Chapter 58

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A/N: Hey there my lovelies. I hope all is well. I hope you are still enjoying this story. I started this book out on a whim. I wasn't expecting it to get this far or get this many reads, comments, or votes. You guys are amazing!


We said our goodbyes to Harry and Louis and then we were on our way. We made it to the elevator and down to the first floor with no problem. It's when we went to leave is when everything got chaotic. There were news reporters outside doing live streams waiting for us to come out. News paper reporters. Other people/fans waiting for news on Harry. We had to have security help us out to our vehicles.

"How's Harry?"

"Where's Louis? Is he with Harry?"

"Are you Harrys mum? How do you feel about Louis and his conniving ways?"..That was the question that got Annes head to spin. We all froze in our tracks as she turned to see who blurted that out. Mum Anne is the sweetest human being you will ever meet. But when you piss her off she can also be your worse nightmare. She turned to the culprit, eyes lit up with anger

"My son is not ok. That's all I'm going to say on that. Because you filthy scoundrels don't really care anyways! You're just looking for a story that will bring you money! As for Louis! He is the best thing that has happened to my son in a very long time! You do not know their story! Only what you hear bored people say! So, if you know what's best for you and if everyone of you guys really care for Harry, then get your shit packed up and leave! Let my boy rest and leave him and Louis alone! Good night!", and with that she walked off towards our vehicles. There were quiet whispers and gasps that came from those people but they deserved every bit that they got. I know there was more that she wanted to say, but we were all emotionally tired and just wanted to get home.  We finally made it to our cars and headed home. Was a quiet ride for Niall and I. We were both tired and concerned for our best friends. Zayn and the others headed back to their own places with promises that we will all meet up at the hospital in the morning for Harrys surgery. We had the radio softly playing and Niall had his head laid back against the headrest. My free hand laying across his inner thigh, our fingers linked together. Both our thoughts somewhere else. When we finally made it to the house, we all parked and quietly walked into the house. No one wanting to speak as it would make all of this too real. Harry is going to be okay, yes, physically. But we know the long road he is fixing to go down and we know how he is going to react to it all. His boxing was more to him than just a career. It was his life. His get away. His emotional release. He will still be able to use some of the equipment but will be limited. But he will never step foot inside a boxing ring again. None of us are ready to discuss that yet, so we just make our way in the house and Anne gets water going for tea and some coffee going. Yes, it's late but none of us are able to sleep right now. Niall gets the muffins and cupcakes out for snackage and then we all set around the table. Anne is just staring off in space as we all are. Her eyes are so red and puffy. Still tears ready to escape her eyes but you can tell she is willing them back. Niall doesn't like things this quiet unless you're in church or sleeping. So,he did what he always does in situations like these.

"So, I seen the coolest water gun at the store the other day", he said as he looked at everybody. Got Gem to smile mischievously, and Robin shake his head smiling. "It had three barrels/tubes on it to hold water and shot up to 500 feet", Niall said more excitedly.

"Sweet!", Gem said with excitement in her voice. "We definitely need to get those babies!", she said to Niall. Her and Niall were lost in their own conversation about the guns when my phone went off, causing Anne and I to jump a bit.


"Imagine the sneak attacks we could do with those!", I said to Gem. She shook her head in agreement with a huge grin on her face. Our conversation went like that for a bit, till Liams phone went off breaking the silence a bit. I giggled as I seen Liam jump from the sound. The kettle whistled at the same time letting us know the water was ready. Anne and Gem got up to get the tea and coffee poured, bringing us all back our desired drink. As Liam talked, we all just stared at him anxiously waiting to see who was on the other end. He was talking seriously and professionally, so we knew it wasn't Louis.

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