Chapter 77

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A/N: Happy Friday my lovely readers! Hope everyone is doing great this fine morning! How is everyone enjoying the pics that are coming through on Twitter of our boys? I'm loving it! Have missed seeing Niall! And now he is making a bit of an appearance! Anywho, here is chapter 77. I hope you guys enjoy it.

Harry and I are currently upstairs in his room trying to find something nice to wear. I decide on denim button up shirt with a t-shirt underneath. Leaving the button up unbuttoned. A pair of black skinny jeans as Harry says he loves how they make my ass look. Harry chose a his red silk button up and a pair of black skinny jeans and his black boots. His cross necklace hanging off his neck. This boy is literally trying to kill me. And of course he has to have the top three buttons unbuttoned. Dear God, this boy is too hot for his own good. Zayn went ahead and stayed over till we leave for the club so that he could help me get Harry up and down the stairs. His legs are regaining their strength and his body is getting use to having to walk a certain way. Today he did some leg workouts on his exercise equipment out in the garage. Just as we got dressed, we heard a light knock on the bedroom door.

"Come in", i say from where I stood in the middle of the floor. Zayn walks in and immediately starts fanning the air

"Damn, lads, how much cologne do you think you need?", He asks as he walks further into the room. "Smells like Macey's on Christmas in here", he said, causing us all to laugh

"Gotta smell good for my man", Harry says from the bed. He is currently setting there waiting for us to help him down the stairs.

"Do you want to take your wheel chair or your walker, mate?", Zayn asked as he was gathering things up

"Think I just want my walker", Harry said as he thought about.

"How about we take both just in case you change your mind through the night", I suggested as Zayn got his walker and I got his wheel chair. Harry nodded in agreement. "Do not try to stand up by yourself, Haz", I tell him as Zayn and I head towards the bedroom door. "we are taking this stuff down and then we will be back up here to help you", I tell him quite sternly. He just nodded at me with a slight smile on his face. We rush down stairs with the stuff and hurry back up because here lately Harry has been getting braver and I can just see him trying to make his way to the stairs. We set the walker close to the bottom of the stairs and his walker folded up by the door. As we make our way up the stairs, I hear Zayn gasp. I rush around him to see what he is looking at. of course he made it to the top before me, him and his long ass legs. When I look where he is staring at, I about fall back down the stairs. I grab onto the rail and make my way fully up the stairs and to my door way. Harry is standing there holding onto one part of the door frame with a tight grip while he leans against the other part of the door frame.

"Oh My God! Harry, you're going to give me a heart attack one of these days!", I say to him as I dart over to him

"Louis, babe, I'm fine", He says as i wrap an arm around his waist and one of his goes around my shoulder. "I wanted to see if I could at least get to the door alone, and I did it!", He says quite proudly I may add. "Yes, you sure did!", I say as I look at him with a huge smile on my face. Zayn then comes around and puts his arm around Harry's waist from his other side and we make our way down the stairs. Harry only tripping up a couple of times. But I'm not sure if that was due to his injury and just because Harry can be clumsy at times. When we make it to the bottom of the stairs, he grabs onto his walker and Zayn grabs the wheel chair. We then head out the door and to Zayn's vehicle. Once we all get settled in, he pulls out of the drive and onto the street. Heading to our favorite club. Once there we pull up and park the car. The parking lot is already full and people are already lined up waiting to get in. It's going to be a busy night tonight, that's for sure. As we walk in, people start moving to the side to let Harry through. He is trying really hard to just depend on his walker. So far he is doing pretty good. I am at his side and Zayn is walking closely behind him. As we walk into the club, the regulars look in our direction and start cheering and clapping as they see Harry 'walking' into the club. He has a great support team and I think it is starting to hit him just how much support he has. We make it to the bar and get him seated and then Zayn and I make it to our spots behind the bar.

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