Chapter 15

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"Would you mind telling me why you pulled us away from our prior engagements to be here at 12:00 at night?", I said as we walked into the big bosses office. I am Harrys manager/trainer, but there is someone above me that makes the final decisions on fights and stuff of that nature. I'm usually not this forward with him, but it's late and he pulled me from my boy. That didn't set with me well

"Well, Harrys major fight has been confirmed and set up!", the burly man said as he sat strait up in his chair and folded his arms on his desk. "Thought you boys may want to know ahead of time so you can get prepared", The burly man, a.k.a Robert responded. This got mine and Harrys attention quickly. I looked over at Harry seeing him squirm in his seat a bit nervously.

"Wh-who is it I will be fighting?", He asked in a shakey voice. This is all new for Harry. Usually he is full of confidence. But tonight I'm seeing the vulnerable side of him that Niall has brought out. It's a good thing to a point. The room suddenly fell quiet as Robert glanced at the both of us, then his eyes suddenly fell on me. I recognize that look in his eyes.

"No! No way!", I stated as I stood up ready to walk out of the office. "Robert, you can't let this fight happen. He will destroy Harry!", I cried out. "No offense Harry, but this guy is a monster!", I said as I looked over at Harry.

"do you think I'm not good enough, Liam?!", Harry said. A bit of anger in his voice

"Harry, no, that's not it at all! This guy..this guy nearly killed me.", I said in a softer shakey voice as I sat back down in my seat

"But, I'm not you Liam", Harry said in a quiet voice as he looked at me. I wish he didn't feel he had to prove who he was or what he was made of to everyone. Harry is a great fighter, but he is no where near good enough for this guy. He nearly killed me, ending my boxing career.

"Okay, we will do it", I say hesitantly. "But Harry, I am going to train you and work you over like you've never done before", I said to him as I squeezed his shoulder. I'm scared for him, but once Harry puts his mind to something, there's no changing it. And he has put his mind to being the best of the best. And he was about to fight the best in three months

"That doesn't give us much time to train for this, Robert", I say as we signed the proper paper work.

"Well, if he had been training properly all this time, maybe he would be more prepared, Mr. Payne", Robert said as he took the papers that we signed.

"That's not true and you know it! You trained me day and night! Doing everything you could think of to prepare me for it and it still wasn't enough!", I said a bit more louder than intended.

"Liam, you will get me prepared, ok", Harry said as he looked at me. A soft look in his eyes. Fear, maybe. It hit me then that what he said wasn't just a statement..It was more of a question.

"I will do my best,Harry", I said as we got up to leave. 


As we were serving drinks to the remaining customers, I felt my phone buzz. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked to see an incoming call from Liam. I answered it letting Louis know I would be right back and headed towards my office where it's more quiet.

"Hey love", I answered. Happy to hear from him. Anxious to hear what made them leave like they did.

"Hey baby..umm..we need you and Louis to come to our place when you guys leave the club. It's important", Liam said in a shakey voice.

"Everything ok love? It will be late when we leave here", I responded now chewing on my nails. I know it's a horrid habit, but it calms me

"We will fill you guys in when you get here love", he said as we said our good-byes and hung up. Now my curiosity is getting the best of me. I walk back up to the bar to help Lou and Zayn clean up and start closing down as we serve the last of our customers. Ed announcing 'last call for alcohol' as it was now 2:00 a.m. and we close at 2:30. Plus I am just anxious to get out of here and get back to Liam. I explain to Louis the plan but can't say much more cause I don't even know. We get everything done in record timing and head out, locking everything up as we go. I wave bye to my wonderful workers and bid them a goodnight as Louis and I head to the vehicle. We sometimes ride together since we come in at the same time and leave at the same time. The ride to Liam and Harrys was a quiet one. Louis and I both lost in thought on what could be going on. As I pulled up to a stop light, I looked over at Louis and squeezed his shoulder reassuring him. When we finally made it to Liams, I pulled up into the drive and shut the car off. Louis already out and running towards the house. As I make it up to the door, Liam is opening it and welcoming us in. We head to the living room where Harry is seated on the couch. His elbows propped up on his knees, head in his palms. Louis ran over to him and wrapped his arms around him.

"You okay love?", Louis asked him softly. Harry looked up at him and just shook his head yes.

"okay lads", Liam said as he sat down next to me."About that phone call", Liam exhaled lightly

"I have to fight the dude that Liam fought!", Harry shouted out before Liam could say anything.

"The one that-"

"Yes that one", Liam said before I could finish

"No! Absolutely not!", Louis hollered out as he stood up and paced the floor. "He will destroy you Harry!", Louis said as he stopped and locked eyes with Harry

"What?! You don't think I can do this either!', Harry shouted as he stood up. "You think I'm weak as well! My own boyfriend! The one that is suppose to be supportive of me!", Harry shouted out

"Whoa Mister!", louis shouted back. "This isn't me not being supportive! This is me being scared shitless for my boyfriend that I care so much about!", Louis shouted right back. For a minute it looked like Harry was softening with those words but then tough Harry was back.

"Get out!", Harry shouted as he pointed towards the front door. Louis stood their dumbfounded. In shock in how Harry was acting. "I said get the hell out!", Harry said again.

"You know what, asshole, i think I will!", Louis said as he stormed out the door. I didn't know what to do, so i just stood there by Liam. "You too Niall! Out!", Harry said.

"No Harry! I'm not someone you can bark orders at! Calm your shit, Now!", I said, shocking myself at the words that came out of my mouth. I headed towards the door to go check on Louis when I felt a hand on my arm. I looked to see the culprit was Liam.

"Let me go to him and try to talk to him love", Liam said as he kissed my cheek. He knows harry better than anyone here so maybe he can talk to Louis and lesser the blow that Harry gave him.

"And, Harry, i suggest you go up stairs and calm yourself down before I bring Louis back into this house or else", He said as he glared at Harry. Harry stormed up stairs and Liam outside. Leaving me in the living room alone with my thoughts.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed it as always. I know here lately it seems to be alot of seriousness, but trust me some funny interesting parts will be happening. Please vote..comment..let me know what you think..

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