chapter 11

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After Louis and Harry left, Liam and I just sat back on the couch to cuddle. "What would you like to do?", I asked Liam as I threw my legs over his so I could face him better.

"Whatever you want to do love, is fine with me", Liam responded as he started rubbing my thigh.

"Well, we could either stay here and order in..or stay at your place and grab something on the way", I said as I smiled cheekily up at him.

"Okay so either way we are staying in, i assume", Liam said letting out a soft laugh.

"Yeah. Let me text Louis to let him know I wont be here and we can go to your place. just in case they want to come here", I said laughing as I got up from the couch. I ran upstairs to grab some clothes and over night things shoving it all in my bag, zipping it up as I made my way back down the stairs. Liam was waiting by the door, leaning up against the wall looking all sexy and shit. I put my shoes on and we head out the door.

"How does chinese take-out sound?", Liam asked as he drove onto the street

"Souds great to me', I responded. We went to a chinese drive-thru and ordered our food and headed on over to Liams place. When we got there, we unloaded the car and made our way inside. we kicked off our shoes and headed into the kitchen to get the food sorted. While Liam did that, i went to his room to drop off my bag. As I was leaving,something in the corner caught my eye. No way. I don't think so, I thought to myself as I picked it up.

"Alright Payno!", I said as I made my way to the kitchen with said object in hand. "When did you get this and when were you planning on telling me?", I asked him as I pointed the object at him. He turned around, his eyes going wide as he seen what I was holding.

"You weren't suppose to see that", He said as he started reaching for it.

"I don't think so Payno!", As i started shooting him with this great water gun. It was a huge one. Shot up to 100 yards . Had to pump it to get it to shoot far. Three barrels on it for water and a strap to hold it over your shoulder. Yeah, his plan back fired on him

"I got you one too!", He sputterd out as I kept shooting him. I put the gun down letting him go to the closet to pull mine out. He comes back with his arms behind his back. I smiled thinking alright this is gonna be fun. He brings his hand around and places the said object into my hands. I looked down at it and looked back up to him

"You're kidding, right?", I asked as I stared at the water gun. "I'll be lucky to shoot ten feet with this thing", I told him as I inspected it. After a few minutes of bantering and bargaining, i got the bigger gun and we went full on water fight. Hiding behind furniture, behind doors, in name it, we did it. After a couple hours of that and soaked clothes we went back to our food that has now gotten cold. We warm it up and set down at the table to eat. Stripped out of our clothes down to our boxers so we could eat comfortably. As I start eating, I feel Liams foot creeping up my leg till its planted firmly on my thigh between my legs. I about choke on my chicken when he runs his toe across my now half-hard area. HA! He thinks he can play this game does he. I pick up my drink as I look him in the eye. I bring the cup up to my mouth where the straw is barely touching my lips. I stick my tongue out and run it up the side of the straw before bringing it to my mouth. I slide the straw slowly into my mouth as I suck on it to get some of that taistey liquid.I watch as his eyes get bigger and see him swollow dramatically.

"niall", He moans out quietly

"Yes, my love", I say innocently

"Don't tease me baby", He says as he runs his toe against my cock again. This time it was my turn to get a bit more flustered

"Then stop teasing me, big boy", I say as i put my drink down. Before i know it, I am being lifted up and draped over his shoulders, him carrying me out of the kitchen. Our food being left on the table for later. When we get to his room, he lowers me to the bed and hovers over me. We stare at each other for a bit before he lowers down to gently place a kiss on my lips. It's soft and passionate. Not needy..not rushed. I wrap my arms around his neck to bring him closer to me. We continue kissing like that till we both are needing air. He scoots us up the bed till we are both laying fully on the bed. He starts running his finger along my jawline up to my lips. He then leans down to start kissing me again. This time it is very needy and very hot. Our tongues meeting each other in our mouths. Our hands all over each others bodies. When suddenly I feel Liam grind down onto me, his hardened cock up against my thigh, mine against his. Pretty soon we are stripping each others clothes off and grinding very needy against each other. "Please, laim", I moan out

"What do you want baby, tell me", Liam moans out in between kisses

"Take me baby. I want you. I need you. F*ck me Liam", I say as I hungrily grind up against him

"That baby I can do", Liam said as he got between my legs. And take me, he did. Plus so much more. After we were done, we cleaned each other up and layed back down. We cuddled up and talked about anything and everything. From the club and how it came about. To Harrys boxing career.

"Harry was bullied bad back in school so his parents put him in boxing for self-defense", Liam said as he rubbed my back softly. I layed my chin on my hand upon his chest so I could look up at him better.

"That would explain his attitude at times", I said understandingly.

"Yeah", liam said as he looked down at me. "And poor Louis. Can understand his sassy sour attitude as well"

"Yeah, his sassiness is a cover up for his insecurities. Since he had to give up Footie he has felt useless. Like Footie was all he had going for him", I said trying not to get too emotional.

"Maybe they can be good for each other then", Liam said as he smiled down at me

"Lets make a promise though right now", I say as I set up a bit

"Okay. What's the promise babe?', Liam asked with an unknown look in his eyes

"Let's promise that no matter what problems they face, we wont let it affect us", I said as i leaned into him.

"Deal", Liam said as he sealed it with a kiss. That night as I fell asleep, that evening played over and over in my head. For some reason, tonight I felt closer to Liam than I ever had in the short time we've been together. I know he feels the same. I can feel it in his kisses and touches. Maybe that's why I could tell something was off with him when we were talking about boxing and careers. Feel like there's something he's not telling me. But I'm not going to be bothered with that tonight. I cuddle further into him and feel his arms pull me closer to him if that was even possable. And soon I felt myself drift off to a peaceful sleep.

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