Chapter 60

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"Does Harry have a DNR?", the doctor asked with a sympathetic look on his face. I looked over at Liam because this is something that Harry and I never discussed. Never felt the need to. Anne was setting there with a blank look on her face, like so many thoughts going through her mind and she didn't know which one to go with. Gem looked at Liam as if to say 'you better answer this correctly.

"No sir he does not", Liam answered questioningly. "That's a good thing, right?", He asked quietly

"Yes, it is sir", The doctor replied. "Since he does not have one that means we can keep him alive by all means necessary. I stood up out of my chair and spoke for the first time since Harry went into surgery.

"You damn well better save that man in there!!", I said as I pointed to the direction of the operating room. "That is not only my boyfriend in there, but my whole life! You damn well better do your job and save him!". After my rant, I looked around the room and seen everyone just staring at me with wide eyes and shocked looks on their faces. I quietly went back to my seat and sat in my former position with my legs up to my chest hugging them close to me. Anne quietly responded with "yeah, what he said"

"I am going to go let my team know what I just found out. I will send a nurse down here to give you the update on him and the reasons for my questions", He said as he stood up. Gem grabbed him by the arm stopping him and making him turn in her direction.

"You will tell me about my brother right now!", she said with tears streaming down her checks.

"Ma'am, I understand that you want answers noe, but if I don't go now, they wont know what to do if another episode happens. As soon as I get up there I will send a team member down to talk to you guys. Give me ten minutes.okay", he said as he kindly pulled himself from Gemmas grip and walked out of the room.

"I don't know what to think right now", Anne said more to herself. "I just feel lost". I kind of know what she's feeling. No, Harry's not my son, but I still love him with my whole heart despite how he can be at times. We waited and waited for what seemed like hours before someone came through the door. We all looked in their direction with expectant looks on our faces. Liams look could kill somebody right about now. I know he's like a little puppy, but right now he's looking like an angry wolf ready to attack his prey.

"Has Harry ever had surgeries before?", the lady asked. I understand her questioning I just wish she would get to the freaking point.

"Oh my God! Yes! Yes, he has!", Anne blurted out like she just remembered something that she should've mentioned before now. "He had his tonsils removed when he was a kid!", she explained.

"okay..good..How did he respond to the anesthetic back then?", the nurse asked a bit relieved. Like now they know what to expect with him.

"Not well at all", Anne answered. "His heart kept slowing way down or would beat excessively fast. It was very irregular", Anne explained. "They gave him some kind of med through his I.V. to help with it. When it beat way fast he lost a bit of blood. More than he should have."

"Okay, now we know what to expect. We have something better that we can give him than what they had back then. we had to restart his heart once and that's why the doctor needed that information", She explained. "But now that we know this is how he responds to this we know what to look for. We have added to our team so he is now being monitored in every way necessary.", She said as she stood up to leave.

"oh something else you should know", Anne said as she stood to walk to the nurse. "He doesn't respond well to it when waking up from it, either", Anne explained. "I know it sounds mean and harsh, but you may strap his wrists to the bed or he will punch and grab things. Including his I.V. and any other object or person that is close by. He literally goes crazy when waking up from it", She explained to the nurse.

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