Chapter 35

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A/N: Hi there my fellow Directioners! How are you guys holding up today? I hope no one has cried too much! Yeah, I know, that's a lot to ask in a time like this. I know my emotions are everywhere right now. But, we will get through this somehow. They're just taking a break. We still have them. That's what I keep telling myself. But it all just seems so..i don't the world is still is still going on around me, but I am standing still in the midst of it. This chapter is probably not going to be one of my best ones. It will probably be all over the place. But I wanted to get something up for you guys. And writing about them is making me feel like they are with me, if that makes any sense. So, here is chapter 35. I hope you guys enjoy it.


"C'Mon Liam!", I shout out. I want to hurry up and get to the club so I can see my boy. Been busy working out and getting prepared that I haven't been able to see him much lately. A text here and there is just not enough. I know we haven't been together for long, but he has literally taken a hold of my life.

"On my way, Harold!", He shouts out as he comes stammering down the stairs. Just about falling as he does. We decided to have a couple drinks before we go to the club. Me a bit more than that. Since he had one before the club, he is strictly soda or water at the club. Got to watch that kidney of his. We grab our jackets and head out towards the vehicle. He is driving since he is more clear minded. I should've known better than to drink before going to the club, but i felt I needed it. My nerves are starting to get the best of me. Before I knew it, we were pulling into the parking lot and I couldn't get out of the car fast enough. Was so anxious to get in there to my boy. When we first entered, we had to show our I.D., which I still find hilarious. The doorman should know who I am. Harry Styles, the famous amazing boxer. Okay maybe I am going a bit over board, but still. I was too busy putting my wallet back in my pocket to pay attention to what was taking place on the dance floor. Until Liam took my arm and whispered in my ear.."remember he loves you only". I didn't take in what he said till I looked up and seen Louis and Alex on the dance floor. Alexs' legs around Louis' waist. And the song being sung gripped my heart. I couldn't stop myself before the words were out of my mouth.

"What the hell!?!", I shouted out as i walked closer to Louis. Alex looked at me with a certain look in her oppology maybe..while she shook her head no. As if saying that it isn't what I think it is. She then walked back to the bar to collect drinks to take to their rightful tables. I grabbed Louis by his arm, a bit harshly than intended, and pulled him off the dance floor.

"Let go of me!", Louis shouted out at me. Causing me to grab him just a bit harder.

"I will not till you explain to me what the hell you think you were doing!", I shouted back at him

"I was dancing with an old friend of mine, sorry if you have a problem with that!', Louis says as he pulls away from me and heads back to the bar to get back to work. I follow behind him and find a bar stool to set on. Louis stays busy with taking orders and making drinks as does Niall and Zayn. They glance at me and smile some every so often. Liam is sat next to me telling me that I should really talk to Louis. I set there and debate it while i continue to drink. Louis gives me my drinks quickly and barely looks at me. Later on Louis whispered something to Niall and walked away from the bar back towards the toilets. I let him walk a ways before I get up and follow him. Liam just looking at me before he goes back to chatting with Niall. I meet him in the walk way just before he goes into the toilets.

"Louis can I please talk to you?", I say as he is walking in.

"Not right now, Harry!", he sternly says as he walks in and lets the door shut behind him. I catch it just before it completely shuts and I walk in.

"Harold, can I please take a piss in peace?", Louis says as he whips it out to pee. Of course I lose all concentration I had and every word I wanted to say to him was gone in a puff of smoke. Who can blame me though? Louis is nowhere small in that area. I turn around before I lose control and pounce on him. Now is not the time for that. But something I noticed during our quiet is that they have speakers in here in the ceiling. We can here the music that is being played. When He gets done, he zips up his pants and then I feel a hand on my arms turning me around to face him. He grabs my hand and places it on his chest by his heart.

"Do you feel that, Harry?", He asks me in all seriousness

"Yes, of course I do. It's your heartbeat, Louis", I answer him matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, and it beats only for you. If you ever doubt how I feel just put your hand on my chest and you will feel it. And another thing to keep in mind, Harold, is that I am full on gay. But even that being said, i want no one else but you", He said as he kept my hand held to his chest. I placed my forehead up against his and kissed him on his nose.

"I'm sorry love. You are the first person outside of family that I have ever been this afraid of losing. I know that we haven't been together for long, but you have already became my world. You have already placed yourself in my heart.", I tell him. Just at that time I heard a song being sang through the speakers. Sounds like Liam. And the song about brings me to my knees. 'Sometimes When We Touch' by Dan Hill. I wrap my arms around Louis and bring him closer to me as I sing the chorus to him

"Sometimes when we touch the honesty's too much and I have to close my eyes and hide. I wanna hold you till I die till we both break down and cry. I wanna hold ya till the fear in me subsides"

Louis then goes on to say "Who am I to judge you on what you say or do I'm only just beginning to see the real you". We continue holding each other and singing this song to each other. I continue on my own on the next part. this song says so much of how I am feeling..."Romance and all it's strategy leaves me battling with my pride but through the insecurities some tenderness survives". When I get done singing that part, I am in tears. I look at Louis and see that he is as well. We wipe the tears from each others eyes and continue to tell each other that we love each other. Quietly and silently, like this moment was just ours and to speak would send it crashing down. We eventually pull away, and gather ourselves before we walk back out there, out of our little bubble, and continue on with our night. Louis goes back behind the bar to work and I set where I was before by Liam. The night is filled with secret glances and soft touches. Yeah, the night is going to end better than it started.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed it. Went a little better than I thought it would. Please vote and comment your thoughts..on the story or even about the boys' break. xx

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