Chapter 16

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I can't believe Harry is acting like this. I storm out after he literally kicks me out of the house. What an arsehole. trying to show him I care and am scared for him and he thinks I'm not being supportive. What the hell ever! I don't need this! I step out into the darkness. It's early morning. Like 4 a.m. It's still a bit chilly out. As I step outside and head to the car, I then realize I can't leave yet. My ride is still in the house with his boyfriend. I could just get in Nialls car and leave. He wouldn't care. But, I don't have the keys, he does. So I just get in the car and set there and try not to cry. But, against my will, the teers start to stream down my cheeks. I fell for this boy because I see another side of him. The tender caring side. This arsehole that spoke to me like that is the old Harry. Or so I thought. I'm brought out of my thoughts with a tap on the car window. I wipe my eyes and look to see that it's Liam standing there. I wave him in, giving him permission to set with me. He opens the door and slides into the drivers side.

"Hey", he says quietly as he closes his door.

"Hey", i respond as I wipe my eyes

"Mate, I am sorry for the way he talked to you. But please try to understand him.", He says as he turns to look at me. Understand him? Really?

"Liam, I have tried to understand him! I have given everything I have to him. Physically and emotionally!", I say as I turn to him

"Lou, look back on all the times he has lashed out like that. It was always times that he was scared or insecure. Harry will not show fear or any sign of feeling defeated. He puts on his tough act to cover all that up. It wasn't anything personal.", He tries to convince me. Deep down I know he's right. But right now, I feel hurt and betrayed. "Please try to talk to him before you leave. Show him that, for once in his life, he does not have the upper hand in this. That, for once, Harry Styles is not in control of the situation. You walk right now and he wins. Stand up to him. Show him that, you, Louis Tomlinson will not bow down to a cocky boxer just because he thinks he rules the world." I look at him with a shocked look on my face. 

"Liam, he's your best mate, yet you're out here saying these things to me about him. I'm shocked", I say as I softly laugh. He does the same.

"Lou, I have known Harry most of my life. I love him to bits. But his attitude has got to go. I have had to put him in his place more than once. But as you can see, he has still stuck around. I earned his respect by standing up to him". That makes since I guess..After a few more minutes of talking I decide to take my chances and go back inside to talk to him. We get out of the car and head back inside. As I head for the stairs, Liam gives my shoulder a squeeze. Reassuring me that it will be alright. When I get upstairs, I stand outside his door for a bit before I get up enough courage to knock on it softly. I get no answer, so I just walk in. Harry is setting on the bed with his elbows propped on his knees, face in his hands.

"Harry", I say softly to get his attention. He looks up at me with no emotion in his eyes

"I thought I told you to leave", He says as he stands up and walks towards me.

"Yeah, well, like you I don't always do as I'm told", i fire back. Regretting the words after they leave my mouth. He stands there just staring at me. Expecting me to leave. But I wont. I can be just as stubborn as him when needed. "We need to talk, Harry"

"Yeah, well, I have nothing to say", he says bitterly

"Good! For once you can be quiet and listen to me then!", I say with more confidence. He just stands there and stares at me more. A shocked look on his face. He slowly goes back to the bed and sets down

"Make it quick, Tomlinson!"

"For the past few months I have dealt with your cocky attitude. You have belittled me and treated me like I was nothing. But I have still stayed by you because you have also shown me the other side of you. The caring loving side. This cocky ungreatful Harry is not the real Harry. I know you are scared right now, Harry. And that's ok. Because believe it or not, Harry Styles is not superman."

"I do not get scared, Tomlinson! Fear shows weakness! And I am not weak!", Harry belts out

"No, Harry! Fear shows that you're human! it's how you confront that fear that matters! You can run from it! Or you can face it! And you have chosen to face it! That shows courage! It's ok to have fear or be scared! And once you realize that, you're life will be so much easier!"

"No!", He shouts out. "fear shows weakness and vulnerability. That's when people come in and knock you down. When you show fear!", He says as he looks away from me and stares at the wall.

"I didn't say to show the fear, Harry! But to treat people who love you the way you treated me tonight and other times, is not cool. Just because I tell you I'm scared for you, doesn't mean I don't support you! It just shows that I care about you. And that..I love you.", I say the last part a bit softly

"You..You love me?", he asks softly as he look at me with wide eyes

"Yes, Harry! I, Louis Tomlinson, love you! If I didn't, I wouldn't be standing here right now. I would've walked away long time ago." He then gets up and walks towards me. I stand there not sure what to do. When suddenly i feel his hands on my face. His soft gentle hands. It's amazing that the same hands that can leave some one battered and bruised on the mat, are the same hands that can hold me so gently. we stand there for a few minutes just staring into each others eyes. Looking for answers or reassurance. It's then that I feel his soft lips on mine. I quickly give into him and kiss him back. The kiss his full of passion and need. The need to feel forgiven..wanted..needed..but mostly loved. We slowly pull away and just look at each other

"I'm so sorry, Louis", Harry says softly as he strokes my cheek. "i know I can be an ass at times, and I am sorry for being that way towards you. I love you too, Louis Tomlinson", Harry says as teers start flowing down his cheeks. After a few minutes of tender moments, we wipe the teers from each others cheeks.

"Alright Mr. Styles!", i say as we we get ourselves back together." Time to get you pumped up and ready to face this monster!" He looks at me with this gleam in his eyes. I smile at him and softly hit his arm."Not like that,perv. Not yet anyways. I'm tired and thirsty". I say to him as I walk towards his bedroom door to walk out. I hear a slight groan from behind me as I feel his hand on my lower back, guiding me out the door and down the stairs. We continue our friendly banter as we walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. Finally laughing and joking with each other. This moment right here and now are the moments I live for. The reasons I stay with him. as we turn into the kitchen, I suddenly stop, Harry running into me from behind. I look at the sight in front of me. My eyes go wide with shock. From behind me I hear an "OH MY GOD! MY EYES!", as I feel Harrys hand come around and cover my eyes. Liam and Niall are in the kitchen full on naked getting it on. This night/morning has been full of all kinds of surprises. Liam and Niall jump as they hear Harrys scream.

"What? this is my house too", Liam says as him and Niall stay in the position we caught them in.

"Exactly!", Harry belts out. "Meaning, you have a room! Use it!" Liam looks at Niall as they pull away from each other and quickly grab their clothes and run up the stairs. Harry and I just look at them as they leave the room, shaking our heads and laughing as we grab something to drink and head back upstairs ourselves. Very tired and worn out, we climb into bed and cuddle each other. Falling asleep in each others arms. It's then that I realize that not only do I love this boy. But I think I am falling in love with him as well. That scares me to death. But this is a fear that I will face head on!

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. We seen another reason for Harrys attitude. How do you think Harry will deal with all this that he's feeling..having to face the one that ended Liams career? And the fear he feels as he faces the fact that he too is falling hard for Louis..stay tuned as there is more to come..

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