Chapter 68

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A/N: Hey my lovelies! I have missed you! So sorry that I have been away for a few days! Had a very busy weekend! I am back now! Hope everyone had a great Valentines Day!

It's been a week since I have been to the club. A week since I have seen Louis. A week since I have heard Louis' voice. Yes, I know, I brought this on myself. But I am missing him like crazy! I feel like I am slowly going crazy. But I am trying to give him the space that he is needing. And trying to work on my on issues as well. Today is Wednesday, which means I have therapy this morning. Friday is the day that Liam and Niall are going away for the weekend, if not longer. Those days are to be used for Louis and I talking and hashing things out. Maybe with this time away, we will be calmed down enough to talk rationally to each other and not scream and yell. Although, if he were to yell at me, i would probably set there and take it. He has every right to raise his voice at me. I'm just hoping that's not how it goes. Zayn is going to help me to therapy Friday, if Louis isn't ready to do it, yet. I am suppose to stay the weekend with Louis, so hopefully he will be ready for it come Friday. Right now I am in my therapy class doing my leg exercises and my mind keeps wondering off while I do them.

"Okay, Harry, I now want to go to the pull up bar and see how many of those you can do now", My therapist says as she walks over to it. I wheel myself over there, Liam right beside me. With these, the bar is lowered some but not much to where I can reach it while setting in my chair. I then pull myself up from my chair and then back down to it. Like as if I was doing them standing up. Those are helping my upper body keep strong while I am limited. last week I did 30. Today I was able to do 60. That is exciting.

"okay, let's go over here to the benches and set down so we can talk", She said as she led us to where she wanted us. "Tonight and Tomorrow, I want you to get as much rest as you can. But still do your leg exercises. Just don't over do it. Friday is going to be a long tiring day and you will need your strength. We are going to have you walk with the help of the bars Friday", She says with a small smile on her face.

"I'm not sure I am ready for that,yet", I told her with a bit of fear. I am so scared I am going to fall and hurt myself more. But even more afraid of letting people down because I may not be able to do it like they hope.

"Harry, look at me", She said as she leaned forward to look at my face that is toward the floor. "If I didn't think you were ready, I wouldn't be having you do it. There is not a limit for you to do. We are going at your pace. But you do need to do as many as you can. And with each session we will try and go further.

"okay, I will try to", I tell her quietly. After that little talk, she tells us to be there Friday at 10 a.m. Liam then grabs our things and we head back out to the car. I wheel myself that way I can keep the strength up in my arms. I have also been helping Liam with supper the best I can. I help him load the dishwasher after he rinses the dishes after supper. Keeping me active so I don't get pulled down by depression. It really helps. I also help him load and unload the washer and dryer. He has me fold my own clothes but helps me put them away if i can't reach where they go. Here I am getting lost in my thoughts again. We are now on our way home. when we get there Liam helps me inside and I go over to the couch to lay down. Want to stay out of my room for a bit. I try to get on the couch by myself and almost succeed but dumb ass me forgot to put the break on and my wheelchair moved before I got fully on the couch.

"Liam! Please help!", I screamed out, quite loudly and panicked. When Liam came running into the living room, he stopped in mid run and looked at my circumstance. He broke out in laughter as he walked over to help me. I guess it was a bit funny. My legs were on the couch as was my ass. My upper body was sprawled out in the seat of the chair. Liam finally quit laughing enough to help me. When I get settled on the couch, I send Louis a text.

"Hey Lou. How are you? just got home from therapy. They are wanting me to walk a bit(with help) on Friday. Will you please come to that session. We are to be around each other over the weekend anyways. So please tell me you will be there xx ~ Haz". I want to tell him so bad that I love and miss him, but I don't want to rush things or end up pushing him further away. I set my phone down on my chest, my hand laying over it, waiting for Louis to respond. I was about to doze off when I heard my phone go off. But it wasn't a text, it was a call.

"Hello?", I say hesitantly. I didn't look at the I.D. but was hoping it was Louis but didn't want to get to excited just in case it wasn't.

"Hey, Lou. It's Harry. Please come to the club tonight."

"Really? You want to see me?", I ask with a shaky voice. Trying to keep from crying.

"yes! of course I do! And yes, I will be there for you on Friday", Louis said, his voice a bit shaky as well. "I love you Harry. Don't ever doubt or forget that", Louis said now sniffling. I could tell he was holding it all in for now. "I love you too, Lou. I will prove that to you", I tell him, not being able to hold back the tears any longer. We then hung up and Liam came back in the room.

"Everything okay, mate?", Liam asks when he sees the tears on my cheeks.

"Louis wants to see me tonight and he is going to therapy with me on Friday", I tell him as I scoot myself to set up some. I can move my legs and maneuver my body, just need to learn to walk again with what damage was done. Liam then leaned over and wiped the tears from my cheeks and gave me a hug.

"I told you, mate. Just give him some time", Liam said as he squeezed my shoulder. "Let him come to you in his time. You guys may still have a ways to go, but, you're getting there. Just hang in there and do what you need to do. pretty soon, you will have your man back". At that he gets up and heads for the stairs. "I'm going to find you something hot to wear that will have Louis' mouth watering", he says over his shoulder as he heads up the stairs. I let out a soft sigh and close my eyes to relax. My man wants to see me tonight. I s what kept going through my mind. After nearly a week, I will see him and talk to him tonight. And not by texting either.

A/N: I hope this was worth the wait. i hope you guys enjoyed it. Please vote and comment your thoughts or ideas. And pretty please read my other finished story..Through The dark..thank you muches for all your support. Much love xx

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