Issue 92# "Tessa vs Jabez!"

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--9:30 am-- 

Jabez was with the family except for Biming, she was out doing work.

"I'm so glad we're going to the park!" Chen exclaimed, whilst playfully running along sidewalks. "They do always seem more upbeat when you're with them." Bo chuckled, keeping his eyes concentrated on the kids, alongside him was none other than Jabez himself. "Goody, goody gumdrops then!" Jabez gently tapped his palms together, lifting up a smile. "Ani? Do you mind me asking." Chun looked up to the other, he turned his head to look into the child's eyes. "Yes?" Jabez had the sweetest smile across his lips, he waited patiently for his response. "Can you teach me how to fight?" Chun says in a lower tone, his father suddenly turned into their direction. 

"Izz 'dere somethin' 'bout scole?" Jabez cocked his brow, hoping it had to do with something like that. Chun made a nod with his head, children did always go thru such toilsome days. "Yes, is there? Son?" Bo added, folding his arms under his torso. "Ani, you fight crime all the time. Please! Please! Teach me how to fight!" He wanted to know how to fight, whilst Bo was just amazed at how the two of them can talk about guy things. "All right. Maybe when we're donzo with 'da park." Jabez's digits ran thru his charcoal strands, the four presume to go onwards. 

"Don't tell Chun this, but, Chen has mastered several martial arts at such a young age," Bo whispered to Jabez's ear. Jabez connected his index finger and thumb one another into a circle (o), whilst the rest of his fingers relaxed in the air. Bo suddenly began to laugh, he was one of those kinds of parents. "Noice." He made the tone to it, he loved memes. "What does this mean? Ani?" He was holding up the same hand gesture Jabez did, he turned to their direction. 

"It means its a-okay or nice," Jabez replies. "I shall use the 'nice' hand gesture for life then!" Chun suddenly says as they reach the playground. "You really told him, didn't you? He might even be doing that everytime he gets something right." Bo added, the two guardians watched the children play on the monkey bars. "Yanno, just bein' a role model fo-wah my lil' bubba." Jabez made a shrug with his shoulders, implying that it was okay for him to do that. 

"Somebody help! This man's stabbed!" Someone screamed aloud, drawing attention to Jabez, he quickly ran to the blaring, other people's attention was drawn. 'How could I let a crime so small slip by me.' Jabez froze upon the corpse he has seen. Chun and Chen weren't allowed to see this, so Bo, as a father kept them away from it. Whilst people were in shock, Jabez couldn't help but feel another evil presence lingering in this area.

'Hah! My first kill and without him even batting an eye either!' Tessa suspiciously strayed from the crowd before police came to the scene and called this a crime scene. Setting crime tape around the body itself, things were being handled by the justice people. 'Even Jabez's body supremacy cannot save him, I nullified any supernatural actions of saving him.' Tessa grinned, keeping this to herself. 

'And what's the best part for me? He hadn't stopped me from doing so either! Its not like he would've tried to look anyway! I just stayed off the writing so he wouldn't bat an eye.' Tessa added in her thoughts, what she hadn't realized. Jabez was keeping a close eye in her direction, something about that silhouetted figure in the distance got him keeping his gaze in her direction. 'I better return to the kids and Bo, I wouldn't want them to worry about me.' Jabez returned to the playground, keeping up a smile on his lips. 

'Whatever have you! I'm a superhero, yet I failed to keep a sharper eye out for my city.' He waved to the kids, they waved back to him. "So, has anything happened? Were you able to save the man?" Bo questioned, wondering about what befell in that spot. "No, there was nothing I could do for him. My powers should've been able to save him, but there was something preventing it." Jabez remarked, even he.. said that? 

"But even if aah did it, what would be the point? Natural disasters happen to everyone, there's nothing aah can do to prevent it. It doesn't give meh the right to bring them back from death and into life again, repetitive resuscitating might cause them insanity or existential crisis. Believe me, even if I can resurrect people. It only takes away their sanity and the meaning of death." Jabez pointed out, explaining it to him, why he had scruples to do so. "How do you know all this?" Bo questioned. 

"Been there, done that," Jabez replies briefly. "So at some point, I realized, there are incredible things I just won't do. Maybe because I don't want to be looked at like a deus ex machina figure, I'm just a superhero doing all he can, not toying with anything malevolently." Jabez added as he was discussing how he felt about this situation. "I can see why my daughter loved you, you're an entity of good intentions." The four were done with the park, returning to the vehicle. "Ditto." Jabez abruptly says, Bo turned his head inwards Jabez, so that was his response? 

Fair enough. 

As the vehicle drove along the streets of L.A . "Heh.. time to go on fell swoop on this one!" Tessa watched the vehicle head out, transforming into a grotesque vehicle. She tailed after them, it takes her moments to reach the side of the vehicle, then thudding against it. "What the?!" Bo turned his head to the side, noticing a vehicle banging up against theirs. "Hold on! Aah'll take care of this!" Jabez opened the window and exited the vehicle aesthetically, reaching atop Bo's amazing car. 

"All right, inebriate driver!" Jabez pounces towards the vehicle. He inspected for any driver, looking thru the glass screen,  there wasn't any at all. "What the?!" Something like a fist formed in the glass screen, then it hits Jabez point blank. "Did you forget who's your greatest berater?!" Tessa's head popped out of the shield of the vehicle. "You've got to be kidding me." Jabez stabilized his ground on the vehicle itself. 

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