Chapter 49

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As I made my way up the stairs, thoughts of losing Louis still flooded my mind. Losing him would be like losing a big part of myself. My world would crumble and my heart would shatter into millions of pieces at my feet. He is helping me become a better person and a better fighter. I know I put on a tough act, but it's more for my benefit. And by doing that, I let my heart grow cold and hard as stone. Somehow, Louis was able to come in and knock down my walls and showed me that loving and being loved isn't so bad. The thing is, I'm not scared of love. Love is great! Being loved is great! It's the people that I am scared of in a way. Not physically scared of. But emotionally scared of if that makes any sense. People can be cruel and heartless. Love ya then leave ya. And during all my shit in life, I had become one of those people that I despise. I know I have a long road of emotional healing ahead of me. I just hope Louis is in for the long haul. Cause I know that I have become a hard person to deal with. but Louis makes living and loving worth it. All the shit I have gone through in life is becoming just another lesson in life with Louis around. He is helping me learn to control it and not it control me. Before I enter my room, Liam gives me one of his brotherly hugs. We stand there for a bit,just taking in everything that has happened this morning. Before he goes to his room,he takes the paper and magazine from me. He knows the last things I need right now is to see the bullshit that is being written and the stupid pictures that mean absolutely nothing.When I go into my room, I strip down to my boxers and climb into my cold empty bed and snuggle into my blankets. And if I decided to spray some of Louis' cologne that he happen to leave here,on my extra pillow, well that can be just between us. I grab my phone and read through all the texts he sent me. All of them telling me how much he misses and loves me. Then I come across the one saying they caught a different flight. I listened to his voice mails over and over again. Loving the sound of his voice. It's quite soothing to be honest. That's how I fell asleep. Listening to my baby talk to me as if he was right beside me. So anxious to have him back home and back in my arms again.


LIAM..(Kind of smut ahead)

When we made it upstairs, we gave each other a brotherly hug. The emotions still going strong from the events that have occurred already today. I take the paper and magazine from him because that is the last thing he needs to read or see right now. People making up bullshit lies for money and a few minutes of fame. It pisses me off. I know Louis and Niall have not been a part of our lives for very long. But long enough to know that they are very faithful and take our relationships quite seriously. I also know that when Louis gets home and reads these, if he hasn't seen them already, he will be pissed enough for all of us and will lash out at the press and public. Harry and I have to remain calm in the public eye for image purposes. Sometimes I could care less about what people see me as and want to go postal on certain people. But again, Louis does it well for all of us. And nothing says that he has to remain quiet. Him and Niall can speak their minds as they wish. Harry and I speak enough to back up what they say, but we have to be polite about it. I'm ready to throw politeness out the window and tell a few people to go play in the highway during rush hour. Or accidentally let their face run into my fist. But gotta watch my image. Blah Blah Blah. Harry will let it go in the rink during his fights. I go into my room and get into my pajama bottoms and lay down in my bed. Last lonely night and then my baby will be home and we can cuddle again. Have missed him so much. I grab my phone and read all his text messages and voice mails. Some of them get quite in tense if you know what I mean. Very detailed of what he's going to do to me when he gets home. I feel my lower region waking up quite quickly. As I read his texts, my free hand starts making its way down my tummy towards my awakening semi hard member. In his messages he's telling me how bad he wants to wrap his mouth around my c.ock. Or how my mouth would feel wonderful around his throbbing member. And how bad he wants to pound me into the mattress or me ride him. How he wants to feel me bouncing on his cock as he pounds into me. Yes, him and I share the top/bottom positions. We both get the best of both worlds per say. I can now feel pre-cum dripping from my now very hard member. I go to his voice mails that are quite intense and pull my pajama bottoms down a bit and grab my member and start pumping it slowly at first. My phone by my ear so I can hear Nialls voice telling me what he's doing to me. I close my eyes and picture it as I pump my cock. I start pumping it harder and faster as i picture Niall riding me. My moans getting more louder the faster and harder I stroke myself. I start bucking my hips into my hand and can feel that familiar coil in my tummy. Knowing I'm about to shoot my seed all over myself. A few more strokes and loud moans and a shout of Nialls name and I am shooting my white creamy substance all over my tummy and chest. Some even hitting my chin. God, what that boy does to me even in my imagination. I get up and find something to clean myself up with. I pull my pajama bottoms back up and climb back into bed. I close my eyes and think of the things I'm going to do to that boy of mine when he gets home tomorrow. I start laughing a bit when realization hits me of how loud I got. Yep, Harry and Gem will have fun with this when we wake back up in a bit. Probably late afternoon early evening as tired as i am.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter as well. Harrys fight is coming up real soon. Things will really get intense and emotional at that time. Thank you to all who have stuck with me through this story and those of you who may have just started reading it. Much love to all of you. Please vote and message or comment me your thoughts and ideas. Love hearing from you guys. xx 

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