Chapter 63

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A/N:Good morning my lovelies. I am currently up at 5 a.m can't sleep so guess what I'm doing..yep, writing and drinking coffee..LOL..I hope this turns out good as it is so early in the morning..


I drive as fast but safely as I could to get to the hospital. It's a bit late so traffic isn't too bad. When I get to the hospital, I realize that certain parts are now closed off due to what time it is. So, to make it easier for myself I park out front. Closer to the door that I have to enter. Well, I thought it was going to be easier. A lot of Harry's fans were setting out front showing their support for him. They were being quiet and civil. It's the paps and reporters that were being jerks. As soon as I walk up they surround me.

"back off you fooking loosah. Go get yourself a fooking life!!", I said as I pushed my way through. Of course I had tears in my eyes due to crying all the way here, so that threw some concern to the fans there. I calmly told them all is well as I finally made it to the door and entered. A security guard there trying to keep things under control. I made my way to the elevator and quickly pushed the button to the designated floor. My nerves getting a hold of me the closer I get to his room. "C'Mon Louis, you can do this", I tell myself as I let out a puff of air and get off the elevator. When I get to his room, I hear voices in there, so I stand by the door and listen. I know, shame on me. But hey, curiosity got the best of me. I hear female voices. So I listen more.

"Harry, you know he loves you. Why are you fighting this so much?"..That was Gem. ohh That's why she wasn't at the club.

"Harry, I know my brother probably better than he knows himself. When he loves, he loves hard. When he says he loves you it comes strait from his heart. He will fight hard for what he loves and wants. But, he is only human, and the more he is pushed away, the more he closes his heart off to you. And pretty soon he will stop fighting and just walk away. If that's not what you want to happen, then you need to stop shutting him out. I know you're hurting, physically and emotionally. I remember going through this same thing with him when he lost his career before it ever started. I had to tell him these same things about shutting people out. He knows from experience what you're feeling and going through. Please don't shut him out. Please don't break him now that we have him on the road of being fixed. Let him help you and mend you", that was Lottie. I just slide down the door onto my bum and pull my legs up to my chest and cry some more.

"Son, please listen to them. They know what they're saying. We love you so much and we don't want to see you completely broken from this. Please accept the fact that you are human and need the help. Especially when there is some one who is willing to drop everything for you and help you and fix you. Please son. I just want you to be okay again", Anne said. I could tell she was crying as her voice was a bit shaky. I never heard Harry give his response, and that's okay. They gave him a lot to think about. I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't feel the door open, until, I was laying on my back, looking up at three very shocked faces.

"Holy shit, Lou!", Gem squealed out as she jumped back a bit. That caused us all to laugh a bit. Anne and Lottie helped me up off the floor and I brushed my pants off and straitened out my shirt. "Hey ladies, how are you", I said as nonchalantly as I could. "We're good", Anne answered while laughing a bit. Lottie gave me a hug telling me to not give up just yet. I don't plan to, not anytime soon. We gave our hugs and said our goodbyes as they left Harrys room. I closed the door and quietly made my way over to his bed. I set down in the chair closest to his bed and just set there not saying a word. Afraid that the walls around us would crumble with any bit of noise. The bubble that we have put around us is fragile and at any minute I feel like it could burst. After a bit of silence Harry speaks up breaking the silence.

"I'm tired Lou, I may just sleep", He said as he looked at me. He actually looked at me while talking. And he called me Lou, not Mr. Tomlinson. His eyes are shining with unshed tears. I wish he would just let them fall. But he's too prideful to let them go. Makes me want to cry for him. Which I think all this tears I have shed were for him and not so much for myself.

"Do you mind if I stay here with you?", I ask him as I reach out for his hand. "If that's what you want to do", He said in his raspy tired voice, taking ahold of my hand. Okay, now the tears start falling again. He reaches up and wipes them away with his finger and thumb. "Don't cry boo. I will try and change, I promise. It's hard for me not to be an ass and hard hearted in times like these. But i am trying.", He says as he tries to get comfortable. "Get some rest, babe, I will be here when you wake up", I tell him as I lean down and kiss his nose. It may sound crazy, but with him and I, our nose kisses say more than our lip kisses do. Can't say why, but they do. He closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep. the tellie playing some talk show quietly in the back ground. I decide to get on twitter and see what's being said there.

@Harrysbae Just seen Louis go into the hospital doors. He was crying. Hope all is well with Harry.

@Hazza_Bear Just met Harrys mum and sister and louis' sister outside the hospital! Very nice ladies.

The tweets went on and on! From wishing him well to sending their love to how cute my bum is. What!?! Okay, I do have a nice bum I have to admit that..LOL..(A/N: the two @ that i used as far as I know are not real. I just came up with them. If they are real, I'm sorry I didn't know..LOL) I then noticed Anne tweeted. She tweeted a thank you to everyone showing support but that they should go home and get some sleep. I laughed at that one. Anne is so sweet. Always concerned for others more than herself. I decide to put my phone away after reading through more tweets, ignoring the hateful unpleasant ones. Right now, i have no time for them. As i turn around to put my phone on the cabinet by his bed and plug it in to charge, I see two pieces of notebook paper setting there. Both of them have writing on them. At the top of one is in bold letters "DON"T LET ME GO", and partial lyrics? started underneath it. I look at it with shock. I look at the other one "FOR YOUR EYES ONLY" is written on the top of that one. With words started on that one as well. Is he writing songs? I had no idea he did that. I looked over some of the lyrics on both of them and began to cry. I put the papers back down where they were. Knowing Harry, nobody was suppose to see those, including me. Not yet anyways. I wish he would show me his heart, I want to see and know all of him. I turn the chair to face his bed more and scoot it closer to him. I lay my head down on the mattress with my arms folded under my head. I will probably wake up with a stiff back from this position, but right now I don't care. I want to be close to my Hazza right now. I gently hold his hand, feeling his fingers close around my hand. And that's how I fall asleep

A/N: there you go my lovelies. I hope you enjoyed this. I had fun writing this chapter. Please vote and comment your thoughts. I love hearing from you guys. And please check out my other finished story..Through The Dark..Thank you so very much. Much love to all of you xx By the way, I was listening to For Your Eyes Only by the boys while writing this..xx

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