Chapter 66

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A/N: This chapter is more of a filler. Just a peak at what Liam and Niall are feeling watching their two best friends going through what they are. And of course, when words fly, you want to defend your best friend at the same time respect your significant other. This chapter will show you what Liam and Nialls fight was about and what the consequences of it brought. I hope you enjoy it. Will possible be a short one. It does go back a couple of days when Louis walked out and left after Harry and his blow up in the kitchen. Just wanted to clarify that so no one got confused..LOL

When I walked back into the house, Niall was laying into Harry badly.

"Harry, you are such an asshole! How can you even look at yourself right now after how you have been treating Louis?", Niall shouted at Harry as he slammed his plate down in front of him. As Louis had left Harrys plate on the cabinet. I am trying to understand both sides of this whole mess, but, none the less Harry is my best friend.

"Niall! That's enough! I think he feels shitty enough, don't you?", I asked him a bit harshly

"Evidently not since he can't even apologize for the way he treated Louis!", Niall shouted back. At that he went upstairs and came back down with some clothes in his arms. "I'm going back to mine and Louis' place so I can comfort my best friend. You two have a great pleasant day!", Niall said and then he was out the door. I just stood there in shock as I watched him leave. I was not expecting that at all. I just sat down at the table and stared out the window that faces the back part of the building. Nothing interesting really. Just an empty field.

"Well, that was interesting to say the least", Harry softly spoke as he just poked at his lasagna noodles.

"Yeah, well, some attitudes really need to cool down like really quickly. Harry, what were you thinking? I love ya man, but here lately you have been treating Louis like he's the plague or something.", I told Harry as lovingly as I could.

"Oh so now you're on his side, huh?", Harry said as he pushed himself from the table.

"No! I'm just trying to understand my best friend a bit better", I told him as I kept him from going too far. Not that he could very quickly anyways.

"I can't even explain it to you, if I can't even understand it myself", Harry said as he made his way into the living room. At that moment I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I opened it up and seen a text from Niall

"Are you going to the club tomorrow?"  Niall had written. Why wouldn't I? I thought to myself

"I plan to"  I responded back. His next text was short with just a simple 'K' sent. I put my phone away.

"Are you not coming back tonight?", I sent back to him

"yes", he simply said back. Whew. Okay maybe all was going to be good. I had helped Harry up to his room and got him all settled in bed in some pajama bottoms and made sure he took his nightly meds. Made sure his urine bottle was right by his bed and then told him good night and headed to my room. I tried staying awake to wait for Niall, but my eyes were getting a bit heavy. I missed having him by my side and the bed felt cold and empty. But I was so tired from the events that took place today that my body couldn't stay awake much longer. In the middle of the night I was waken up by a dip being made in the bed. I assumed it was probably Niall and was sure it was when I felt his arms make their way around me. I scooted closer to him and went back to sleep. I was awaken by the sun shining in the room. me, of course, facing the window. damn it! I forgot to close the curtains last night. I tried to move but was stopped when an arm tightened their grip around my waist. I turned to look behind me and see Niall sleeping away. i wasn't dreaming last night. My boy did come home. I slid out from under his grip and made my way to the toilet. After I did my business I went down stairs to get breakfast made. I went back upstairs to let them know it was done. Niall quietly got up and made his way to the toilet. Not saying much to me. Okay, maybe all wasn't settled yet. I went to go tell Harry breakfast was ready but quickly decided not to when I heard slight noises coming from his bedroom. Quiet moans followed by "oh god like that Lou". I quickly made my way away from his room and back down stairs. I didn't realize Louis came back as well. When Niall made his way down stairs he was completely dresses and more alert. He quietly made his way to the table, grabbing a plate and putting food on it.

"Did Louis come back with you?", I asked him as I made my way to the table. He just shook his head no, not even making eye contact with me. Okay then. Harry was having fun by himself then. that made me snicker a bit. Niall and I quietly ate our breakfast before getting a text from Harry letting me know that he was awake and ready to come down stairs. I get up and head that way. Niall following me. We made our way in to his room and Niall helped me get him up. I got him into my arms comfortably and then headed down stairs. Niall grabbing his chair for me. We all set in silence while we ate. After breakfast we willed Harry to the living room and then made our way back to the kitchen. Niall helping me cleanup. Him still not really talking to me much. An 'excuse me' when he needed through. Or a 'thank you' when I helped him do something. Other than it was silence. The whole day went that way. When it got time for us to head to the club, we went a head and put Harry into his bed and made sure he was comfortable and had everything he needed at arms reach. We told him good night and to call or text if he needs anything. Niall and I trying to act normal around him so he doesn't know about the riff between us. The ride to the club was a quiet one

We have been here for a couple of hours. I understand that Niall is at work and customers come first, but he still isn't treating me the way he usually does when I'm here.

"What is your problem?", I ask him as he just places my drink on the bar and walks off. It wasn't even in front of me. It was a bit from me, but I knew it was mine as no one else was setting near me. He turned to me and just glared. "Nothing", Was his response as he walked off. The rest of the night was like that. If I could still drink freely, I would've been drunk by now with the way I was feeling. We had a little chat with Louis before we left when the club closed. He agreed with what we said and then we all parted ways.

"Would you just talk to me!!", I said harshly as we made our way through the front door.

"Okay! I will talk to you!! How can you act like this when you know damn well your friend is the one acting like an ass!?!", he shouted at me as he ran up the stairs and to my/our room. He had tried to slam it before I got there but luckily I caught with my hand before it slammed on my face. "Do not talk about Harry like that!", I shouted back. "He is like my brother and I care for him despite how he has been acting!", I shout back.

"So, you're okay with the way he is treating my best friend, is what you're saying!?!", Niall shouts back as he keeps backing away from me. "If that's the case, Liam, I'm going back to mine and Louis' place and let you and Harry be", He said a bit softer voice this time. I stopped in my tracks and just stood there and looked at him. I can't believe we have let this bullshit get to us like this. I did the only thing I knew to do. I went over to him, him now backed up to the wall. I grab his face in my hands and lay a gentle yet rough kiss to his lips. A kiss full of fear, anger, love, lust , want. All our emotions in one kiss. It got heated quite quickly and we pulled away before it got too far.

"Look at us Liam! This isn't even our mess yet we are fighting like it is. I know this involves our best friends. But they are adults and we need to let them handle this on their own. Show our support, but yet, leave the results them. We can treat them lovingly while still showing each other respect.", Niall said panting.

"I agree love. let's go away for a weekend or so. Just you and me. We need some time to ourselves", I told Niall as I leaned my forehead against his. He just shook his head in agreement and then started our make out session up again. If we ended up making love till dawn, well that's between us.

A/N: Well I guess it went on longer than I thought. It is probably a bit boring. I just wanted to put some Niam in and get a glimpse of what they are feeling with all of this. yaaay! A whole weekend of Niam coming up! Their time away will be shown. I hope you enjoy it. Went different than I had planned. Please vote and comment. thank you for all the support you guys have been showing. Much love xx

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