Chapter 47

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A/N: Okay guys, the fun and excitement and drama is now fixing to start. Sorry for the boring fillers I put in. hopefully the next few chapters will make up for the last few boring ones. Sorry for this chapter in advance. Please don't hate me too much.


Harry and I were watching a movie on the telly when my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was like 12:30 at night and I knew that Louis and Niall should be safely in the air by now. I took my phone out and opened it seeing that it was Niall. Harry and I just looked at each other as I answered it

"Hey, luv, aren't you suppose to be off your phone now?", I asked jokingly

"Hey, babe! Yeah, well, our flight has been delayed a bit due to the plane having problems. an engine gone out or something like that", Niall replied. "I will call and let you know when we are loading up again. Love you"

"Love you too babe", we said our goodbyes and hung up. When I heard Harry talking to someone on his phone I figured Louis probably called him as well. Anne had come down stairs at that time saying she couldn't sleep that something felt off to her. I explained to her what Niall told me and she shook her head knowingly. She has that motherly instinct with all of us I suppose. Harry hung up and let me know that it was Louis on the phone and what he had said. We both realized our phones were about dead so we took them upstairs to our rooms to charge and then made our way back down stairs to finish our movie. Star Wars to be exact. Happened to find out it on a pay per view. Anne was setting on the couch drinking a cup of hot tea when we got back in the living room. Gemma and Robin were snoozing away. Sometime during the movie we had fallen asleep on the couch. Anne had covered us up with a blanket before she went to bed, I'm assuming as we were covered up when I woke up. I woke up around 6 a.m. and turned the telly back to a regular channel when I seen the news was on. A breaking story. What the news person said is what caused me to stop on the channel and froze me where I stood.

"This just in. A plane flying from Heathrow Airport in London has crashed just after three hours in flight. Flight 180, that was due to arrive in L.A. some time tomorrow morning has had a fatal crash. So far no survivors have been found. The plane had a delay earlier this morning due to finding one of the engines malfunctioning during a mechanical check. The flight had been delayed due to this. Thinking the problem had been fixed, they took flight around 9 a.m. this morning. We will continue monitoring the situation and keep everyone updated on it", Is what the lady had said. I couldn't move. I tried hollering out to wake Harry up but I couldn't hardly speak. I just stood there in the middle of the living room in shock. Finally after about ten minutes, I was able to shake out of it enough to walk over to the couch where Harry was still snoozing away.

"Harry!", I shouted out as i shook him a bit. I startled him enough for him to jump a bit causing him to tumble off the couch onto the floor. Had this been another situation, I would have been laughing my ass off due to him falling and the look on his face. But it wasn't the time to laugh.

"What the hell, mate!?!", He said as he got up off the floor. Stretching a bit

"What flight were Lou and Niall on!?!", I asked him in a panicky tone.

"I don't know, Liam!", He said a bit aggravated, "Why?". At that moment, the reporter came back on and told the story all over again. Then Harry goes into panic mode.

"Oh my god, Liam! That was their flight! Louis!!!", Harry hollered out as he got up from the couch. He ran upstairs in a panic to go grab his phone. Me doing the same thing. Both of us hollering out for Louis and Niall. I go into my room and take my phone off the charger and turn it on. All kinds of missed calls and texts came through. I read a text from Niall telling me that he loved me and would see me when he got home. A voice mail from him was saying the same thing. Due to being in shock and very upset, I didn't bother to check anything else. I ran across the hall to check to see if Harry got any calls and the sight before me broke my heart. He wasn't in much better shape then me. He was setting on the edge of his bed clutching his phone just staring into nothingness. When he seen me standing there, he got up and ran to me. Us both collapsing onto the floor. It was then that Gemma walked out of the guest room asking what was wrong. Neither one of us able to talk.

"The ne-news..crash...Lou..Ni-Niall", was all we could get out. Putting the pieces together in her head she ran into Liams room to wake up Robin and Anne

"Mum! Robin! Get up!", Gemma hollered out. Anne came bolting out of the room to see what was wrong


I couldn't grasp onto the fact that Louis and Niall were possibly gone for good. I didn't want to believe it. I refused to. I keep replaying in my head the voice mail I got from Louis telling me that they were fixing to board their plane and that they would see us when they got here tomorrow. I heard my mum come out of her room and come over to Liam and I and knelt down on the floor next to us. I absentmindedly grabbed onto my mum as if she was my life line.

"What happened guys", she asked softly. I couldn't answer her without going back into a rage.

"The flight that Louis and Niall were on crashed this morning. So far no survivors have been found", Gemma said quietly. Not wanting to believe it herself. All of a sudden it hit me again. The realization that I would not see Louis again. I got up off the floor and just screamed to the top of my lungs at nobody in particular.

"Why!!!", Is all I could scream out as i ran down the stairs. Wanting to punch some thing really hard. I ran out the side door that lead to the garage. Mine and Liams workout area. I went right over to the punching bag and started hitting it as hard as I could. Screaming out to God and anyone else that could give the answers. Liam and my mum made their way out to me and Liam was screaming for Niall to the top of his lungs. My poor mum and sister were doing all they could to calm us down. Knowing they wouldn't be able to. Robin was standing in shock at all that was happening in front of him. My strength and will left me just as quickly as it had came and I fell to my knees while clinging to the punching bag. Liam was on the floor clutching his head in his heads and crying uncontrollably as well. All of a sudden we heard some one banging on the door quite loudly. Scared that it was an officer or some one to come and confirm their deaths, Liam and I just froze where we were. Mum got up and made her way back inside to go answer the door. Pretty soon she came back out to the garage. Nialls cousin, Alex, following behind her. I then stood up and ran to her and screamed out that Louis and Niall were gone. 

"Calm down guys!', she kept telling us. 

"Calm down!? CALM DOWN!?", Liam shouted out! "How do you expect us to calm down?!", he shouted out as he ran to her. I was screaming out for God to please wake me up from this horrid nightmare. Clinging to my mum and sister.

"Would you guys please listen to me!', Alex hollered out. "Don't you think the news got to me as well when i heard?", she cried out. "Please just listen to me!". At that moment my phone buzzed in my hand. I looked down and seen that Jay was calling. I broke down even more then. This was it. This was the confirmation.

"Jay", I cried out. I then heard Liams phone go off  behind me. His sobbing voice confirming it was Maura calling

A/N: I hope this chapter made up for the boring one. I hope you guys don't hate me too much. Was time for something to happen to make this story more interesting and intense. Love you guys. Please don't hate me. What are your thoughts. What is Jay going to tell Harry? What do you think Alex is trying to tell them? What does Maura have to tell Liam? ahh! So much could be happening! Please vote and message/ comment your thoughts. I would love to hear from you guys on what you think so far or what ideas you may have. Much love xx

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