Chapter 85 (EPILOGUE)

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A/N: I have a bit to say here. I am a bit emotional right now so it will probably show in my writing. I don't know if Anne's account was hacked or if it was a set up for all of this to happen. Part of the fandom believes both ways. I am not sure what to believe anymore. But if she was hacked I am extremely upset with the one that did it. Privacy and respect need to be relearned,especially in this fandom. Anne has deactivated her twitter and instagram. Wouldn't surprise me if Harry does the same. I will be very surprised if the boys ever come back after all that has happened since they became a band. Okay enough of my rant. This is the epilogue as you well know. After this please comment any ideas you may have for the sequel. I am even in conflict on what the title should be..LOL..Your guys' ideas are very much appreciated. Any that you may have send them my way. I have a few as well, but I want to know what you guys would like to see in the sequel. Children? Mpreg? Adoption? What would you guys like to see? And there maybe a few pov changes here, but I will try to keep it a minimal.LOL..

It's been a year since Harry walked into the club and introduced himself. Well, I say introduced, but I guess mor a less yelled out what he wanted and that I better get it because of who he is. Eleven months since we got together. About four months since he proposed. We still stayed at our own places. Well, Kind of. But we would bounce back and forth. Which brings me to where we are now.

"I think this is yours", I told Niall as I grabbed an item off the shelf in our living room. He is in the process of moving out and over to Liam's. Harry is at his and Liam's place doing the samething. Packing his things up to come here. Their bedroom stuff, bed, dresser, etc. is going with them. So Harry's will come here and in the spare room. (Nialls old room)

"Thank you, Lou", He says as he grabbed it from me. His bedroom is all packed up and just waiting on the moving truck to get here. Just need a small one for just one room. While we unload his things at Liam's we will load Harry's up to bring here.

"This is harder than I thought it would be, Niall", I told him as I sat on the couch. "I'm happy that Harry and I are finally making that move forward with each other. But I am going to miss having you around so much"

"Louis, we are still going to see each other just as often. I have practically been living at Liam's anyways. Liam and Harry are like brothers, so they will want to still see each other. You are still going to help at the club even after school starts, so we will still see eachother often", Niall explained making me feel a bit better. To explain things, I did get that job at the highschool for assistant coach. I will not be teaching any other classes besides that one. In off season, I will help them train and get ready for when the season starts. And Harry also got that job as an instructor for the boxing class. Since he can't have any full blown contact, he will help them with the punching bag and ball. And help keep up with the equipment. Help teach them the basics without having physical contact. He has gotten way better and no longer needs his walker or a cane. He has come a long ways in a lot of areas.

"Very true", I tell Niall as I bring myself out of my thoughts. "Just going to be a bit different, I suppose."  He nods in agreement as he makes one more walk through making sure he has everything packed up. We then hear a knock on the door, letting us know the driver was here to help move things. We began loading stuff up into the moving truck. As I see his bed and dresser being moved out, it hits me again that he is moving out and another chapter to our story will be beginning as this one is ending. I walk upstairs with him to have one more walk through of his room to, again, make sure he got everything. Five years of memories in this room. This whole house. We both just take a moment to look around and take it all in.

"This is going to be different, Louis", Niall says as he looks at me. "But a good different. We are only going to be a few blocks away from each other, so that's a big plus.", He says as he hugs me. We stand there like that for a bit, til we hear someone clear their throat.

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