Chapter 57

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A/N: Yaaaay! Another update! This chapter is dedicated to two people because of their sweet msgs and comments. Thank you to @josapple on wattpad and Kathleen on Quotev. You two are wonderful and amazing. Here you girls go. i know you both have been patiently waiting for this :-) Fair warning, there is a bit of smut towards the end, so be prepared my lovelies.


I watch as they wheel my boy out of the E.R. to take him upstairs to his room. Thankfully the pain meds have kicked in or he would've been throwing a fit that none of us were going with him, yet. But instead he was laughing all the way down the hall to the elevator. Hollering out things like "I'm going on a joy ride, maties!"..or this one had us all laughing.."They see me rollin'!". We were all laughing which is what we all needed right now. A doctor stayed behind and led us to a waiting room so e could give us the results of the x-rays. We all sat down in the chairs, taking in deep breaths, getting prepared for what the doctor has to tell us..

"okay, Mrs. Styles, first off I need your permission to discuss this with everyone in this room", The doctor says as he looks at me with a kind smile. "That will be just fine, sir. We are all family here", I said returning the smile.

"Some how, the way that he got punched, scooted his spine over a little bit in a little area. Plus damaging two vertabrae. We will need to do surgery asap in order to keep more damage from happening. So far we don't believe any nerve damage has been done. We will know more about that after the procedure is done. We will go in and put a medal rod along his spine to help straighten it out. It will remain there permanently. No this will not affect him too much. He will not be able to bend over in away that you and I can. But he will be able to squat down. We will go in also and pin two vertabrae in to fix those two damaged ones. As far as head trauma goes, we don't believe he has sustained any. He passed out due to being his body going into shock due to all that happened to him. He does have a slight concussion due to the blows to his head, but it's nothing major. We will start the procedure tomorrow morning at eight a.m. Tonight he is to have nothing to eat or drink after midnight, which is creeping up on us quite quickly. Is there any questions you guys may have?", he asked as he looked around at us.

"Stupid question here, doctor, but is his career over?", Louis asked hesitantly. Knowing what Harrys reaction will be if it is

"Not really a stupid one, Mr. Tomlinson, but an obvious answer. Yes, his career is done.", The doctor answered sympathetically.

"Well, shit", I heard Liam and Louis say at the same time. Niall just sat there in a daze. He knows what Liam and Louis are fixing to face. Well all of us to be honest. But them two will be the ones to take the blunt end of it. "One more question, sir", Robin said with a shakey voice. First time he has spoken since we got here. "Will our boy still be able to walk?", he asked trying not to cry.
"Very good question, sir", the doctor replied. "If all goes well with this surgery, and with some rehabilitation/therapy yes, he will be able to walk. Will be a grueling experience and a rough road, but yes he should be able to walk again. He may have a slight limp, but nothing major", the doctor explained. Robin then let out a breath of relief and just put his face into his hands and shook his head. When he looked back up his eyes were teary and puffy. "Thank you, sir", was all he was able to get out. Think we were all feeling the same way. "Well, if you guys are ready, I will take you up to his room. He should be all settled in by now", the doctor said as he was getting up. We all stood up and followed the doctor out. As we got out to the hall, their were four people there waiting patiently. Come to find out, they were friends of the boys.


I am very happy to hear that he will be able to walk again. But I am not ready to tell him that his career is over. This is going to set him back so much. This is where our relationship is going to be tested, I have a feeling. The cocky arrogant Harry is going to come out full force before it's over with. We shall see how it turns out. I know I am here for the long haul, but i am only human and can only take so much of some one telling me how inferior I am, etc. etc. I will do what I can to stay by his side, but we all know how sassy I can be when someone gets cocky with me. buckle up and hang on guys cause this could be a bumpy ride. When we are done talking to the doctor, he leads us out to the elevators so we can get upstairs to Harry. When we walk out, there are four people standing there anxiously waiting for us. Zayn, Perrie, Ed, and Alex were there to see how things were. They come running over to us and we all had a big group hug right there in the hall. We let go and we all followed the doctor. We explained everything to them as we made our way up to Harrys room. When we got in there, the sight before us was too hilarious that we all had to laugh. Harry was nearly bent in half with the bed because he kept adjusting it thinking the control he had was for the television, but it just wasn't working properly. His words not mine.

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