Chapter 44

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A/N: I'm not real familiar with how Doncaster is set up shopping centers wise and eating places, so please bare with me through this chapter if I am way off base. LOL. just keep remembering that this is just a fan-fic and not everything is real or true..LOL. I hope you enjoy this chapter


"GOOD MORNING, LOUIS!!", is all I heard followed by my bedroom door slamming open and hitting my wall, causing me to jump out of my peaceful slumber. In the process of trying to comprehend what happened, I get tangled in my blankets and end up rolling off onto the floor with a thud. Thank God I had the blankets around me to cushion my fall. I peak my head out of the blankets that are now tightly wrapped around me, to see Lottie and Niall standing in my doorway.

"What the hell do you two twits want this early in the morning!?!", I shouted out to them as I tried to get the blankets off of me, failing miserably.

"We want to take you shopping and out to lunch!", Lottie says as she so kindly helps me up. Niall still too busy laughing at me to help. "And it's not early, it is 10:00 a.m.", Lottie says as I finally get myself up off the floor. "Go get dressed and be downstairs and 20 minutes..please", She says as she leaves my bedroom.

"I thought you were spending the day with your parents today", I said to Niall questioningly.

"Well, they are going to be over here anyways, so I thought I would go with you and Lottie", He replied shrugging his shoulders. "Oh and..Eleanor will be coming as well", Niall said with a smile

"Awesome!", I say as I grab some clothes from my bag and go to the bathroom to change. Eleanors parents have been a friend of my parents for years. As her dad and my dad have worked together for years. She's a pretty sweet girl and loads of fun to hang out with. She did have a crush on me for while till I finally felt comfortable enough to tell her that I was gay. Well, bi, but I lean more towards guys. She took it better than I thought she would and said that it was kind of fun having a gay boy as a friend. I finally got dressed and made my way downstairs to see my sister and my two friends in the kitchen waiting for me. We all gathered our coats and shouted out our goodbyes as we headed out the door. 

"We are taking my car since it holds more", Eleanor said as we all walked to her vehicle. We climbed in and headed for the shopping strip. We call it that because a long this street for blocks is nothing but little shopping stores on both sides of the street. Little cafe's are in the mix of the shopping stores. We make our way to that area which is a good 45 minutes or so from my parents house. The time was spent of all of us playing catch up with each other. Eleanor telling us that she is engaged to a very wealthy man. Someone that works at a big law firm in London

"Speaking of finding someone, I hear you landed yourself quite the handsome fella", El said as she looked back at me with a grin on her face. "And you as well, Niall", she said looking back at him

"Yeah, I think we landed pretty good fellas indeed", I say to her feeling my cheeks turn a bit red. Harry may not fight here but he is from here, so through his mum and my mum, people around here keep up with him quite a bit. Some show pity on me for dating someone with his attitude. Others just look pass it and feel happy for me. After a bit more chitter chatter we get to our destination. We park at the end of the block and walk down the way and will end up back here when we are done. The first place we spot is a place called 'Tiny ToTs'. A store for toddlers that carry the name brand clothing like Tommy Hilfiger,Aeropostale, Adidas, Nike,etc..

"You should go in there, Louis!", Niall said with a big grin on his face. 

"Niall, I know that I am small, but nothing in there will fit me you twit!", I said as I gave his arm a little punch.

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