Chapter 56

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A/N: This chapter will have a few POV changes. I will put whose POV it is as I change it so that nobody gets confused. All i will say is, keep the kleenax handy, it may be needed.

I sat by Niall as we watched Harrys fight. I squeezed his arm every time Harry would get hit. I was doing good through it all, till I heard him tell Liam or more like yell at Liam to cut his eye lids so he could see. Seeing him battered and bruised broke my heart. But I was warned by Liam that this wouldn't be a pretty sight. But I still wanted to be here to support my boyfriend. We all cheered when Harry knocked that guy out cold. The whole arena cheered when they raised Harrys arm saying that he had won. Then all of a sudden I seen that asshole stand up and charge at Harry. Everyone screamed out as they seen him punch Harry square in the back. Not once, but twice.  knocking Harry to the ground.

"You fucking son-of-a-bitch!", I yelled out as I charged out towards him. "I will rip your heart right out of your chest and shove it down your throat!", I yelled out again as I got closer to him. I then felt a hand on my chest to stop me and two more grabbing my waist from behind.

"Lou, he will get his, i assure you", Niall said as he pulled me back towards our seats. Anne standing there with a look of shock on her face. Her son on the floor of the ring not being able to move. "Louis", she said getting my attention. "He needs you to be there for him,ok. That guy is getting arrested right now", she said as she pointed to where an officer was taking him away in handcuffs. (A/N:I dont know if that really happens but I think it should if they are attacked after the match is over) That helped me calm down some. But then we all got a bit hysterical when we see Harry being carried away on a stretcher. We decided then it was time to get out of there and see where they were taking him. I am full on crying then. I have never seen Harry so beat down and lifeless and the sight is heart breaking. Liam comes over to us and leads us to the back where they had taken him for now. My guess preparing him for the ambulance. I don't like this. I don't like this at all.


Seeing my boy on the floor not moving was the most horrible sight to see. I wanted to go over there and kiss him all better. But these bruises and cuts are more than a mothers kisses could heal. We walk with Liam to where they are taking him. I am clinging on to Robin and Gemma is clinging onto me. As a mum, we always expect the worse but hope for the best. And right now, I'm scared to know what the worse could be. I grab some napkins out of my purse so I could wipe these tears from my eyes. I look over and see that Louis isn't in any better shape than we are. I think had we let him charge that guy, he would've given his best shot at ripping that guy apart. But we knew better than to let him. Yeah, after tonight I dare someone say that Louis is only after Harrys money. I already knew he wasn't, but others still think he is. I wonder if anybody else would have done for Harry tonight that Louis was willing to do. My guess is, probably not. Louis has been good for Harry, I can tell. As we make it to the back room that Liam was leading us to, we seen Harry on a different stretcher/gurney hooked up to an I.V. which they said was giving him pain meds through it. A neck brace for safety purposes and he was laying on a back board as well. Still unresponsive. They were getting ready to head out to the ambulance in their private parking area. I went over and gave him a kiss on his forehead and told him that we loved him. Louis was hanging onto the railing of the stretcher for dear life. Liam had to literally pry his fingers off of it. Hew kissed him several times on the lips telling him to hang on and that he loves him. Seeing my boy being loved this much made me cry more, but happily. It warms my heart to know that someone loves and cares for him this much. I seen on vid cam and heard on the phone their love for each other, but to see it in person is a whole different story. Me and Louis both beg to ride in the ambulance with him and they told us both no that they needed all the room they could get to care for him on the way to the hospital. I cried hard because a mum is suppose to be by their childs side in times like these. I know he is an adult, but that doesn't change a mothers protective instinct. We make our way out to our vehicles while they got Harry loaded up. We came in separate cars and that is how we left. Robin and me and Gem went in one and Liam, Niall, and Louis went in the other. We followed Liam as he knew where the ambulance would be exiting at. There were a couple of police escorts to help direct traffic and get the ambulance where it needed to go. We followed behind it. Some people were still standing outside watching and hollering their love and concern towards Harry. It took a bit of a drive to get to the hospital but we finally made it. Police were needed there to as there were people there waiting to see how his condition was. We had to park in the normal parking area as the ambulance went to the loading/unloading area. We parked next to Liam and got out, locking the doors as we shut them. All three boys were a total mess. We walked in together and found the waiting area.
"Has Harry Styles been brought in, yet?", I asked through my tears.
"Umm not yet ma'am but fans are not aloud near him", She answered a bit snooty as she went back to her computer.

"Excuse me?", Liam said a bit harshly. He definitely wasn't in the mood for her attitude. "I am his trainer/best friend. This is his boyfriend and this is my boyfriend and his mate.", He said as he pointed to Niall and Louis. "And this here is his mum, dad, and sister!", He said as he pointed towards us. "I suggest you get your head out of that damn computer and give us some information on Harry right now!". The poor women didn't say a word as she typed in his name. "he hasn't-", she was cut off  by a paramedic asking for Harrys family. We all left her and went to the paramedic.

"Follow me this way", he told us as he led us through a couple of doors. "Only family at this time because of the situation and how small the room is that he is in.It's only temporary though.", He said as we made it to where his room is. Just then someone came out looking a bit horrified.

"Please tell me one of you are Louis Tomlinson", He said as he looked over us. "He literally woke up swinging and asking for his Louis"


"I'm Louis", Louis said as he walked towards the doctor. You could literally see the look of relief come across his face. "Please come in for just a few minutes and then family will be brought in. I will tell you all that we are waiting on the x-rays to come back and we will know then what needs to be done.", he said as he led Louis into the room. I sat down and leaned over running my fingers through my hair. Letting a puff of air go out my mouth. My thoughts take me back to when I was in here incoherent and not breathing well. Can imagine now what my family was going through at that moment. I was brought out of my thoughts by Niall kissing my cheek and moving my hair out of my face. "I Love you LiLi", he tells me as he kisses my cheek. "And i want to say he will be ok, but I can't", Niall finishes as I see tears starting to trail down his cheeks. I look up to see Anne walking the floors patiently waiting for the doctor to come out get them. Louis has been in there for about ten minutes now so we know it wont be long so that Harrys family can go see him. Pretty soon the door opened and screams were coming out of the room. I crying Louis being brought out of the room. "Louis!", we heard Harry scream out. Anne then stopped and looked at the doctor. "Can I please go in there to my son now?", the doctor nodded his head and led them into the room. Anne gave Louis a sympathetic smile as she went to the room. The door closing behind her. "He still can't move", Louis said as he sat down beside us. "He wants to see you guys as well when he is allowed to", Louis finished as he just slumped down in his seat.


I am excited that I won, but am terrified that I can't move. That's why I wanted to see Louis first. I wanted to talk to him about the possible outcome of this whole mess. I wanted to know that if I was permanently wheelchair bound that he would still be here. He looked at me like I was crazy and shook his head yes and kissed me on the cheek. They did a check on my eyes to see if there were any signs of major head trauma. They said I may have a slight concussion from the hits to my head, but that wasn't the top of their concerns. That dipshit punching me in the back is why I am in here. They put ice packs over my eyes to help with the swelling so I can't see anything yet. Just going by voices. I do have a good headache, but thankfully they have me on pain meds which are now kicking in and causing me to be a bit loopy. I am also scared because right now I have very little feeling in my legs and feet. They said that when the x-rays come back they will know more of what to tell me. When Louis left the room, I went crazy a bit. Not real bad. Just screamed out his name a few times. wasn't long and I heard my mum and sisters voices. I could sense that Robin is here too, but he is quiet in situations like these.

"hey baby boy", My mum says as she comes towards my bed."Hey little brother", Gemma says as she grabs my hand. I could feel her tears fall onto my hand. I reached over with my other hand and laid it on hers. "hey, no crying. I will be fine. I will be up chasing you everywhere again real soon", I say trying to convince us all of that. "yes you sure will be", My mum says in between sobs. I felt another hand on my shoulder followed by a light squeeze. i reached up and patted the hand that laid on my shoulder. Knowing it was Robin. That was his way of saying he's here and everything will be okay. After a bit of chatting the doctor comes back in and tells me that they are moving me to my room upstairs. They get me prepared to be transferred as another doctor quietly tells my mum that they have the results of the x-rays. They then left my room,leaving me wonder what had been found out.

A/N: Here you guys go. He is alive atleast. But more to come on his condition. What does the doctor have to say? What did they find out? Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Please vote and comment your thoughts. much love xx 

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