitable from happening onto earth. "There is my enemy! He shall bask upon the powers of mine!" Transonic stealthily glared inwards the direction of Jabez. 

'This is odd, having to shift my own personality to match his so nobody would arose their suspicions.' Juma paused his tracks before a light post while Transonic sneaks up on the sight of the other. 'So unexpectant of me? Typical,' Transonic reared a fist behind allegedly alive Jabez, whilst Oriel was going to just wait if he needed help. He delivered a punch straight into the back of Juma's head, he hadn't been thrown out in the distance or been damaged at all. He casually withstood it like it was a fly on him. 

"When did you become tougher than you used to be?!" Transonic says confusedly, whilst Juma casually turned his head slowly towards the other. 'Oops, I should alternate my attributes including, I shookt one of Jabez's foes without a single effort done.' Juma warped his own capabilities to Jabez temporarily, whilst Transonic was unable to move. Juma willed the other's body like a puppet to strike him in the face, he was sent hurtling back towards a building. 

"Aah reckon aah oughta wait things out." Jabez dwelled about his inner realm, all alone to himself. "My body's taking time to recuperate, but frankly, aah wouldn't have been able to remain pulsating if it weren't for Juma's rescue. " Jabez clearly made death look like nothing to him, he made a choice of sacrifice and it meant alot to him as a hero. "It'll take time for me to come back as a hero.. again, lezzjuss hope aah don't take up alot of time to recuperate." He added, talking to himself, normally. 

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