Chapter 33

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After everyone left, Niall and I just took some relaxing time to ourselves before we started decorating. We got some water going for hot chocolate or hot tea, whichever one we chose to have. Sat down on the couch with a throw blanket over us and just chit chatted. I love these moments with Niall where it's just us. No loud music or drunks around. No reporters flashing their cameras at us. Just him and I. We sat there in silence for a bit till I decided to break the silence. A question I have been meaning to ask him all day, but never got a chance to ask.

"Ni, what really took you and Louis so long at the store?", I ask him in hopes that he doesn't think I am accusing  him and Louis of anything. That's not it at all. Well, kind of is but not in the bad way. I just know how them two get when they are together. It's like having two children around unsupervised. As soon as I got the question out, I seen the look of guilt on his face like a kid getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar

"We were playing around in Target", He says trying to look innocent

"Playing around? How?", I ask with an eyebrow raised

"Well apparently riding bikes through the store isn't allowed", He says softly as he looks down at his lap 

"You're right,it's not. What else did you guys do?", I asked him. Feel like I am drilling a four year old for answers.

"Louis said it would be fun to have a flour fight in the baking items isle", He said, trying to hold back a smile. I was picturing it in my head and had to hold back a laugh.

"I take it you guys got kicked out"

"Yes, yes we did", he said as he continued to stare at his hands folded in his lap. "Right after the security guards ran around chasing us".

"I am going to bring this up to Harry tomorrow. He will absolutely love this", I said no longer able to hold my laughter in. About that time, the kettle whistled letting us know the water was good and hot. I got up to get our desired drinks, him hot chocolate, and hot tea for myself. I came back into the living room and handed him his drink as I sat back down beside him.

"Does Louis know that you are flying back home with him to see your family for Christmas?', I asked as I sipped on my tea.

"No", he replied. "Think I am gong to let him know on his birthday", Niall said with a big smile. I know Louis will love knowing that. He hates flying by himself. He will definitely love Nialls company. After chatting for a bit longer, we got up and started placing ornaments around on the tree. He and I made ornaments for each other. pictures of each other in a little frame with 2015 engraved in the back of the frame. After we got all the ornaments up, Niall got the garland and tinsel out. While I was wrapping the garland around the tree, Niall thought it would be funny to throw tinsel on me. That caused a tinsel fight to break out. We were chasing each other all through the house. Needless to say, the whole downstairs and the stairs themselves looked quite festive when we were done. And no, none of it made it on the tree. One of the many things I love about my boy. He loves to laugh and have a great time. His laughter is contagious, I tell ya. He can make me laugh even on days when I feel like there's nothing to laugh about. Niall is there to remind me that even on bad days, there is something funny to laugh about. After we got the lights up in the windows and little decorations spread out through the living room and kitchen we decided to set down and cuddle and watch a Christmas movie. While flipping through Netflix, I came across 'It's A Wonderful Life'. An amazing movie. When Niall said that he hasn't seen it before, I about fell off the couch. We started the movie and shut off the lights so that the only lighting we had was coming from the telly and the Christmas lights. We cuddled into the blanket close to each other and watched the movie.

"LiLi", Niall said softly looking up at me. "I don't want to wait till something bad happens before I let you know just how much I love you and how important you are to me", He says with so much love in his eyes. I put my hand gently on his cheek and softly kiss his lips

"I don't either baby. Just know that you mean the world to me, love. Hell, you are my world, Nialler", I tell him as i kiss his nose.

"Okay,this was suppose to be a fun night", He said as he wiped a stray tear from my cheek. "Not a night full of crying and wiping tears"

"These are happy tears though, love", I tell him as I kiss his lips again. He then climbed on my lap and straddled me , making it easier for us to kiss each other. But making other things a bit harder to handle. The kiss got very heated. Our hands all over each other. Grinding on each other a bit. Before I knew it we were laying on the couch with him on top of me. With a lot less clothing on than before. Am so glad that Louis and Harry decided to stay the night at Louis' flat, because we got rather loud and I know they would not have wanted to walk in and see us in all our glory sprawled out on the couch. When we were done, the blanket was no longer on us or even on the couch. Some of the cushions were off the couch and on the floor. We got rather wild. After we caught our breath a bit we decided a shower would be great. We chased each other up the stairs to the bathroom to see who could get there first. While I was leaning over the tub trying to get the water to the right temperature, Niall thought it funny to pop me on my bare ass causing me squeal and jump up hitting my head on the shower curtain rod. It fell off landing on top of me. He found that a bit funny. He was doubled over in laughter when I turned around to look at him.

"You think this is funny do ya, Horan?", I say trying to sound threatening, but sounded more like a puppy yelping at a cat.

"As a matter of fact I do, Payno!", he said in between laughter. I finally got myself untangled from the shower curtain and proceeded to go after him.That turned into a chase from the bathroom down the hall to our bedroom. I caught him by the waist and tossed him on the bed. Pinning him there while we tried catching our breath again. We just laid there staring at each other. I could look in his eyes all day and not get tired of it. They are so blue and so full of love and happiness. A bit cheesy, but so true. After a bit, I get up off of him and gently pull him up off the bed. We head to the bathroom where the water is still running. I turn the shower on and we both get in and start washing each other up. And if blow jobs were given, well that is for no one else to know but us. When we got out, we dried off and slipped into clean boxers and went downstairs to shut the telly off and straighten things up a bit. Then headed up stairs for the night. As we cuddled close together with his head on my chest, i fell in love with him a little bit more. I really don't know how I am going to handle this bed when he leaves for a few days. Nights are going to be long and days will be boring. Well, not going to worry about that now. That's still a couple of weeks away. For now, I am going to enjoy this beautiful boy laying right beside me. I kiss him on the head one more time before I drift off to a peaceful sleep. Reminding myself that in the morning I need to call Harry and tell him his gut feeling was right about our boys. 

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