Chapter 42

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A/N: Okay, so I am just sitting here being bored and that can be dangerous..LOL..It causes my mind to wonder where it doesn't need to be. Like thinking of Harry on that Yacht with Kendall! Sorry, but No! Just No Harry! Okay, If he's happy with her, fine, I'm happy for him..But still, just no. So, anyways, I thought I would write another chapter for you guys due to being bored and needing to put my thoughts to better use. So here is another chapter for you. I hope it's not too boring.


Niall and I have now been on this plane for seventeen hours now! SEVENTEEN HOURS! For a guy like me, that is way too long to be cooped up in one spot! I'm surprised some one has not pushed me out into the ocean yet! Or better yet, given me a sedative like Niall has begged them to do more than once. Right now,we are in the middle of playing Piano Tiles on his phone. Last few times he has kicked my arse on it, but I am determined to beat him before this plane lands in a couple hours.

"Oh My God, you idgit!", I holler out as I toss his phone back to him. Him beating me for the hundredth time.

"Fine! I will put it on the easy setting, you twit!", He says as he picks his phone back up and goes into the settings of the game.

"Thank you!", I say cheerfully as now I know i will win atleast one game. This goes on for the next hour and a half till the flight attendant comes on telling everyone to get their seats in their upright positions and all belongings tucked away in safe keeping as we are going to be landing in about 30 minutes. Great! This would be the time that my bladder decides it needs to release itself.

"You alright there, mate?", Niall asks after a few minutes watching me squirm in my seat.

"Badly need to piss!", I said as i put pressure on my lower region to keep from weeing myself

"Oh shit, Lou! Sucks to be you!", Niall said as he laughs a bit. "Damn! Thinking of you needing to wee is making me need to as well! Damn you, Tomlinson!", He says as he starts squirming as well. People around us are probably thinking we have done lost our minds

"Ha! That's what you get for laughing at me, Horan!", I tell him, trying not to laugh at the situation because then there would be a mess. Finally after an excruciating thirty minutes(which seemed like an Infinity), the plane lands and we are free to start unloading. I start,politely as possible, pushing people out the way so I can get off this damn plane and to the toilet. Once we are off Niall and I both head to the toilet.

"Umm one of us needs to go get our luggage!', I tell Niall as I push him in that direction

"Dude! If I don't get to the toilet soon, I am going to piss all over you!", Niall says quite seriously I might add. Reluctantly, we both run to the baggage claim. Pushing our way through as we go. We both are standing there with our legs crossed, doing a little dance as we impatiently wait for our luggage to come around. When we finally get it, we both sprint to the toilet.

"I need to pee! I need to pee!", I shouted out every time someone got in our way. Seemed to make them move quite quickly, the looks on their faces priceless. Luckily when we get in there, there are two toilets open. We both dart for them before anyone else takes them. Letting out a breath of relief when my body is finally able to relieve itself. We get done there and quickly wash our hands and make our way out in search of my family. Niall will be staying with me at my mums house till some time tomorrow when his mum and dad get back from Ireland. As we walk a bit further towards the exit, I see my mum waving her arms in the air wildly. I grab Niall by his sleeve and take off in a run, nearly yanking him off his feet.

"Dude! Next time warn me first!", Niall says as grabs on to me to keep from falling, nearly causing us both to go down.

"My Boobear!", mum says as she pulls me into a hug. "I've missed you so!", She says as she squeezes me tightly. "Niall! Your mum is so excited to see you tomorrow!", She says as she then pulls Niall into a hug as well. "Your sister wanted to come as well, but Dan needed her help with the youngsters at home", She said as we started walking out the door towards the parking lot.

"Anxious to see the little buggers!", I say as we find the car and throw our stuff in the boot and get in. It's a bit cold here. It's been cold in L.A. surprisingly. But a bit more colder here in London. We climb in and fasten our seat belts as mum pulls out into the street.

"The younger twins will hopefully be asleep for their morning nap when we get there. They have been quite a mess already this morning!", mum says with a grin. "Ernest is reminding me more of you everyday", She says shaking her head. "Poor child", I hear Niall murmur from the backseat. "Poor Child! How about poor mum!", My mum says laughing and looking through the rear view mirror at Niall. Causing him to laugh and nod in agreement. After a bit of a drive and sleepy chatter,we finally make it home to Doncaster. Mum pulls into the driveway and the house looks quiet and still. We grab our luggage and head for the front door. Just as mum is about to open it, an anxious Lottie does,causing mum to stumble into her. We laugh a bit about and then wrap each other into a tight hug. Niall puts his luggage down and joins us. All of us very happy to see each other. 

"Ernest and Doris just laid down for their morning nap", Lottie says as we make our way into the living room. I look at the clock and see that it is now nine a.m. Making it around three a.m. in L.A. I wonder if Harry would hear his phone if I called him..or if he's still awake. I give my mum and Lottie a hug before i make it upstairs to lay down myself. My other siblings still snoring away in their rooms. I will give them a proper hello when I wake back up. Niall decides to lay down on the couch in the living room. Saying he's too tired to try to make it up the stairs. As I strip down to just my boxers ad climb into bed, I grab my phone and charger and plug it into the wall. I get cuddled into my blankets and grab my phone and scan my contacts till I see Harrys name on my screen. I hit the call button and patiently wait for him to answer. After about four rings a very sleepy sounding Harry answers the phone

"Hello?", he says as i hear shuffling around.

"Hii baby!", I say as I smile from hearing his raspy voice.

"Louis! Baby! I miss you!", He says a bit loudly through the phone. A bit more awake now than he was before. Did you guys just land baby?"

"I miss you too, luv! We landed a couple hours or so ago. Just getting to mums and settled. Wanted to call and hear your voice!", I tell him through a yawn

"Awe! My baby tired!", He says as he yawns as well.

"Yes, the jetlag is kicking my arse", I tell him as I shuffle around to get more comfortable. "Wish you were here with me to help me fall asleep"

"I wish I was too, baby! So much happened today! Wish you were here with me through it all", He says a bit saddened.

"What happened baby?", I ask him, now a bit more alert. My poor body and mind are so confused right now. Tired. Alert. Tired. Alert.

"I will tell you when we both have had more sleep baby", He says sleepily. "No worries, okay love! We are okay! Everything here is okay!", He tells me as he knows the concerns that are racing through my mind right now. "Okay baby. You can tell me later today luv.", I say as we change the subject a bit. At that moment, a very cheerful Liam is heard in the background of the phone. "Harry! Harry! Nialls on the phone! They landed safely!", I hear him say, followed by Harry, "I know mate! Louis' on the phone right now!', Harry responds with a light laugh.  We talk a bit more, Liam now back in his room I assume. After about an hour of talking we say our goodbyes and I love yous, and then hesitantly hang up the phone. I turn over to put my phone on the charger and then get comfortable again. Not being long till my eyes are closing and thoughts of Harry are filling my dreams.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I feel I am losing readers. If it's getting boring, Please tell me what you guys want to see happen to make it more interesting. If the time difference is wrong, please tell me. I couldn't remember what the difference was between L.A. and London. Much love to all of you xx

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