Chapter One

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"Niall, C'Mon, you know he cheated to win that match!", I tell my best mate. Niall and I have been mates since ..well since I can remember. We pretty much grew up together. He is also my partner at this club that I run called Bottoms Up. Yes! I am aware that it sounds like a strip club! But i assure you that it's not. Niall helped me open it up about three years ago when we finished Uni. Which brings us to where we are now.

"He may have mate! But he still won! You like him, so quit denying it!", Niall tells me as he walks passed me getting the club ready to open up.

"I do think he's a bit stunning, but, his attitude sux! One of these days I will slay him with my sass!", I say as i put the last chair down on the floor. Club is just about ready to open

"Are you ready for tonight, mate?", I ask Niall. "Going to be a busy one."

"I'm ready, mate!", Niall shouts out with enthusiasm fist bumping the air.

Before we know it, the club is packed. People out on the dance floor. Others screaming out their drink orders so we can hear them over the loud music.

"Busy night tonight!", One of our regulars say as they come up to the bar

"Hey, Mitch!", Niall and I exclaim together. "Very busy night. All about the boxing tournament going on", I say as I poor him his drink. Always the same. Crown and coke.

"Yeah, I seen he did pretty well the other night!", Mitch said as he sipped on his drink.

"He cheated, I tell ya!", I said as I got more drink orders made. Niall just looked over at me and smirked. Okay, so yes, I think Harry is handsome..okay he is extremely hot. With his nice six pack and his buldging..biceps. And his legs..omg. Not to mention his eyes. I hear he has a nice smile too. But it's something that is seldom seen. But his attitude is extremely over the top. I'd like to knock him down a notch or two..maybe three. The night goes on pretty well. Everyone seems to be having a great time. Our bouncers, Paul and Paddy, seem to be keeping it all under control.At around 1:00 am, it's still a bit rowdy but not as bad. Some people have left. Some are setting at the bar chatting about wives or girlfriends at Some chatter is about the upcoming boxing match. Niall throws in an occasional thought about the covos on love and work. We are both openly gay and everyone here knows that, For the most part, we are accepted. We do get an occasional drunk that likes to run their mouths. I just simply tell them that this is my club, if they don't like my sexual preference they are more than welcome to leave. Plain and simple. At around 1:30 Niall goes to the office to get some paperwork done while i start cleaning up. We close at 2;30 and last call is at 2:00. The crowd has slimmed down a bit. Some still drunkenly dancing on the dance floor. Some just setting at the tables chatting. A few at the bar watching the tellie. As I am putting away glasses and wiping stuff down, I hear a familiar voice come through.

"I am Harry Styles and I want a drink!", The young man says as he comes up to the bar. I look up and notice someone else with him. His trainer. Who isn't bad looking at all. I smile and greet them.

"Niall! Niall!:, I hollar out as I nervously make the drinks they ordered. A rum and coke, extra rum for Mr. Styles. And a scotch on the rocks for his trainer. I believe his name is Liam? As i hand them their drinks, Niall comes running out.

"What is it ma-oh um hello", Niall says as he notices who is sitting in front of him. I notice how his eyes do a once over when the spot Liam. but I also notice Liam does the same. "Ello, I'm Niall", He nervously says as he goes to shake Liams hand, He does the same to Harry only earning a nod from him. Liam and Harry carry on their conversation as Niall goes back to the office and I continue cleaning.

"Watch how much you drink, Harry", I hear Liam say

"Don't tell me what to do, mate. I'm Harry styles!", Harry says as he takes a big swig of his drink. I believe is his fourth one.

"I know who you are, Harry!", Liam says. "And I am your trainer and you should know by now, your smart mouth and shit attitude gets you no where with me!", Liam says earning a quiet 'sorry' from Harry. Yes! Exactly what Harry needs. Someone to knock him down in size. I just smile a bit and carry on with my work

"Last call!", I shout out to the few customers still lingering. I get a couple drink orders and a few goodbyes as some leave. Niall then comes out of his office to check on things and help with the cleaning up.

"I want another round!", Harry shouted out to me. I look at my watch and notice it is 2:15.

"Sorry mate, no more drinks. Cut off is at 2 and it is now 2:15. We close in 15 minutes.", I explain in a nice manner.

"I am Harry Styles and I say get me a drink!", Harry shouts out. Liam grabbing his arm in a notion to tell him to chill

"Well, I am Louis Tomlinson and I don't care if you are the queen of England! Cut off is at 2! No more drinks!", I tell him as I walk away to go wipe off tables and put chairs up. I heard Liam tell him that he has met his match. I look over at Niall and he is trying really hard not to burst out laughing. But he lets out his famous laugh anyways. Harry just glares at us as he gets up, pulling Liam with him.

"Nobody talks to Harry Styles in that manner!", He says as he stumbles towards the exit.

"I believe he just did!", Liam says as they both exit the club.

Niall and I finish up the cleaning and get out of there around 3:30. Very tired and ready to climb into my comfortable warm bed

"That was an exciting night", Niall says as we enter our flat. Toeing off our shoes and making our way inside.

"A very exciting night", I say as I let out a yawn. "I think Mr. Payne may fancy you", I tell him with a slight smile.

"Yeah, yeah", He says tiredly as he heads to his room.I make my way to my room, softly closing the door. Stripping down to my boxers as I make my way to my bed. Leaving a trail of my clothes behind me on the floor. I climb in bed and get snuggled into my blankets. Closing my eyes to hopefully get a peaceful sleep. And none other than Harry Styles feels my thoughts as I drift off to sleep.

A/N: Okay my lovelies that was chapter one of this story. I have so much planned for this book. I hope you enjoyed it. Please vote and comment your thoughts or even ideas you may have. Yes, I am going to continue writing on my other stores. But I had this idea for this story come to my head and want to give it a go. Thank you for reading. Lots of love xx

The Boxer VS The Bartender (Larry Stylinson AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz