Chapter 19

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A/N: Hello my lovely readers I am posting another update. I'm not feeling all that great, so it may be a bit off but I wanted to get something updated for you guys. Please bare with me and hope you enjoy.


"Why didn't you tell me about being bullied?", Louis asks after giving me a kiss. I should have seen this coming. But I'm not sure I'm ready to open up to him,yet. But I guess since I've already put it out there I may as well. If he stays with me, Good. If he walks, well wont be the first time.

"Because, Lou, it was kids of your kind that bullied me", I said as I took a sip of my drink. I look to see the expression on Louis' face. He looked..confused..hurt? but why?

"What do you mean boys of my kind, Harry?", He asks as he pulls closer to him. Okay, right now I must admit I am a bit scared. He may be tiny, but this boy is like dynamite when you upset him.

"C'Mon, Louis, I was just a kid at school. Someone that was lost in the crowd. A no name. You were captain of the footy team. That's what I mean", I tell him, our eyes staying locked on each other.

"Harry, I left high school awhile back. We are adults now, not children. Besides, I may have been captain, but I had a few 'nobodies' as friends as well. Don't place all  your bullies in the same category as your friends/boyfriend, love. And don't put them in the same social class as me", He tells me with a a very stern look. "Stay the night with me so we can talk more", He finishes off as he goes back to serving awaiting customers.And how could I refuse that offer. The night went on pretty well. Did have a bar fight, but Paul broke it up real quick. Well up until now it was going well.

"May I speak to a Harry Styles please?", a man said as he walked up to the bar. Dressed casual, thought nothing of it. But I still followed my gut feeling and sat quietly as I turned my body away from him

"And who might you be?", I heard Liam ask in his not so nice voice.

"I'm just wanting to ask a few questions of him,if you don't mind", He said as he pulled out a small note pad and pen. I knew it. A freaking reporter. How the hell did he make it through the bouncers outside?

"No you may not, sir", Liam said. Just as the guy turned in his seat he seen me setting there. "How the hell do you expect to beat up Alexander if you're spending all your time in this low life bar and don't even go to the gym to workout?", The guy asked with a sassy smirk

"Excuse me, asshole!". Oh shit, there's Louis! I think to myself. "For one, you do not come into my bar and start running your mouth! I will lay the smack down on you real quick! Furthermore, what Harry does in his free time is none of your damn business!" And there it is.

"Ohh, so you're the fag boy that Harry has been seen with. This fight should be interesting!", He said laughing. Just as Louis was climbing over the bar Liam, Zayn, and Paul had this guy in a head lock..arms pinned behind his back and being shoved to the entrance. Louis looks at me with teers in his eyes that he wasn't letting escape, Shaking his head and mouthing an apology. I drowned out the cheers and hollars from the bar as this asshole was being escorted out, and grabbed Louis by his arm to pull him closer to me.

"Don't be sorry, Love. Without you, I would be no where near ready to face this monster", I gave him a kiss and wiped the teers from his eyes and then he went back to serving customers. The media really pisses me off at times. After that little episode everything went pretty smooth. Close to the end of the night, Alex came up to Louis asking to talk to him

"Lou,do you think we could get together some time this week and do that interview for my class?"

"Sure, love. Will tomorrow be okay, Harry?", He asks as he turns to look at me

"You don't have to ask me, but yes, tomorrow will be fine, baby", I say as i give him an air kiss. I hate those but that's all I can give him at the moment

"Where were you staying at tonight?", Liam asked me as we sat at the bar waiting for the lads to get done closing up the place.

"Where ever Louis is staying", I answer him

"I'm staying at y'alls place", Niall says as he rushes by to go put some things away in their proper pace

"He's staying at mine", Louis answers as he passes by quickly and kisses my cheek.

"Well, I guess that's settled then", Liam replies with a small laugh. After a little while, the lads let us know everything is done and we head out the door to go home. Yes, finally! So ready to cuddle up to my baby and relax a bit. Of course we still have a talk to do, but after that, well we will see where our cuddles lead us.

A/N: Here you guys go. Hope it wasn't too bad. I hate being sick. This whatever it is really sucks badly. Love y'all and thank you so much for the reads and votes. Very much appreciated.

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