chapter 14

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When we got back up to the bar, I could see why Niall came and got me. We are getting slammed. Guess some of Harrys fans wanted to party with him tonight. Speaking of that little rat, he will get his paybacks for what he pulled in the bathroom. For a minute I thought he was upset, but then I saw that little glimmer in his eyes telling me otherwise. He had to get me all rowled up just to make me wait for later. I was glad he told Alex that all was okay. She was a bit worried about it when we left the office. Now she is all smiles and laughing the way she always does with the customers, even on a busy night like tonight. Ed is here tonight doing a gig. He is really good. He likes interacting with the crowd and at times will pull someone on stage to do a song..with him or on their own. Speaking of Ed, I think he may have a thing for Alex. I think he's a pretty cool lad from what I have gotten to know of him. My suspicions grow when he comes up and orders a drink before heading back to the stage. Alex is standing there chatting with us while we rushed around to get the drinks made. He wraps his arm around her shoulders and asks how his favorite waitress is doing. She blushes deeply and hides her face in her shoulder as she muffles out a fine. A smile being able to be seen as the corner of her mouth turns up a bit. I just smirk as I hand her the drinks and she rushes off to deliver them to the awaiting tables. Ed looks at me and smiles a bit.

"I so love doing that to her.", He says as he grabs his drink and starts to walk off

"Please tell me you're not just messing with her for a reaction", I say to him. "She's a lovely gal and I don't want to see her hurt. And neither does Niall." He turns to me and shakes his head a bit

"Actually, Louis, I think I kind of like her", He responds as a blush comes up on his face and he walks away.

"What was that all about?", Niall says as he comes over and stands beside me.

"I do believe Ed has a thing for your little cousin", I say as I smile a bit and go back to making drinks

"Lord have mercy on me!', He says as he walks off. "First zayn and Perrie and now them". Yes, our waitress Perrie and our friend/bartender like each other. Wait. What? I just shake my head and go back to what I was doing. Harry setting at the bar chatting with Liam as they watch us work our tail ends off. Harry and I trading flirty glances with each other through out the night. Pretty soon we hear Ed asking for volunteers to come up and sing while he takes a toilet break.

"Come on Alex! Come sing for us!", I hear him say. Pretty soon i hear an Irish voice chanting out Alex name. And then he has the whole club doing it. I look over at the poor girl and she is trying to hide herself in the crowd. I see Liam get up and go over to her. He literally lifts her up with one arm and carries her to the stage. Luckily Alex is pretty tiny. Maybe 120 lbs. He puts her down gently and whispers something to her as he walks back towards the bar. She picks up the mic and in a soft voice introduces herself. The crowd cheers and whistles at her causing her to shy away a bit,yet,get a bit talkative as well. She starts singing the song 'Girl Crush' by Little Big Town, and after the first few words she has the crowd right at her finger tips. Hanging on every word and note that she sings. I look over at Niall and we both have this shocked look on our face. The girl can really sing amazingly. As she sings the line 'I wanna taste her lips yeah cause they taste like you', I catch her glancing over at Ed. I believe she likes him too. When she finished the crowd was standing and cheering her on. I know some of them were drunk, but they still know a good singer when they hear one. "More! More! More! was all I could hear coming from the people. Niall was in the midst of that. She smiled real big and said loudly.."Anything for my favorite people"..She calls Ed up to the stage and whispers something in his ear..he then changes the disc and Katy Perry is soon playing through the speakers. The dance floor is crowded as she starts singing 'Dark Horse'. She is rocking this song. People dancing to it and singing along with her. She is belting out the words like they were coming to her naturally. Again she is sealing glances at Ed. Harry leans over the bar and starts singing to me. 'So you wanna play with magic Boy, you should know what you're falling for. Baby do you care to do this? Cause I'm coming at you like a dark horse'. Then he leans in further and plants a wet one right on my lips. "I'm ready love", Is all i can choke out. At that moment we see Ed run to the stage and grab the other mic and starts doing the rap part. Alex is dancing to it as Ed belts out the verse. They have the whole club going crazy. This is great! She looks so happy up there. Finally letting loose and having fun. When that's over she sets her mic down and thanks the crowd

"As bad as I hate to guys, I have yo turn it back over to Ed and go back to serving you drinks", She says laughing as she walks back over to the bar. We give her high fives and tell her she did great. Perrie came over and said that sometime they are doing a duet together. That made Alex smile even more. At that time the mood was chilled a bit with the ringing of Liams phone. Him excusing himself as he walked towards the back of the bar away from the noise. Niall looked at Harry with a questioning look. Harry shrugging his shoulders, but his face is mirroring Nialls. After a bit, Liam comes back towards the front, telling Harry they need to go. Harry kissing me quickly. Liam doing the same with Niall, and then they were out the door. Leaving Niall and I wondering what the call was about and what the hell just happened.

A/N: Here is chapter 14 guys. I hope you enjoy it. Again, please give me your input on this. I really want to hear from you guys. What do you think the call was about? What do you think about Alex and Ed? I know Zayn and Perrie are through, but I just can't picture them with some one else, so they are together in this story. One thing I love about Fanfic..we can make it how we want to. All the love~K

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