Chapter 78

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A/N:Not much to say this morning. Will warn you this chapter is going to be full of smut. If you don't want to read it, then feel free to skip this chapter. If you do read it, I hope you enjoy it.

The rest of the night was great. Think it did me some good to get out a bit and I know it did Harry some good. Seeing everyone at the club and serving them again was nice. It may seem crazy, but this place is my go-to-place. Not because of the alcohol because well we are not allowed to drink while working. This maybe a club, but we keep it under control and well-kept. The people here are like family. Anyways, enough of my rambling. After we get everything cleaned up and locked up, we walk out to Zayn's car and get in. Harry decided he wanted to try walking out to the car, with the aid of his walker of course. He did good. He is still a bit wobbly but he is getting better. Once we get him settled in and his equipment put in the trunk, we head back to Harry and Liam's place. Zayn stays long enough to help me get Harry up the stairs. Our ride home is quite interesting, as Harry and I couldn't keep our hands to ourselves, earning glares from Zayn through the rearview mirror.

"No having sex in my car!", He shouted out as he heard a moan come from Harry. What? All I did was pull his hair a bit. Okay, maybe my hand went further than just his tummy.

"Zayn, you have had sex in this car!", Harry said as best he could without moaning it out.

"It's my car, Haz! besides, how'd you know about that?", Zayn asks a little shyly.

"Perrie talks to Alex, a lot!", I said with a little smirk on my face. Speaking of Perrie

"Hey Zayn, why isn't Perrie coming home with you?", I asked as I continued to roam my hands on Harry's body. kind of creepy now that I think about it.

"She is meeting me at my place", He says with a huge smile. "So, no playing around till after I leave. Get you upstairs quickly so I can go to my girl", He says as he looks back at us

"We will definitely get upstairs quickly", Harry said as he kissed me along my neck and jawline. We finally made it to the flat and I hurried and got out of the vehicle. Zayn got the walker and wheelchair out of the truck and brought the walker quickly over to Harry. We made it inside the house and Zayn decided to just carry Harry up the stairs to get us there quickly. He laid him on the bed and we said our goodbyes rather quickly. When I heard the front door shut downstairs, I proceeded what we had started in the car. I got Harry completely undressed and licked my lips when my eyes fell on his very hard member. Been so long since we have been together like we're going to be tonight. Yeah, we've had random handjobs and blowjobs, but tonight is going to be so much more. We always turn on the radio to a love-song station when we get intimate. It just does something to the atmosphere around us. It is softly playing in the back ground as I get him stripped down and then I get myself stripped down. I see Harry looking at me that same way he did months ago when we first gave ourselves to each other. But there was another look there that I hadn't seen before. So much passion and love. Yeah, I've seen a touch of it, but tonight there is so much of it shining through. Makes my heart flutter and my breathing to go a bit shaky.

"I don't want to have sex with you tonight", He says as I climb onto him, our eyes locking with each others. I stop my movements and set up straight. Straddling him a bit.

"What do-", I was cut off by a finger to my lips before i could finish.

'i want us to make love tonight baby", Harry says as he pulls me back down on him and starts kissing me softly and gently. My body completely relaxed on top of his. The kiss wasn't rushed or rough. It remained soft and gentle. All our passion and love for each other coming through in that kiss. Yes, again, that has happened before, but, again, tonight was so different. No holding back feelings or emotions. Tonight we were letting each other in completely. No walls up. No hesitation. No doubts. Just full trust and love. This feeling right now, in this moment, is a feeling I have waited for so long to have with him. Tonight is the night that everything in the past is put away and destroyed. Tonight is our time to start new and fresh. And it sends a wave of excitement through my body. he gently pulls away and stares into my eyes.

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