Chapter 51

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A/N: Okay my lovelies, please do not hate me after you read this note. But yes, Louis did confirm his baby boy on twitter. The pregnancy was real. He now has a precious son. Lets be happy for him for he sounds excited about it as well. Lets not throw hate at him or Briana and especially not the baby. The precious boy is an innocent one brought into a cruel world by TWO people not just one. One Direction now has their fifth member. ha ha ha. Anyways, I could go on all day about this but, I wont..Now on to chapter 51. I hope you guys enjoy it


I'm not sure how long I have been asleep when I hear Gemma come into my room all cheery and full of life. Yeah, she's all rested up and has obviously been awake for a bit and has possibly ate everything in the house that was full of sugar and caffeine.

"Harry! Harry! Get up lazy bum!", She says as she bursts through my bedroom door.Scares me wide awake causing me to shoot strait up in bed. I had the covers completely over me so when I sat up it looked like the blankets were rising by themselves. Kind of like that episode of friends where Ross wakes up and realizes some one else is in his bedroom when he and Rachel decided to go on a break. Yeah, that scene. Anyways, it causes Gemma to break out in laughter and she comes over and yanks the blankets completely off of me. Thankfully I wasn't fully naked like I am at times when sleeping.

"Gem, what the hell! I could have been naked under there!", I say to her as I cover my waist back up. Still don't want my sister to see me in just my boxer briefs. That is still a bit inappropriate. She exits the room while laughing as I get up and find something to throw on. Not bothering to dress up just to stay around the house. I go down stairs and see my mum in the kitchen preparing something delicious. I say that because anything my mum makes is delicious. I go over and give her a kiss on the cheek as I make my way to the fridge to grab a bottled water.

"What time is it mum?", I ask her as I shut the fridge and walk towards the table to sit down.

"It's  about 3:30 in the afternoon luv', She says as she looks at her watch and then goes back to cutting up chicken pieces. "Liam is out in the garage and told me to send you out when you got up", She said as she continued cutting up stuff

"Okay, I will drink this down and head out there", I say as I take a swig of my water. Guess it was a good thought to only dress in sweats and a tank top. When I make my way out there Liam was already working out. I have to admit the lad is quite fit. But that's a line we agreed not to cross years ago. We are close like brothers and didn't want a relationship to ruin that. And now that he has Niall and I have Louis, that is far out of our thoughts. I go over to the weight lift bench and get settled while he doing some pull ups on the pull up bar.

"So, have you heard from Louis, yet?", He grunted out as he kept lifting himself up

"Not yet", I said as I started lifting weights. "Have you heard from Niall?"

"No. They must still be in flight or just unable to use their phones. Tomorrow dude, our boys will be back home", He said with a bit of excitement in his voice.

"I can't wait, Li. I miss Louis so much man", I tell him just as excited. The more we talked about our boys the more pumped up we got. I only have two more days to get ready. Physically I maybe close, but mentally I am not. I am scared shitless. This dude I am going up against has no heart, I swear. And he shows no mercy. I just need to become that cold and bitter again just long enough for this fight. It that's just so i will survive it. Seriously. Before we know it a couple hours or so has passed by and Robin is making his way out here. 

"Hey Boys, mum says supper is ready", He says as he makes his way towards us.

"Thank you, Robin", Liam says as grabs the punching bag to stop it.

"We are heading in now", I say as I grab my bottle of water and a towel to wipe the sweat off my face. When we walk in the smell of food hits me in the face and I literally moan at how delicious it smells

"Save that noise for when Louis gets here", Liam says jokingly as he walks by me and pats me on the shoulder. We make our way to the table and set down and start fixing our plates. We have broccoli cheese soup, rice and chicken strips. Looks so good.

"Oh Lord, Harry!', Gemma says as I reach around her to grab the plate of chicken. "You reak! Please go shower!", She says as she fans the air in front of her. I purposely raise my arm that's closer to her and fan it out with my other hand.

"C'Mon Gem! I smell like freshly picked roses!"

"Yeah some that have been pissed on by dogs and sprayed by skunks!", She belts out while holding her nose. I just laugh at her and put my arm back down and start eating. Everyone else laughing at our brother/sister banter. Sure am going to miss them when they leave. I am never going to go this long with no contact with them ever again.. When we are done eating we all get up and help clear the table and get the kitchen cleaned up. Just as we were loading the last bit of dishes into the dishwasher, I hear my phone go off. I literally sprint over to it and see the lovely name come across the screen.

"It's Louis!", I shout out excitedly as I run up the stairs to my room. I then hear Liam run to his room laughing on his phone. Must be Niall.

"Hi baby!", I say as I answer the call

"'Ello luv", Louis says a bit tiredly through the phone. I look at my clock and see that it is now 7:30 in the evening here. Not sure their time . Have no idea where he is at the moment. "How's my baby doing?", He asks

"I'm doing good. Just miss you. Just ate supper and did a workout earlier. Going to head to the shower soon', I say a bit seductively when telling him about the shower.

"Damn baby wish I was there", He says softly

"Me too love. Tomorrow we can shower together. How does that sound?", I ask him with a grin across my face.

"Will you have me pinned against the shower wall?", He asks in a bit of a moan. I literally choke on my own spat at that.

"uhhm. I can if that's what you want baby", I say trying to get ahold of myself.

"That's what I want baby", He says a bit more seductively

"Baby you keep talking like this and we will have phone sex right here and now", i tell him as I feel my lower region waking a bit.

"Well. what's stopping us?", he says quietly. "I am in an empty stall. Well Niall is in another one down from me", He says partly moaning. Let's just say this phone call got very heated and quite exciting very quickly. They were on a two hour over lay. We spent the time very wisely. Well about an hour of it.

"Love you baby", He says when we finish. "Tomorrow we will have the real thing", He says as he starts catching his breath.

"I love you too baby", I tell him. "And yes, we sure will. That is a promise. We reluctantly hang up and I get up to wipe myself off. As I walk out of my room, Liam walks out of his. He is stumbling a bit and has a blissed out look on his face. Yep, we are mirroring each other.

"Great phone call there, Liam?", I ask him as I playfully punch him in the arm.

"Yeah, like you can say much", He says as he looks to the floor. We make our way down stairs to hear Gemma wolf whistle at us.

"Think we were loud then, wait till our boys get here", I say with pride.

"Mum can we please get a hotel for the rest of our stay?', gem whines out

"We may just", Robin says playfully. I love my family. We spend the rest of the evening watching movies and chatting about whatever. I can tell they are trying not to bring up the subject of the fight, but I know soon we will need to discuss it, but for now, I just want to relax and enjoy family time.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this. Hope it wasn't too boring. Not really much to say today. Hope you guys are enjoying 

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