Chapter 48

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"Mum! Wake up!", is what I heard when my eyes suddenly shot wide open. That's when I heard Liam and Harry across the hall screaming. I jump out of bed and throw my robe on and hurry up to get to them. I didn't know what to expect when I opened my door. At first I thought they were fighting. I know Harry can be a handful at times and it does take Liam getting tough with him to get him to settle at times. Always been like that every since Liam came into Harrys life many years ago. But I wasn't prepared to see what I saw, nor was my heart. When I stepped out in the hall I seen Liam and Harry knelt down on the floor clinging to each other for dear life. Crying into each others shoulders. They were clinging onto each others shirts like some one was fixing to take them away from each other. The sight was heart breaking.

'What's going on boys?", I asked softly. They couldn't hardly answer me so Gemma told me about the news report. My heart fell out of my chest right that moment. I had only met them once and that was on this trip. But both lads seemed very nice and loving. And they were/are Liam and Harrys world. I know I haven't seen Harry so happy in his entire life as he is with Louis. I knelt down beside them and hugged them both. Not much you can really say at a time like this. Sometimes words are just not needed. But hugs are always needed. And that's what broke my heart even more is knowing there is nothing I can do to make this time any easier or better. We made our way back down stairs after the boys calmed a bit. When we got down there the news reporter came back on repeating what she had said already this morning. Harry went completely mad. Was running through the house calling out for Louis. Went to every room looking for him. He grabbed his hair and screamed to the top of his lungs to God asking him why. He even stood in the middle of the room screaming at himself to wake up from this horrid nightmare. He then darted out to the garage and continued his rage taking it out on a punching bag out there.

Liam wasn't much better. He wasn't screaming to the top of his lungs, not anymore anyways. He was now quiet. Staring out into nothingness. He completely shut himself down. He was walking through the house like a zombie. Going to every room and just staring into it. Every so often you would hear him call out for Niall but then he went back into his zombie like state. I don't know which is worse, the screaming fits or the quiet shut down ones. They both broke my heart even more. Liam finally made his way out to Harry and went over and just clung to him some more. Gem and I and Robin just stood back for a bit. This was there time to cry and grieve. They just needed and wanted each other right now. Pretty soon we heard a hard knock at the front door. I went to go answer with the same fear everyone else had. The police were now here to confirm everything. But when I answered the door, it was a young lady standing there

"Hello?", I said as I opened the door. Thinking that if this is a reporter I was going to tell her to please leave.

"Hi, I'm Alex, Nialls cousin. We met on christmas", She said softly. Her eyes also red and puffy

"Oh yes dear. please come in", I told her as I opened the door further for her. "Liam and Harry are out in the garage", I told her as we walked through the kitchen.

"I figured they would be", She said with a soft laugh. "I really need to talk to them", She said as we made our way to the garage.

"Boys, Alex is here", I said as we walked through the garage door. They both looked up and got up onto their feet and darted towards her. She hugged them as they cried. She then pulled away telling them that she needed to tell them something. Harry started screaming out for Louis again and telling her that his Louis is gone. Liam now doing the samething.

"Guys please calm down and listen to me!", She said calmly yet sternly. Liam couldn't understand why they should have to calm down as he shot words out to her. She finally gave up and let them have their screaming and crying time. Understanding them as I did. But I could tell she badly needed to tell them something important. I was anxiously waiting for her to be able to tell them. At that time Harrys phone rang. He looked at his phone and cried harder as he answered it.

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