Chapter 79

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I wake up the next morning still wrapped in Harry's arms. My head laying on his chest. I am so warm and comfortable but I really need to pee. I slide out of his arms carefully as to not wake him up. He is sleeping so soundly, I hate to wake him. He is finally able to sleep better due to the pain subsiding in his back. And is able to get comfortable easier. I make my way to the bathroom and do my business, deciding while I'm in here may as well take a shower. Results of last nights actions still marking my tummy and chest. As I look in the mirror I also see the other marks Harry left behind. Niall and Liam will have fun with this as I cannot hide most of them. I strip down as I only have my boxers on. Wasn't about to run out the room naked knowing Niall and Liam were now home. My luck they would spot me in all my nakedness and make snide remarks. No thank you. When I feel the water is warm enough I climb in and shut the curtain and start washing myself up. Feeling my body relax and the sweat and gunk wash off of me. When I get done, I step out and grab a towel and wrap it around my waist. I quickly make it across the hall and back to Harry's room. I hear laughing downstairs, letting me know that the other two trouble makers are awake. I grab something to put on and go and give Harry a soft kiss and downstairs. I walk in the kitchen and see my two mates setting at the kitchen table munching on cereal.

"Good morning, lads.", i say as I walk into the kitchen. "What time did you guys get home last night?", I asked them as I poured me some cereal.

"Not sure what time it was, but we got kicked out of the hotel..Something about too much noise..and guns being involved", Niall said as he took a bite of his cereal.

"Guns?! What the-", I get cut off by Liam as I drop my bowl onto the cabinet.

"Water guns, Louis! Water. Gun.", Liam responded assuring me there were no shootings..Well not that involved real ammo.

"Whew! okay!", I say as I let out a dramatic breath of air. I go to set down and start eating with them. "How did the rest of your time go?", I asked trying not to smirk too much of what I heard last night.

"went well. We won about $9,000.00 between us", Niall says with a big smile. Lets just say milk and cereal came out my mouth and nose at that moment.

"Holy shit!!", I exclaimed, causing them both to jump a bit. "You guys made out like bandits", i exclaimed.

"I would ask how yours and Harry's weekend was, but I think we have a pretty good idea from what we heard when we came home last night", Liam said with a huge grin on his face.

"Us!?! Did you not hear yourselves!", I said a bit louder than planned.

"Yes, yes we heard ourselves! After you guys quited down", Niall said playfully.

"okay..okay..I will say that this weekend was very much needed. No, we didn't use the whole time just having sex. In fact, last night was the first time we have since our huge blow up", I explain to them. "We used a lot of our time talking about things and getting things said that needed to be said. Getting feelings out that needed to be out. We did a lot of heart to heart talking and it felt nice. I may sound like a girl right now, but talking helped us see each others point of view on things. It was good for us. And, he has something to show you guys. I'm not going to tell you. This is his time and I'm going to let him have it", I explain to them

"Louis! You can't do that to us!", Niall shouts out. "Please tell us!", He says a bit more quieter than before.

"I just did", I say as I laugh a bit, earning a slap from the both of them. At that moment I hear my loving boyfriend call my name.

"Babe, can you come help me please!", Harry calls out from his door way upstairs. I get up and run up the stairs to Harry's aide. Liam gasps as he is right behind me seeing Harry standing there leaning up against the door way.

"What? When? How?", Liam choked out, unable to form complete sentences. I smile at him and grab Harry's walker so he can make it to the bathroom. For some reason, his walker was not in the spot it should've been in. He walks across the hall and then I help him stand at the toilet so he can pee. This time he is able to use one hand to steady himself and the other one to guide his pee to the toilet. I hold him by the waist for safety precaution. When we are done, we step out of the bathroom and Liam is still standing there in awe.

"Glad you're still up here, mate. Can you help me get him down the stairs?", I ask him bringing him out of his little daze that he was in

"uh, yeah sure", He says as he grabs ahold of Harry's waist from one side of him. "how do we do this?", He asked nervously.

"Harry walks at the side while holding the rail. You walk beside him, putting your arm around his waist. I will walk behind him to help balance him and just incase he starts to fall backwards", I explain. We get in said position and Harry starts taking steps down the stairs. Can hear Liam making gasping noises each time Harry steps down, scared that he is going to fall. When we make it to the bottom of the stairs, Niall is waiting there with his walker. Liam gives him the biggest hug and tells him how proud he is of Harry. Niall does the same.

"I knew you could do it!", Liam tells him as he watches Harry use his walker to help him to the kitchen. Harry sets down at the table in a regular seat instead of his wheel chair. Liam looks like he's about to cry. He is seeing a determination and hope in Harry that he has not seen in along time if ever. This makes Liam proud.

"Thank you lads, all of you, for pushing me like you have been", Harry says as he sets down and gets situated. I bring him his breakfast and a glass of orange juice along with his meds. Which he is nearly done with. I lean down and kiss his cheek and tell him that I love him before taking my seat next to him. Liam and Niall go over their weekend with Harry earning the same kind of looks and reactions from him that I gave them. "That is amazing!", Harry said when they told him about their winnings. "Speaking of money. I got a notification on my phone from my bank saying that my allotment has been funded to my account", He said with excitement. "I still want to continue with some career dealing with Boxing", Harry explains. "I don't want to become lazy just because I have all that money in the bank". Liam smiled big as he said this, knowing that's not how he felt just weeks ago. "Louis, I don't know what you did with my boy while I was gone, but thank you!", Liam says with a smile. "All he did was love me and support me", Harry said. " And that was/is enough for me", Harry said as he looked at me. At that time, my phone buzzed on the table next to me. The name showing up surprised me.

"Hello?", I say as I get curious looks from the lads

"Mr. Tomlinson?", The voice asked through the phone

"This is he", I answer cautiously.

A/N: I know this chapter is a bit short. And I'm sorry for stopping it there, but i just had to..:-)..Who is calling Louis? Why does Louis seem cautious or edgy answering to them? Anyone have an idea? If so, answer in the comments. Whoever guesses correctly gets the next chapter dedicated to them :-)..Please vote and comment. Thank you all for your support. Much love xx

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