Chapter 40

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"Oh my god! Yes!', is what I remember shouting before Harry woke me up. Setting straight in a cold sweat.

"Oi! Styles! Couldn't you give me a few more minutes!", I said as I wiped the sleep from my eyes. Looking over at the clock I see that it is 5:00 a.m.

"I gave you a few minutes, Tomlinson!', Harry said with a smirk. "By the way, I don't know what you were dreaming about, but I would love to make it real!', Harry said as he leaned down to give a soft good-morning kiss.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sure you would. But, I believe you already have", I say with a slight grin on my face as I get up out of my warm bed. I make my way to the bathroom to do my business, shrieking as Harry swats my bum when I walk pass him. I go to the toilet to do my business. As I'm coming out, i hear my phone buzzing on the nightstand. Harry picks it up and tosses it to me.

"Hello", I say my voice cracking from just waking up.

"Hey, mate! Are you up and about?", Nialls voice rings through the phone. I still don't know how that lad can sound so chipper in the early morning hours.

"Hey, Nialler! I am getting around now. Should be ready in about 30 minutes or so.

"We are headed to your place now,so hurry it up! Our flight leaves at 7:30"

"I thought it left at 7:00", I said as I pulled on a pair of loose jeans and comfortable shirt. Going to be in flight for close to 19 hours. I want to be comfortable.

"I Looked again and it's 7:30 mate", He said. At that we say our quick good-byes so we can get around. Harry and I make our way down stairs, Harry grabbing my bags for me on the way down.

"Oh crap!", I say as we get half way down. "We didn't exchange our gifts last night", I said as I turned to look at Harry.

"I put yours in your bag, luv", He said as he gave me a quick kiss. "Open it when you get to your mums"

"Okay luv. Yours is in my top drawer of my night stand", I tell him as we finish making our way down. When we get to the kitchen, we see Anne setting at the table drinking some coffee.

"Good morning, boys!", She says as she takes a sip of her coffee. Geez this woman is friendly and sweet even at this hour! She's a great lady. Going to miss here when they go back home. Thankfully I will be back in time to see them off. "I made you boys breakfast so you can eat before you leave"

"Thank you, mum", Harry said as he gave her a hug and then sat down across the table from her

"Thank you, Anne", I said as I made me a quick plate and sat beside Harry. Before too long, there was a knock on the door. Harry got up to answer, knowing it was probably Liam and Niall. Liam is also riding with to see Niall and I off. I know he and Niall are going to miss each other terribly while we're away.

"Good morning everyone!', They say as they make their way into the kitchen. "You guys about ready?", Liam asked as he looked at us finishing up breakfast.

"Yep!", I say as i get up and put my plate in the sink. Having a bit of mixed emotions right now. Don't want to leave Harry and his family. But I am so excited about seeing my mum and siblings. Been way too long. Well, I did see Lottie not too long ago. But the rest of them it's been a couple of years or so. We give Anne hugs and Harry grabs my bags as we make our way to the car. The ride to the airport is filled with anxious chatter about the long flight. Harry and I are setting in the backseat sneaking in kisses and touches here and there.

"No sex in my car!", Liam says as he looks at us through the rearview mirror.

"Oh ok. Like you and Niall haven't already broke in this backseat, yet!', Harry says sarcastically. Niall keeps looking out the window trying to hide his grin. Liam looks back with red face. Harry and I just laugh. "yeah, that's what I thought!', Harry said laughing as he pulled me closer to him. We made it to the airport faster than I wanted to. I know that we will only be gone for about a week. But I'm still not very good with goodbyes. Liam finds a place to park and we all get out, grabbing our bags as we shut the doors and head inside. We get to security and this is where we have to say our good-byes. I hold Harry as if this would be the last time I do. Knowing full well that it wouldn't be. I am definitely coming back to him and I know that he will be here waiting for me.

The Boxer VS The Bartender (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now