Chapter 46

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A/N: I am starting to feel like this book is just dragging on. I'm wanting to make it long and interesting but I feel like it's getting long and boring. I'm going to skip through Newyears and go onto Niall and Louis getting ready to head back to the states. I will mention NewYears though but not going to make it two chapters long like I had planned. Couldn't come up with enough ideas to make it interesting. This is story is nearing the end. Just a few more chapters left. After this one I will picking back up on one of my other stories 'Whispers In The Ear' and will also be starting a Narry one as well. I hope you enjoy this chapter


New Years Eve was quite fun. We had my parents and Louis' family and some of our friends here that we haven't seen in a while. We had all kinds of food and drinks and music. It was nice bringing the New Year with everyone. We haven't done that in years. Yes, I missed Liam and Louis was missing Harry. But we did go our separate ways for a bit to call them and have our own 'private' conversation with them. Of course Louis let everyone know within the house that he was on the phone with Harry if you know what I mean. I must say that Liam is the loud one in our relationship. So looking forward to being back home with him. Will miss my family though. Harry is going to go back to Louis' and my place for a bit so we can all have some private time. Anyways, I am rambling on. At the present time it is 4 a.m. here. We are now getting up and getting prepared to leave for the airport. I am anyways. I called Louis a bit ago to make sure he was up and about. He is a tough one to get up. My mum and dad are going to go with me to the airport to see me off. So we are meeting up at Louis' house and leaving from there. I make my way down stairs to see my mum and dad setting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and having a quiet conversation among themselves. There is scrambles eggs and sausage and bacon and toast on the table and juice or milk to drink. I set down and start making my plate and listen to my parents chat for a bit. Then I made the mistake of looking at my mum. I mean really looking at her. I took her appearance in and my heart shattered. Her eyes were all red and puffy. Dried tear streeks down her cheeks.

"Mum, are you okay?', I asked her with a bit of concern

"I'm ok Nialler. Just wishing I had one more day with you home", She said sniffling and wiping her nose with a napkin

"Ohhh mum, don't cry", I said as I got up and went over to her and took her into my arms in a tight hug. I will call more often and we will vid cam more too", I told her trying to make her feel a bit better. It's times like these that make me hate living so far from home, but also know that it's for the best for me. I don't mean to sound selfish so please don't take it that way. But being away from home has made me more independent and not so reliant on my family.

"That sounds great to me, son. I just miss you so much when you're a way", she said as she pulled a way and dried her eyes again probably for the hundredth time this morning. We finish eating and get ready to head on over to Louis' to meet up with them. I call Liam to let him know that we are heading to the airport and that I will call him as soon as possible. The drive to Louis' parents was a quiet one. One due to being tired and the other due to just not trusting our voices at the moment. I know if I try to talk to my mum I will break down in tears again. Will save that for our goodbyes at the airport. When we get to Jays house, she welcomes us in and by the looks of her, she isn't doing much better than my mum. Louis is in the living room surrounded by his siblings, none of them have dry eyes.

"I will you lot so much but I will call often, I promise", I heard him say to them as he hugged and kissed them all. Well he sneaks a kiss to the Doris and Ernest as they are both asleep in their playpens. "Guess I'm ready to go when you are", He says as he makes his way into the kitchen with his bag draped over his shoulder. Lottie and his other sisters following close behind. They walk outside and stand on the porch as we load our things into the vehicles and get loaded up. We wave to them till we are out of sight. Louis' mum and Dan driving in front and us following them. When we arrive at the airport they walk with us till we hit security and then we say our goodbyes. I'm not wanting to let go of my mum and dad. And it looks like Louis is feeling the same way. We promise to call them as soon as we land and then we say our final tear filled goodbyes. We make our way through security and then on our way to loading, Neither of us in the mood to talk. Just kind of lost in our own thoughts. Leaving family behind while we go home to our other 'family'. A lot of mixed emotions going on at the moment. When we get to the lady that takes our tickets, she informs us that they have run into issues and will be loading in just a bit. To hang out close by so that we hear our flight number when it's announced. With that we decide to make a quick bathroom run and go track down a place to get coffee. Hoping that the issues don't take long to fix and that we can hurry up and start heading home.

A/N: Kind of short and boring. so sorry. It is fixing to get more interesting with more drama and action real soon. Please bare with me. thank you all who are still reading this and who have started reading it. Please vote and if you have any ideas or comments please message me. For some reason I'm not getting notified about comments or what chapter. I see that comments have been made but not saying what chapter. Get tedious to go through each chapter to find the current comment. Messaging me would be so much easier. I would be able to reply quicker and get your ideas put in. This is for if you are reading this on wattpad. I'm also writing this on another sight as well. much love to all xx

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