Chapter 30

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I came downstairs to get some warm tea because I was having a hard time sleeping. It is 2 a.m., this lad should be sawing logs by now. Guess it has to do with Niall not being here. He and Louis went back to their flat a couple days ago to get it cleaned up and situated for the holidays. Yes, we are from London, but we all feel that we have been here long enough to call it our 'second home', so we celebrate Thanksgiving as well. Besides, isn't it a day to give thanks for everything you have? Well, then, I feel that anyone who wants to celebrate it should be able to. But, because it is an American holiday, our families don't travel here for it. So us lads get together and have a little get together. And this year will be even more special since Louis and Niall will be joining us. Anyways, back to me going downstairs to get some warm tea. I hear Harry in the living room typing away on his phone,I'm assuming. After I get the water on to boil, I go in there to check on him to make sure everything is ok.

"Har, what you doing up at this hour?", I ask him as I plop down on the couch next to him

"Alot of bullshit on twitter that I am trying to get settled.", He says as he yawns and keeps typing.

"Just on twitter or..other media sights?"

"Mainly twitter. Louis got on here and gave his two cents to the reporters and journalists for their stupidity. I'm not stopping him. He has the right to defend himself and I'm going to allow it no matter who it pisses off", Harry said as he started getting worked up again

"Hey, Harry, I agree. If they don't want to deal with Louis' sass and attitude then they need to quit giving him ammo to fire with", I tell him. "Do you mind if look up what he said?", I asked as I grabbed my laptop and turned it on.

"Please do read it and the comments along with it. Louis and I both are on right now dealing with it. I bet nialler will have his say when he gets up in the morning", Harry says jumping a little as the kettle whistles quite loudly to let us know the water is done. He gets up to get our tea,letting me know he needs a break from it for now and that he will gladly get up and get it for us. once I get my laptop going I go straight to twitter and go to Louis' account. Damn, multiple tweets tied in together just to say what he wants to say. It goes like this:

"I want to thank Kathleen for sticking up for me and the lads while others want to write and spread lies about us. Thank you for pointing out that Lottie is my sister. To all you other magazines and news papers(calling them out one by one) you guys are so full of shit! You just want a story to put out and so you go with anything that sounds or looks good. But all you're doing is making yourselves look stupid! You want to make me look bad because I'm with the great Harry Styles and you guys can't stand it! So you want to make it look like I am out sleeping with every man or woman out there! Even if it means putting me with my sister! You guys are sick! You need to have your morals and minds rechecked! And by making me look bad you're also making Harry look bad! What's up with that!?! For you fans that are on here sticking up for us, I thank you so much! You guys are wonderful and amazing! You barely know me, but you're standing by me because you care for Harry so much! That makes me so happy! For you haters out there! Get a life and leave Harry and my life alone! I'm not going anywhere so get use to seeing me around alot more often! That's all I have to say! God night! Oh and Happy Thanksgiving!"

I die laughing on part of it because I can see Louis saying this to their faces if he could. I am proud of him. He's not afraid to speak his mind. I read through the comments and some of the are hateful. Telling Louis to go die under a bridge. Telling him incest is disgusting. Or that he needs to let Harry go if he's going to be a little whore and sleep around..etc..but then I see the loving ones telling Louis to ignore the hate..some telling him to tell his sister hello for him..some saying how cute he and Harry are together..a lot of them showing their love. So I go on and write a tweet as well

"To all of you that are supporting Harry and Louis through this shit, Thank you! Harry is trying really hard to get ready for this big fight coming up and the last thing he needs is a bunch of ignorant people starting chaos! I will say that Louis is not with anyone else! He and his sister are not in an incest relationship! That's just gross! I will say that if these reporters, journalists and haters want to keep up their shit I will personally press charges for spreading lies and bashing Harry and Louis on the media sights! And, yes, as his legal trainer I can and will take all steps needed to protect my boxer from humiliation and things that could ruin his reputation, his career and his life! Keep that in mind next time any of you want to bash him or Louis publicly! Thank you and goodnight!"

I then shut my computer and start drinking on my tea. I look at the clock and see that it is now 2:45 a.m. I go to get up so I can put my cup away and head back upstairs. All this shit got me tired enough to fall right to sleep. As I'm heading up the stairs, Harry starts laughing hysterically. I go back down and ask him what is so funny.

"What you all of a sudden laughing about,Haz?"

"Some of th-these comments...are ..hilarious", He tries to get out in between laughs.

"Please do share", I say as I set back down beside him

"For one, Louis says thank you for all you had to say. Others are saying that the haters and magazines better back off because the payno is now stepping in.. another one said that the great Payno has spoken everyone better back goes on and on.."

"Alrighty then", I say as I get back up."I will always have yours and Louis' backs, Harry. Please know that", I tell him as I squeeze his shoulder. "Guess we better get some sleep. We have a busy day tomorrow", I tell him as I head back up the stairs..again. I hear him grunt as he gets up and turns the light off and heads up there with me. I go into my room and shut the door ad get all snuggled under the covers. When I suddenly hear an "oh Shit" and then a thud.

The Boxer VS The Bartender (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now