Issue 110#"Stopping this illusory!"

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--10:30 am-- 

"So, will you fight me this time?" Veyra pointed her sword towards the direction of Jabez, keeping her glares inwards his direction."So, for this entire time, I let a criminal take over my city?!" Jabez clasped his fingers together to form a fist, there was tapestries, billboards, much more statues throughout L.A. "It sounds like he's engendered, I don't think there's ever been a record of him from being like that." Veyra analyzed the other's being, yet she wasn't sure if she was right about that. "But, I'd never let myself go out in anger, not in my city." Jabez turned his head towards the other, controlling his own emotions like that. 

"What a shame." Veyra pelted towards the other,  her heart was pounding in exhilaration, every second of it made her want to fight to the death. "Isn't that the ol' Jabez I know?" A taunting voice echoed in the atmosphere, causing the two fighters to discontinue their battle. "Haunti!" Jabez exclaimed, turning his head to the side, hoping to see if she'd appear. A figure sculpted in the center of the two's distances, she's like a personal secretary. "So, you decided to fit in this world?" Jabez cocked his brow at the sight of the other's entrance, she smirked villainously. 

"You chose to play solo? Teams aren't your style anymore?" Haunti turned to face Jabez, a shield empowered by will built behind Haunti. Preventing Veyra from interloping on this, while he gets into a fighting stance. "You amuse me, its like you don't remember who defeated you so many times." Haunti pelted towards the other with a grin, she thudded against Jabez, he's sent hurtling upwards a skyscraper. 

'One of mah oldest enemies came to this place? Why does it hafta to be now?' Jabez was surrounded by lifeless people, their eyes, and expression. He ignored their very presence because his attention was centered on Haunti. He turned his head to aim at the doors, Haunti bursts thru the fifth floor's door. Its like she made it in a matter of Planck seconds, she commanded the people to antagonize Jabez instead. 'Uh-oh! Aah can't hurt the peeps!' Jabez leaped upwards the ceiling sticking to the wall as they outstretched their hands to him.

"What's the matter? Do you think being a protective hero will solve your problems? You can't even bring yourself to hit them either!" Haunti pointed towards Jabez as to taunt him, he needed to do something about them. 'I just need to crawl towards Haunti, that can't be much of a problem for me.' Jabez crawled towards Haunti, aiming himself in her direction. Continuously, a glut of people arose and began attempting to grab Jabez on the ceiling. 'Uh...' Jabez seen two beginning to boost one another up, he needed to do something before he concludes himself to violence.

"Using people to attack MEH?" Jabez hurled himself towards her direction, she like a cannonball into her face, she anticipated for his attack before he made it."Do you want to know why you'll never get the job you want?" Haunti stood there and took it to the face without recoiling the slightest bit. Jabez bounces back from the other as he landed a few feet from her, other people began swamping the albino. "Its because you aren't obedient like these people," She taunted him, gesturing towards them. 

"They obey while you always bark contentions." Haunti watched Jabez get surrounded by the people, he was frozen on his tracks. 'I can't hurt the people! They're still mind controlled!' Jabez needed to do something about this, he chose to leap over them instead. 'Why caint aah do a thing about them? Aah know they want my help, it's just, they're in Haunti's clutches.' Jabez turned his head over a shoulder, Haunti was still there, enjoying every second of his heroic struggle. "Give up being a hero? It does save everyone more time." Haunti added. 

"No!" Jabez turned his head to her, pelting towards her. "Puh-lease, you can't always succeed because you're the hero!" Haunti gets into a fighting stance, narrowing her eyes inwards his direction. "Not like that!" Haunti awaited for his attack, once he made a punch into her jaw. "You make me feel like I can already pulverize you!" Haunti grasped the other by the face as she then leaped outwards the transparent walls. 

They crashed thru them. "Show your true strength! You can't ever hope to stop me if you don't!"Haunti forced him downwards, as they collided into the concrete floor in a matter of seconds. "ELELU!!" Jabez's entirety had a dazzling galaxy blue aura surrounding himself, delivering a punch across her jaw. "This is something I wanted to happen!" Veyra somewhat was able to get thru the willpower based shield to get in close at them. "How did you--?! Nevermind that!" Haunti stole a glance from the other, she then focused on her enemy. "I'm going to ask you to give me back my city," Jabez clasped his fingers together to form a fist, narrowing his eyes inwards her. 

"You'll have to pry it over my body!" Haunti rushed outwards the other, Veyra suddenly decided to join in the fight. She delivered a punch inwards Jabez's direction, he takes a punch across the jaw. "You're against him?--" Haunti was about to drop to conclusions until Veyra kicked the other into the forehead causing her to skid back."No, he's my arch-nemesis, you stay out of it." Veyra threatened Haunti, Haunti darts towards the assassin. "You? Puh-lease, I've been his for quite some time!" Haunti remarked, she rammed against Veyra in fathomless speeds. 

"JUST FIGHT ME THEN!" Jabez interposes, blurring in the center of their distances. He arose his forearms to defend against them, Veyra stuck into the back of his head, while Haunti kneed him into the abdomen. Jabez grabbed the both of them by the collars and arose them overhead as he thudded their heads into one another. Veyra threw a punch across Haunti's jaw and Haunti did the same as they both sent themselves away thru mere shockwaves. 

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