Chapter 69

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"What did I just do, Nialler?", I asked a bit dramatically when I hung up with Harry. I fell back on his lap and put my arm over my face sighing. Niall is over spending the day with me since we haven't done that in awhile.

"Stop being a drama queen, Louis", Niall says as he pushes me off his lap causing me to fall to the floor. Of course that got Niall laughing hysterically.

"ow, that really did hurt", I said, rubbing my bum, as I got up off the floor. "What do I wear for tonight?", I asked as I set down beside him on the couch.

"Wear what you normally wear to work", Niall replied. "He's just going to be so happy that you guys are seeing each other tonight". He does have a point, I'm just so nervous. My heart is literally beating out of my chest. We haven't seen each other for a little over a week. We haven't talked on the phone until today. Only texted. I feel like I am seeing someone that I haven't seen in years and am needing to impress them. But I know we need to get this done since we will have no choice over the weekend but to face each other. Some say I may be moving too fast back into his arms. I'm not really running back to him, per say. More like turtle walking back to him. There is still a line there between us, but eventually it will be gone and we will be back better than ever. We spend the afternoon whipping each others asses on FIFA and just relaxing. It's been great. Have missed my best friend. have felt bad that he and Liam have been put in the middle of mine and Harry's mess. But they have stepped aside and have left it up to us to fix this mess. And since then, things have been better. At around five we both decide to go and get ready to go see our men. I go to my closet and pull out a pair of black skinny jeans and a black sleeveless shirt and my Tom's. I get dressed and then go to my mirror on my door and get my hair fixed up. Have it feathered back a bit. When i step out into the hall, I just about run into Niall. And oh my. If we weren't close like brothers and taken, I would definitely tap that. More than once. He is wearing his blue skinny jeans, a white button up shirt (two top buttons left open), his glasses and his hair is feathered to the side, laying across his forehead. Relaxed look, but the boy is damn sexy.

"Louis?", Niall says as he waves his hand in front of my face. "You okay, mate?"

"I'm fine, mate. It's just- damn Liam is going to have his hands full tonight", I say letting out a puff of air.

'Hopefully his mouth,too", Niall says as we make our way down stairs. We both break out in laughter with that one. We grab our keys and wallets and head out the door to our vehicles. We are taking our own just in case we go to different locations after work. Which is most likely. We get to the club about 30 minutes before we are due to open. We go in and get the tables set up and lights on. Our waitresses and bar hands have made it here as well, and so they are helping. We get everything ready to go just in time to open the doors. We are busy for being a Wednesday night. Unless word got out quickly that our boy would be making an appearance tonight. Time goes by and we continue serving a great crowd, when it comes to my attention that Liam and Harry have not made it here, yet.

"Niall have you heard from Liam?", I yell out as I get closer to him. "Yes, They will be here shortly. Liam is getting him in the car now. Your boy is a bit nervous", He said as he squeezed my shoulder and went back to making drinks. Pretty soon, I hear a loud voice over the crowd. Not Harry's though. Just a club member.

"Harry Styles in the house! Everyone make a path!", This guy shouted out. I stood there and patiently waited for him to make his way up to the bar. Watching people move to the side as he made his way through. Patting his shoulder as he made his way through. The minute I seen him, my heart stopped. He looked handsome. Breath-taking if you will. He was dressed in his norm..skinny jeans..button up shirt ,top 3 buttons left undone. Showing off his tattoos. His hear down and showing off his curls. He looks the way he does every other time I've seen him. But tonight, I'm seeing him in a whole other way. I way that I haven't seen him for the past few weeks. I'm seeing passed his cocky ego and seeing him for who and what he really is. Feels good to see him in that way again. No, my guard is still up, but I can feel myself being drawn to him again. I can feel myself forgiving him. We both just stare at each other for a bit. If he is a mirror of my image, we both have tears in our eyes. I make my way around the bar to where he is and lean over to give him a big huge hug. I know it's only been a couple of weeks or so since our fight and separation. And only a week since we last seen each other. But it seems like it's been ages. As I lean down to hug him he pulls me by my waist to where I am setting on his lap sideways, my arms around his neck and his around my waist. He leans his forehead against the side of my head.

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