Chapter 64

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A/N: Okay guys fare warning, this chapter was hard to get set up in my head because of what is going to take place. Was hard to write because of some of the emotional things that will occur. Prepare yourselves my lovelies. And remember I do love you guys xx

It's been a couple of days since Harry got out of the hospital. About four days since he decided to reject me, although later that night he acted a bit differently towards me. Better, even. But for the last couple of days since he has been home, it's back to ignoring me and rejecting me. He will literally ignore what I say to him and go right to talking to Liam or his family. I have decided to just stay away from him. He sleeps in his bed. Of course he needs help up to his bed. Liam and Niall do that upon his request. I have been sleeping on their sofa downstairs. Why don't I go home, you ask? Because I am trying to show this ignorant ass that I am not going anywhere. That I truly love him. But he is making it so difficult for me to do this. His mum has even gave him the talk since he started acting like this. My sister isn't here now, she had to go home yesterday. I never cried so much in my entire life as I did when I had to say goodbye to her at the airport. She has kept me sane since all this happened and now she's left me. Niall is my best friend, my brother if you will. But he is with Liam and that's where his priority is right now. This morning, Harry's family had to leave. That set him off even more, because he wasn't allowed to go to the airport to see them off. Safety reasons. So, they thought it would be good to let me stay behind with him instead of Liam so that we could 'bond' again. Yeah, big mistake. I got food thrown at me cause it wasn't made the way he wanted it. His urine bottle thrown at me because he didn't need my help getting set up to piss. Yeah, I'm so ready to say fuck it all and walk. When they got back he was totally different to them but still silent towards me. My heart is already shattered, not more damage can be done to it. It is now about four in the evening, so I thought it would be a great time to get supper going. I leave them all in the living room to their game of FIFA and get stuff prepared to make. Harry loves lasagna so I thought it would be great to make that for him. Along with a salad the way he likes it made. I get the meat going and noodles boiling and then grab the veggies from the fridge to start chopping up. Fresh spinach leaves, bell pepper, purple onion, cauliflower, broccoli, and tomato. Niall then comes in asking what smells so good and if he could help. I tell him what I am making and that if he wanted to help chop veggies that would be great. No for the help, but more for the company.

"How did today go?", Niall asked as he chopped up the tomato.

"Horrible! Have never been so humiliated in my life!", I tell him. "He's making it very hard for me to stay with him!", I explain to Niall. I don't want to relive what happened today so I don't give details. I want so bad to tell my best friend about the call I got. He would be so excited for me. But I don't want to say anything until I make a final decision. It may be wrong to do it this way, but I just need it to be to myself for now. We continue chopping up veggies and get the lasagna prepared up to put in the oven for the cheese to melt. We then go into the living room. I smile when I hear Harry laughing at whatever him and Liam had been discussing . I go over to wrap my arm around his shoulder and to kiss his cheek and he turns his face away from me and shakes my hand off his shoulder. Liam and Niall just look at me with a sorrowful look.

"I don't give a flying rats ass anymore! Keep being an asshole, Styles, and see where that gets ya!" I yell out as I make my way back into the kitchen. I get the salad set out and grab the dressing. The lasagna is about ready so I start grabbing plates and silverware out and getting it set up. Keeping myself busy so I don't break down again. I didn't think I had anymore tears to shed. "Suppers ready for those that give a damn!", I holler out. Liam and Niall come and pat my shoulder as they make their way to the table to get their food ready. I thought I would be nice to make up Harrys plate and get his drink for him. He was seated at the end of the table where it was easier to get his wheelchair in.

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