Chapter 43

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After talking with Louis on the phone, I was able to fall asleep easier. Though he called at 3 a.m. my time, I was still awake a little bit. Couldn't fully fall asleep till after I heard his voice. We are going to talk via web later today and I'm going to mention to him about opening the presents we got each other then. I am also suppose to tell him about what happened earlier that day. I am a bit scared to. I know. I am Harry Styles! I ain't scared of anything. Well, that was before I met Louis. Yes, I know, he is quite small but he sure is quite mighty too. I'm not scared of him physically. I know that neither of us would go that far as to hit one another. When things go that far, it's time to walk away from each other and end things. No, I am scared of him emotionally. What do I mean? You may ask. As I have mentioned before, one of my biggest fears, aside from my upcoming fight, is losing Louis. I am scared that one day he will get fed up with my attitude and walk away. I am trying so hard to tame it down, and I have alot compared to what I was. But, I still have a ways to go. I'm scared of disappointing him, letting him down. I know that he will have a mouthful to say and I can't do anything besides agree with what he will say, because I know he's right. I am brought out of my thoughts by a soft knock on my door. And a smiley face peeks in from the small opening of the door.

"Good morning, Gem", I say as I start laughing from the cute face she is making. Her face is squished between the door frame and the door, giving her a quite hilarious look.

"Good morning, little brother", she says with her face still squished a bit causing me to laugh even harder. I sure have missed her. There is never a dull moment with her around. Sure, we get on each others nerves from time to time, but at the end of the day we are laughing and goofing off together. She finally opens the door fully and steps into my room, taking a look around.

"Nice room you got here, Haz", She says as she scans my walls and desk. I then take a scan at the clock and see that it is now eleven a.m. I better get up if i want to do what I have planned today with Louis. I reach down and grab my pants off the floor and slip them on before I full get up out of bed. Don't want my sister seeing my bits. She may realize they do come in different sizes and go tell her boyfriend that he needs to 'grow' a bit. I laugh out loud at that thought causing Gem to look at me funny.

"It's nothing Gem, just remembered a conversation Louis and I had before he left. Don't ask, you don't want to know', I told her hoping she would not see through my lie and badger me for the truth. Thankfully it worked and the conversation was changed.

"Mum has lunch ready downstairs if you're hungry. I would say breakfast but all of that got eatin earlier this morning", She said as she started making her way out of my room. I find a shirt to throw on and then follow her down to the kitchen. Mum, Liam and Robin were seated at the table waiting for us to come down. Mum had made lemon chicken with salad and baked potatoes. Tea, soda or water are the choices of beverage. We all start making our plates and late chatter taking over the quiet kitchen. A bit quieter and empty without Louis and Niall here. I can tell Liam feels the same way by the solemn look on his face.

"Thank you mum for this wonderful meal", I tell her as I take sip of my iced tea.

"Yes, thank you very much Anne. it was very delicious", Liam said giving her a soft smile

"What are your plans for today boys?", mum asks trying to make conversation with us to help with our at loss feeling.

"Going to workout a bit today", Liam answered. "May do a run later on this evening"

"Yes, I need to get my head on strait and get on the ball", I answered as I looked at mum with a smile. She nodded her head knowing what I was saying. It went more deeper than just meaning the fight. Robin and Liam had their own conversation going. Gemma making sly remarks towards Robin out of fun. It is a bit hilarious to watch them two at times. You would think they were the siblings, well besides their age difference. After we all were done eating, we all helped clear off the table and helped load the dishwasher. With all of us working together,we had it all done in no time. I then excused myself from the kitchen to go up to my room so I could vid call Louis. I get in my room and set on my bed up against the head board. My laptop setting on my lap. I bring up the app and see that Louis is already on and so I hit the call button. Within seconds Louis' face appears on my screen. I want to reach through the screen and run my fingers along his cheeks so bad.

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