Chapter 27

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I'm setting at the bar listening to the conversations going on around me. Louis making small talk as he serves drinks. Niall and Liam bantering back and forth as Niall rushes around behind the bar to get orders out. Of course Eds voice blaring through the speakers. I take a sip of my drink when I see a blond skinny girl walk up to the bar. She has the sides of her hair pulled back with a clippy and the rest flowing down over her shoulders. A black top that came down barely passed her bum, the top of the shirt hanging off her shoulders. White leggings and black ankle heeled boots. I took a glance at her as she walked up to the bar. I sat frozen when I heard her call out to Louis. 'Who does this chic think she is?', I think to myself. I look at Louis and see him standing there shocked. The glass he was holding is now shattered on the floor around his feet. Niall stops what he's doing when he hears the glass hit the floor. He looks at Louis and sees the state he's in. Then looks at me. When he looks at the girl next to me, he gets the same expression on his face that Louis has. 'Will someone please tell me what's going on?', I again say to myself. Not trusting myself to say it out loud.

"Lottie?", Niall finally manages to say as I see Louis climbing over the bar to get to her and hugging her close to him. Lottie? Where have I heard that name before? "How long are you here? Is mum and the others here, too?", I hear Louis ask her as he holds her at arms length looking her over. Then it dawns on me..Lottie..Louis' sister!! Louis then brings her closer to me and introduces us.

"Harry, this is my sister, Lottie", He says with a huge smile on his face. I reach out my hand to shake hers but find myself being hugged by her. I hug her back and then we pull away.

"Finally get to meet the infamous Harry Styles!", She says with a squeal. "I seen you on the telly not too long ago", She said as she giggled a bit.

"Lottie, you're not flirting with my boyfriend, are you?", Louis says playfully as he gives me a hug and goes back around the bar to work. All of a sudden, I hear another squeal behind me as Alex comes up and her and Lottie hug each other. I forgot that they know each other through Louis and Niall.

"You girls need to get up there and do your song!", Niall exclaims as he hands Lottie her drink. I don't remember her ordering one, but I guess she did. "Should we?", Alex asks with a grin on her face. "Yes, we should and we will get Perrie to sing with us!", Alex says pulling her away towards the stage. Pretty soon we hear Alex voice come through the speakers.

"Everyone can I get your attention please?", She says trying to get everyone to quiet down. When that didn't work, I stood up and did my signature whistle, making everyone get quiet.

"Thank you, Harry!", Alex says as she then continues. "Tonight a very close friend of mine and also known as Louis' sister made a surprise visit to us all the way from England. Her and I want to do a song for you guys that we use to do back home. And we would love my other friend and co-worker, Perrie to join us.", She says as she points at Perrie, encouraging her to come up to the stage. The crowd immediately starts chanting Perries name to get her to go up onstage. Pretty soon she goes up there and grabs a mic. "What song are we doing, ladies?", Perrie asks as she takes her place beside Alex. "We are doing 'Roar' by Katy Perry", Lottie says excitedly. As the music starts, the girls voices flood out of the speakers. The crowd cheering them on. Some even make their way to the dance floor. I turn around and see Louis and Niall clapping and whistling at them. Zayn screaming out "That's my baby!!". I haven't seen Louis this happy since I met him. It was nice seeing him laugh and smile and carry on. I love this side of Louis. I hope I get to see it more often. I know I make him happy. Or so he says I do. I know he makes me happy. but seeing him like this is amazing. I know he has missed his family so much. After they sang, Perrie and Alex go back to waiting tables and Lottie comes back to the bar to set. The rest of the night is spent chatting with her and listening to silly stories of Louis when they were little. Like the time he swore he could fly,so he jumped out of the tree house landing on his arm. When Jay got over to him, she asked what hurt. He replied that he thinks he broke his wing..pointing at his arm. Was a sad story but yet a cute one. Louis came over at that time and told Lottie to bugger off, earning a laugh from me and a smack to the head from Lottie. Yep, definitely feel the love here. At the end of the night we closed up and walked out to our cars, debating on where to stay tonight. Beings it is late and we are all tired. Lottie and I a bit sloshed. Guess we decide to go to mine and Liams place as it is closer. When we get there we all unload from our vehicles and head inside. Louis helping Lottie and Liam helping me. When we finally get inside, Liam tells Lottie that we have a guest room upstairs down the hall from the other rooms, or she can crash out on the couch. She decides on the room upstairs as the bed is probably more comfortable. As Louis shows her where it is, I go to my room and strip down and head to the bed. Leaving a trail of clothing behind me. Louis comes in shortly after and strips down and climbs in next to me.

The Boxer VS The Bartender (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now