Chapter 70

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I went back to my place Thursday evening so I could pack up what i would need to go stay with Harry for a few days. And to get my house secured up. I stayed there that night and Zayn stayed at Liam and Harry's place so that he could be there with Harry when Liam and Niall left till I got over there. Harry and I texted each other all day and night Thursday. We talked on the phone once to say goodnight. Each time we texted and even when we talked last night on the phone, he reminded me of his appointment at 10 a.m. today. So you can imagine my panic when I woke up at 10:15 and realized I was late. My alarm did not go off. I jumped out of bed quite quickly and grabbed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I threw my hair up into a messy bun and grabbed my keys and wallet and ran out to get into my car. I call Zayn to let him know that I am on my way and explain to him what happened. I hear in the back ground Harry cussing at some one,come to find out it was me. I quickly hang up my phone and speed down the street to get to his therapy place. I pull up into the parking lot and find a parking spot in the middle of the lot. I get parked and quickly get out of the vehicle. Well, I try to anyways. The seatbelt nearly choking me as I try to get out. I fumble with the damn thing for a bit till I finally get unbuckled. I quickly lock up the car and run towards said building. When I walk in there is a receptionist there picking at her nails with a bored look on her face. She had her hair pulled back and had enough make up on her face to cover China. Well, maybe not that much but you get what I'm saying.

"May I help you?", She asked as she looked up at me, popping her gum. I wanted to reach across her desk and grab the gum right out of her mouth.

"Yes, I need to get to Harry Styles, please", I tell her quite quickly.

"He is in that room but he's already started his therapy", She said as she continued popping her gum

"i am his boyfriend, you will let me in!", I tell her a bit harshly. I have no time for her games right now.

"Everyone would say that to get to Mr. Styles, sir.", She said a bit snooty. I then grab my phone and call Zayn. I do not have time for this woman's bullshit.

"Hello", zayn says a bit irritated

"Can you please let this snooty woman know that I am allowed to go in there with the precious Harry Styles?", I say to him mocking her tone. He comes out and gets me and as we are heading back in there she tries to stop us.

"You're not allowed in there, sir!", She said as I started walking in there with Zayn. Harry must have heard the commotion, because we heard him in a not so friendly way tell the receptionist that she better let his dumb ass boyfriend in the room. She shut up and told us to go in.
I am so mad right now. We are here at the therapist place waiting on Louis. Zayn had to bring me because Louis never showed up. I get that we are not totally back together and that Louis is still having issues with us. I get that. But don't tell me that you're going to be there for me and then not show up. Yeah, maybe I deserve it, but still, these back and forth games need to stop. I am sorry for what I did, let's move on from it. Right now, I am doing my leg exercises and such. They have like a weight bench that has the leg lifts at the end of it. It's still a bit difficult as I can feel it up my legs and my back when I do these. But I can also feel my legs getting stronger. Today is the day that I try to walk holding onto those side bars. The therapist said that she would be behind me with my chair just in case I lose my balance. I am very nervous and that is the reason I need Louis here. Even through all our shit, he is the one that can calm my nerves the most. Well, besides Liam, but he's not here. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt that something happened out of his control and not the fact that he forgot even though I reminded him hundreds of times.

"Ok Harry, we need to get you over to the bars and see what yo can do", my therapist told me. I hesitated because Louis wasn't here, yet. But I know that she has other appointments that she needs to tend to. So I wheel myself over to where she wants me. I get my chair in between these two bars that go down a line aways. I stand in between the bars and hold onto them with each hand at the side and walk along that little 'path'. I grab ahold of the bars and stand up. I take a couple of steps and lose my balance.

"Damn it!!", I say as i fall back into my chair. I am so fucking frustrated right now. I can't even concentrate on what I am suppose to be doing. Pretty soon Zayns phone goes off. "If that's him, tell him to eat shit!", I say as I stand up and try again. Zayn walks off to take the call, coming back shortly explaining to me that Louis is on his way and that his alarm didn't go off. I so badly want to believe him, I really do. I will be able to tell when he gets here what really happened. I can't take more than two steps without losing my balance. My legs feel like jello. And I can feel the difference of the before and after affect of my incident. I'm having to learn how to walk standing a certain way. My posture being a certain way. it's difficult to do. not to mention my legs forgetting how to function correctly. Pretty soon we here some commotion outside the door.

"I believe he's here', Zayn says. At that moment his phone goes off. I can hear Louis on the other end. I can tell he is frustrated and a bit peeved but I had to throw my two cents in anyways. Zayn had to go out and get him because that woman wouldn't let him in. After a bit of nonsense Louis was finally allowed in. He came over and stood aways from me. Well, it felt like a long ways, but he was just in front of my finger tips if my arms were stretched out. He stands there beings that's where he was told to stand. She doesn't want me to have walk too far, but yet far enough. And even if i reach him, I can't just reach out to him. We have to be chest to chest. I take a deep breath and take a step with my left foot first. I about fall

"I can't do this", I say as I look down at the floor. I'm trying to hold back my tears of frustration but some escape anyways.

"hey, you can do this, love", Louis says softly. I don't want to look at him because I am mad at him, but I do anyways. And the moment I look in his eyes, my heart skips some beats. His eyes are saying more than he is. I can tell that he was not late on purpose. I look past him and I shouldn't have.

"I can't walk that far, Louis", I tell him with a shaky voice.

"You don't have to, love. Look at me, not behind me. But at me. I am your goal. when you get to me you can hug me, kiss me, slap me. Whatever you choose to do. Just get to me baby", Louis says. the tears welling up in his eyes. My first couple of steps were a bit shaky, but the more steps I took the more my body got into it. Before I knew it, i was close enough to touch him.

"You're almost here, baby! C'Mon you can do it!", Louis says in his high squeaky voice that he gets when he is excited. I take a few more steps and I find myself in his arms. He wraps his arms tightly around my waist and my arms go around his neck. I start sobbing like aa child as does Louis. "You did it baby!", He says into my chest. He helps me set back down in my chair and I look and see Zayn with wet eyes and same with my therapist. I guess we got too emotional.

"You did very well, Harry!", My therapist said with a smile on her face. "Next visit will be on Wednesday of next week. Keep doing what you have been doing. We will try to go further then", she says as she squeezes my shoulder. We then gather our things and head out to the receptionist to get an appointment card. The lady there just glares at Louis as she hands me the card.

"Can we go eat somewhere? I am starving", I say as we head to the car.

"Yes, we sure can", Zayn says. "My treat", he says as he looks at Louis and I. I get in the car with Louis and Zayn follows us to a great Italian restaurant up the road a bit. Today has been great. I have a feeling the weekend is going to be even better, if you know what I mean

A/N: Here you guys go. I hope you enjoyed it. Harry is in the healing process as it looks like their relationship is as well. YAAY! thank you for reading this and keeping up with it as I post. You guys are amazing. Again thank you so much for your support. i was just telling one of my other great readers today how I never thought it would get to this point. It was just an idea that came to me one day and I thought what the hell let's give it a try. i was looking at 40 maybe 50 chapters tops. And look at it..70 chapters and still going. Thank you guys so much. It's your support that keeps me writing. wether it's just a read..or vote..or comment..i appreciate it all. much love xx Ohh, heads up, next chapter will be the start of Niam's weekend. Going to be very good!!:-)

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