Chapter 24

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A/N: I'm going to do some spicing up to this story. Seems like it's just not going the way I want it to. So, with holidays creeping up on us, I'm going to add them in the story. So, Making it to where Harry and Liam met Niall and Louis four months ago. In June. Niall and Liam have been together for four months now. And Louis and Harry three months. This chapter may be a bit short. Kind of a filler. But I hope you guys still enjoy it.


As Louis and I were walking in the vicinity of the hospital we came across a little diner. Looked nice on the outside, so we decided to go check it out. We walk in and a bell above the door dinged, alerting a waitress to come seat us. Someone comes up to us and directs us to a table in the corner close to the back. I look around taking in the set up of the little diner. There are booths lined up along the left wall. And to the right is a counter with bar stools lined up against it. Behind the counter is a rack of bags of potato chips, a refrigerator full of cartons of different juices and milks. A coffee pot. And an assortment of other odds and ends. The booths were red and the tables covered by red striped table cloths. Has a very home-like feeling to it. Very cozy. As we are seated, the waitress takes our drink orders while handing us our menus. As I keep looking around, I notice something that didn't catch my eye before. Halloween decorations? Really? I didn't realize it was that time of year already. I was brought out of my daze by someone tapping my hand and saying my name.

"Harry, what are you having?", Louis asks as he keeps flipping through the menu. At that time another waitress came up to see if we were ready to order.

"Yes, I think I will have the pancake platter", Louis said as he handed the waitress his menu. I looked at what that consisted of ad decided I wanted the same thing. It had a stack of pancakes covered in butter, syrup and powdered sugar, eggs, and bacon. My mouth started watering as I read it. As she took the menus and walked away I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I took it out of my pocket seen that Niall had sent me a text. As I go to reply, Louis' phone goes off. Zayn is calling him. Niall is wanting us to pick food up for Liam as well. Good, the boy needs to eat. Just as I was about to respond, I got another text saying that they wanted McDonalds. I kind of figured. I sent a reply and tucked my phone away in my jacket pocket.

"Zayn said that he and Josh have the club covered for tonight and for Niall and I to concentrate on helping Liam tonight.", Louis said as he hung up his phone and put it away.

'Sounds good to me, Love", I told him as I grabbed his hand across the table. Then Louis' phone went off again. Argh. Just want five minutes uninterrupted with him. I watched him as he talked to whoever it was. The way his mouth moved. The smile that lit up his face. The laugh that left his lips. Yeah, I better stop watching before I drag him to the bathroom.

"That was Alex", Louis said as he tucked his phone away. "She was wanting to know if we had any plans for the club on Halloween. And if not, she has an idea."

"What's her idea?", I asked out of curiosity.

"The workers dress up for sure. And if any of the people that come to the club Saturday want to dress up then they can. We can have snacks and food to serve them", Louis said. I nodded my head in agreement as he told me the idea.

"I think that would be fun actually. Let's definitely get with Niall and talked to him about it as well. This being Monday, that gives us sometime to get things prepared for it." At that moment our food finally made it out to us. Was wondering what was taking so long

"Sorry it took long to get it out to you", the waitress said. "The cooks over looked your ticket and another customers as well. So your food is on us today.", The waitress said as she walked away. We ate our food in silence. Too hungry to talk and eat. When we finished our food we got up and headed to the counter to pay. On the way out the door, Niall texted to remind us to get food for him and Liam. We walk back to the hospital and get in his car and drive to a McDonalds. We go through the drive-through hoping to make it quick so we can get back to the hospital. I learned that the people there can be rude and that a rude worker does not mix well with a sassy Louis. Needless to say, we got our food free here as well when Louis turned in the girl taking our money for her rude behavior. Just an FYI,  when you're talking to Louis you smile and don't just drop the money in his hand to where half of it ends up on the ground outside the car. We finally make it back to the hospital and to Liams room. Niall looked like he was going to eat us if we didn't get his food to him, like, now.

"Thank you, lads", Niall said with a mouthful of his hamburger"

"Yes, thank you very much", Liam said."Definitely not looking forward to hospital food for the next couple of days", He said as he munched on fries. As they ate we chatted a bit. We brought up the idea that Alex had for Halloween. They thought it would be great as well. So, Louis will mention it to everyone tomorrow when he goes in to work. After a little while, Louis and I decide to go ahead and leave so that Liam could get more rest. As we got up to leave, Niall got on the bed with him and cuddled in to him for the second time today. On the drive home, Louis was getting a bit frisky. I was trying to drive without killing us. Hard to do when your boyfriend has his hand rather close to your manhood. We did finally make it back home. And if I ran a couple stop lights, well no one needs to know.

A/N: Sorry if this chapter is a bit boring. It will pick back up a bit next chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed it. I will forewarn you now though that next chapter there will be a bit of 'Larry Love' going on. Is everyone still breathing after last nights show. Still trying to comprehend that this was their last show for awhile. Going to miss them so much. Comment  #heretostay if you're staying for the boys through out their break. I know I am.

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