Chapter 22

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It's been a couple days since the mishap with that reporter. He is no longer welcome in the club and niall and Louis made sure the whoever worked the door knew that. Last night we all stayed here at Mine and Harrys place just cause it sounded like a great idea at the time. I woke up the normal way I have every other morning the last few months. Well three to be exact. Niall sprawled across my chest and me needing to pee. I scoot him off me and quickly run to the bathroom before i did my business all over myself. When I opened the door to step out of the bathroom, a sleepy Niall fell into my arms face first.

"Need to pee, Li", Niall mumbled into my chest.

"Go for it, love", I said as he slowly walked to the toilet. He looked so cute in the mornings. Eyes half open. His hair going every direction. But his morning voice beat all. I love his morning voice. I gave him a quick kiss and made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Opening the front door to grab the paper on my way through.  As I got bacon and eggs going, I unrolled the newspaper and I could not believe the front page story. Look at this I said to Niall as he made his way to the kitchen. He grabbed the paper from me and silently said a few curse words. I didn't understand them so I believe he said them in Irish. But I do know they were curse words. When Niall curses in his language, you know he's a bit passed pissed. He tossed the paper down and the words stared back at me. 'BARTENDER USING HARRY STYLES FOR MONEY' Oh hell no!!! Just as I was going to go upstairs to wake Louis and Harry so they could read this I hear noises coming from the garage

"Oh My God Louis!", Harry said in a grunting voice

"Is that all you got Styles?", Louis said in his sassy voice.

Niall and I just look at each other wide eyed and then back to the door. "I'm not going out there", Niall said as he sat his cute bum down in a chair at the table.

"Neither am I", I say as I just stand there and keep staring at the door like it's going to open itself any minute now.

"Oh come on you wimp", Niall says as he gets up and wacks me in the head with the paper.

"You can't make me, Nialler", I said as i stuck my tongue out at him. Just then his hand reached around me and I was being pushed through a now open door. I quickly cover my eyes as I find myself now standing in the garage.

"Guys please stop doing whatever it is that you're doing. We need to talk", I say as I here laughter from Louis and Harry, And Niall? I open my eyes to see the craziest thing ever. Even for Louis and Harry. Harry was laying on his weight bench. But instead of lifting the bar with weights, he was lifting a Louis. Harrys arms in the air with Louis laying across them like you hold the bar. His arms crossed under his head and his legs streight out in front of him, one crossed over the other. I burst out laughing. 

"Harry, put Louis down and come inside, We have something to show you guys", I said in between laughter. Harry put Louis down and stood up stretching his limbs as he did. We all made our way back inside. Thankfully Niall had went back in before us. He caught breakfast before it burned. We all sat around the table and I handed the paper to Harry. As he read the heading of the article, his eyes got wide and his forehead crinkled up a bit. This was a sign of a not so very happy Harry.

"This is utter bullshit!!", Louis said as he took the paper from Harry. Harry not moving from his place. Louis continued reading it. The more he read the angrier he got. "Harry is not a weak ass fag! I am not using Harry for my club!! What the hell is this guy thinking?!!", Louis hollered out as he slammed the paper back down on the table. That making Harry jump,as this side of Louis only comes out when he's on 'Ass-Whooping' mode. I took the paper from him and read more. Some of what he was saying was also taken from Katherine's interview she had posted in the paper recently. But he had written it out as if she had given him this information. She was too nice..and he's an arshole. So I know that's not how it went down. My nerves are already shot to the point of barely being able to eat because I am so worried about Harry and this fight. Last thing I need is some prick writing shit like this and getting Harry worked up as well. Time to do some damage control and quickly. At the time i picked up my phone to make some calls, there was a knock on the door.

"I swear to christ if that's a reporter, I'm personally throwing them off this property!", Harry said through gritted teeth. Niall got up and made his way to the front door. When he opened it up, I heard a familiar voice saying 'hello'. Harry must've recognized it too as he looked at me with a questioning look. Pretty soon the owner of the voice made her way into the kitchen.

"Katherine?", Harry said softly as he looked up at her. "This is the lady that interviewed us the other day", Harry explained to Louis before anymore confusion came about.

"Hello, love", Louis said as he put his hand out to shake hers.

"By the looks of things, I can tell you guys have already read this mornings news", She said as she took a seat at the table with us. "I wanted to come here personally and tell you guys that I did not give him any of that information. This guy is a complete ass and is in great terms with Alexander Cruz and that group.", She explained. Well that explains why he is just now showing up to talk with Harry at Louis' club of all places. "i am going to write a longer report for tomorrows paper and I'm not going to sugar coat anything", She said as she patted Harrys arm. We all sat there for awhile just visiting. It was nice. After a bit I started not feeling so well, so I told Niall that I was going to head back upstairs and lay back down. Leaving my untouched food setting on the table. I have recently gotten on nerve/anxiety pills. They have been making me feel funny but i hadn't thought much about it. Just as I made my way to the stairs, an uncontrolling feeling hit the pit of my stomache. The next thing I know, I'm waking up in an unfamiliar room. Blurred vision and my hearing as if i were in a tunnel. Where am I? What happened?

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Had a hard time coming up with something due to the recent events with Liam. My heart hurts and am so worried for him. Caused some writers block, but I wanted to post something for you guys. So with some help from a special friend this chapter was made. I hope you enjoy it. And I hope we hear something soon on what happened with Liam in real life to where they had to cancel the show. Love you Liam so much!!

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