Chapter 20

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When we got to Louis' place we made our way up stairs to his room. Both very tired and ready to just lay down. We stripped down to our boxers and climbed into bed. Taking our usual positions. Me on my back with Louis cuddled into my side and his head on my chest. My hand rubbing soft circles down his back and his fingers dancing across my chest. I love nights like this. Just him and I. After a few moments of just enjoying each other, Louis sat up on his elbow still facing me

"Love, why did you think you couldn't talk to me?", Louis asked softly

"I wasn't sure what the outcome would be babe", I answered. And I didn't. He only knew me as this macho pig-headed boxer. Not the outsider that got bullied. I mean,c'mon he was captain of the footy team. What does he know about getting bullied. Physically and emotionally?

"Love, I may have been captain of the footy team. That got everyone's attention. But throw the gay part into the mixture and sometimes the attention i got wasn't all that pleasant.", He said as he looked down at my chest. Mindlessly drawing circles along my skin with his finger. "And then when I was no longer captain or on the team, I was just looked at as that gay kid", He got quiet after that. I have yet to know what happened to him no longer playing. Liam knows but says that it is Louis' story to tell. I guess when he's ready to tell me, he will.

"What grade were you in when you came out?", I asked him in hopes I wasn't crossing any barriers.

"My 9 year is when some people found out. But the whole school knew by my 10 year. That's where Niall came in at. Niall moved to Doncaster my 5 year. We kind of hung out some as he lived right down the street from me. But by 10 year we had become the best of friends. He always walked around with his guitar. Never without it. He got laughed at. I took him under my wing. Not all footy players or captains are assholes, babe. Some of us do understand what it's like to be bullied", he said as he looked into my eyes. "And now that I know that part of your life, I can understand your hard attitude you get at times.", he said with a slight grin on his face.

"Thank you, love, for everything. You have been just what I have been needing. And I'm sorry if i don't always show you that", I told him as i leaned down and kissed his forehead.

"You're welcome babe", He said as he yawned. He laid his head back down on my chest and soon I heard soft snores coming from him. I laid there for awhile just watching this angel sleep before sleep finally took over me.


'What time was Alex coming over?", I asked as we sat down to eat breakfast

"She just text me a few minutes ago and said she would be here shortly. So probably around 10 love", Louis said as he took a bite of his eggs. I got up a bit early this morning to make us up some eggs and bacon and toast. Just as we were finishing up and clearing our dishes there was a soft knock on the door. I walked over to let her in.

"Good morning,Harry!", She said happily as she walked in. "How are you this morning?"

"Doing great,Love. There's extra breakfast left if you are hungry", I told her as we made our way to the kitchen.

"Not very hungry, but I could use a good cuppa if some is done", She said as she sat down at the table with her notebook and pen in hand.

"Coming right up", Louis said as he pulled another cup down for her. Him and I were already sipping on some. He got the cup and joined her at the table. I stood there not sure if I should stay or go.

"Sit down,love", Louis said as he patted the chair next to him

"oh ok. Wasn't sure if you wanted me to stay or go", I said as I sat down

"Of course you can stay", He told me as he pecked me on the lips

"Alright, love, what is it you want to know about me?", Louis asked her as we all got settled

"Well, I pretty much know everything, but I just want to make sure I get facts correct and not leave important details out", She said smiling as she picked up her pen. "start with basics. Where are you originally from?", she asked

"I am from Doncaster in South Yorkshire,England. Born and raised there. I have six sisters and a brother. Finally got a brother recently. One of my sisters doesn't live with us. But with my father.", Louis explained

"Wow, Alex said. How did you end up moving here to L.A.?", She then asked.

"Well after my tragic accident, I could no longer play footy. My career ending abruptly. Niall wanted to broaden his options and moved out here, bringing me with him. We got a crazy idea to try out opening up a club and see how it would go. As a surprise to us, it has taken off very well and it's something we love doing", Louis said as he looked at me. He must have read the look on my face as I heard that he had to quit playing footy. He didn't quit because he wanted to, he had to. He then squeezed my knee as he continued talking to Alex

"What kind of injury did you sustain?", She asked. Louis just looked at me as he told her what happened. Knowing this was the first time he would be telling me.

"I..uhm..It was my senior year. Our final game of the year. We had scouts out looking at us. I was already notified that I was wanted for the Doncaster Rovers. My favorite team. I dreamed of playing for them since I was a young lad. Anyways, I was going for the winning goal, just as I kicked the ball, my opponent came up trying to trip me mid kick. He caught my leg just behind my knee. As I fell, our legs got tangled. I felt a sharp excruciating pain shoot up my leg. All I could do was lay there and hold my leg. I remember the paramedics coming out to the field to check on me. I was then carried off the field and to the locker rooms. It was then that I realized how extensive my injury was. My knee had been literally moved over to the side of my leg. I had to have extensive surgery on it. And was told then that I would never be playing again. My professional career down the drown. My life coming to an abrupt hold.", He explained as he took a sip of his tea and just stared down at the table. I couldn't say anything. Wasn't sure what to say, so I just grabbed his hand and brought it up to my mouth and placed soft kisses to it. "but the good thing is, we still won. I still made the winning goal", he said with pride and a soft smile.

"So, that's how you went from footy player to bartender?", Alex asked softly. All Louis could do was nod his head. I know that was hard for him to relive by the look of sorrow came across his face. Pretty soon, Alex packed her things back up and got up to leave. She gave Louis a hug and thanked him for the interview. "I know that was hard to do, Lou", she stated as they pulled away from each other. "Thank you again though for doing this for me. Love you", She said as she walked out the door. I then walked over to him and took him in my arms.

"Why haven't you told me any of this, baby?", I asked as I peppered kisses all over his face

"For the same reason you didn't tell me about your situations, love"

A/N: Yaay! Another update. Was a bit longer than last one. Hope you enjoyed this one. Thank you again for all the reads and votes..please comment on want you think or what ideas you may have that you want to see happen. 

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