Chapter 41

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Harry decided to go back to his and Liams flat with his family, not feeling comfortable staying at Louis and Nialls while they're away. Though Louis did say he trusted Harrys family and knew that everything would be taken care of, Harry still didn't feel comfortable. Plus he didn't look forward to the nights he would sleep in Louis' bed alone. He was use to sleeping in his bed alone, although he hated  it. But sleeping in Louis' bed alone made the feeling of loss due to Louis' absence stronger. So they all packed up and went on over to Harry and Liams. Which is where they are now. Harry still feeling sleepy made his way to his room and shut the door. Pulling his clothes off down to his briefs and then climbing into his bed and wrapping the blankets securely around him. The noise of chatting downstairs now muffled by his earphones. He turns his music on and lets his mind drift off to thoughts of Louis. His upcoming fight and the stress of it now being put aside for a bit. Louis tends to do that to him. Causes him to push stressful things aside for a bit just so he can relax some. And now with Louis away he is finding it more difficult to not worry about what the outcome of his fight will or could be like. Every time these thoughts of worry and concern crept up into Harrys thoughts, Louis was always there to push them away with words of encouragement and positive thoughts. But now, he is left alone with his thoughts and worries. As the music plays through his earphones he slowly drifts off with thoughts of Louis laying there running his hands though his hair like he does every night they are together. After a bit Harry finally drifts off to sleep. His peaceful dreams filled with thoughts of the one that has crept into his world and turned it upside down, in a good way.

Down stairs Louis and Gem are playing a game of FIFA. Yes! Liam talked her into playing it just to pass time. She plays better than Liam thought she would but still not as good as him.

"YES!", Gemma shrieked as she stood up to do her little victory dance. "I finally kicked your arse, Payne!!", She yelled out in happiness as she pointed to him.

"Out of how many games, Gem?", Liam says as he playfully glares at her. Him and Gem have always been close every since Harry and Liam were kids. Playful banter between them always been a constant thing

"That doesn't matter , Payne! All that matters is that I kicked your ass!", she said matter-of-factly

"If you say so, Styles!", He said with a smirk, knowing she does not like being called by her last name. Which earned him a firm shove in the chest. Gemma then laughing at the look on Liams face. If they weren't so close as family they would probably be dating by now. But they both know that is a line they can't and will not cross. After a bit, Anne made her way into the living room from the kitchen where she was drinking coffee and thinking of something for lunch. After a bit of a search she decided to make sandwiches with chips. When she came out of the kitchen, Liam looked up and noticed a slight trail of tears going down her cheeks.

"What's wrong, Anne?", Liam asked as he got up and went over to her. Gemma following close behind him

"Nothings wrong,luv. Why do you ask?", She said as she looked at them with a smile

"You look like you have been crying,mum", Gem said as she went over to wipe gently at her mums eyes

"Oh..that..Yeah, those damn onions get me every time", She said laughing. Causing Liam and Gem to break out in laughter, relieved that nothing was upsetting her. 

It was close to 2:00 p.m. when Harry finally made his way down stairs, wiping the sleep from his eyes as he made his way into the living room. 

"Lunch is on the cabinet if you're hungry", Anne told him as he sat in a chair in the corner. His and Louis' favorite place to set when Louis is there with him.

The Boxer VS The Bartender (Larry Stylinson AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz