Chapter 62

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A/N: I want to take this moment to apologize for all the mistakes that were made in last chapter. OMG! There are a few of them. Thankfully this isn't being written for an English assignment..well..for many reasons but especially for my grammar mistakes. i will sometime go back and fix it, just too lazy to do it now..hahaha. I didn't proof read before publishing like I should have. no, I wait till after..argh..LOL


"LOUIS!", I kept saying as he walked out of my room, not even looking back. I have so many thoughts and feelings going through me that I feel numb. But one thing I know I am still feeling is the love for that boy. I am so scared that he is going to get tired of taking care of me that he will eventually walk away. I'm so scared that I am pushing him away. Closing my heart so it doesn't get hurt more. He keeps telling me that he is here to stay. That we will get through this together. I want to believe him. But I still have the what ifs going through my mind and it's driving me nuts. I lost my career. The one thing I knew I was good at. Sure, i'm going to have $18 mil in my account soon. That is great and i am thankful for that. But I am not one that can just set around the house and do nothing. Boxing was more than just a job for me. It was my way of letting out stress, anxiety, anger, etc. And that has been taken from me due to some asshole with an ego problem. And now, I am taking it out on the one person that has been with me despite the way I treat him at times. I was getting better about showing my feelings to him and now I am back to scare one with him. I grab my pillow and scream as loud as I can and throw it across the room. at that time my mum happened to walk in..shit

"Sorry mum. At least it wasn't the tellie remote or something like that", I grumble.

"Harold Styles!", She scolds me as she picks the pillow up and comes over to my bed. She sets down next to me and gets comfortable. "Anything you want to talk about?", she asks with that look that says 'yes, you do so tell me'

"I kind of pissed Louis off. Well, more like hurt him more than I ever have before", I tell her as I just stare at the wall. I am still angry about everything and now at myself. "I am just having a hard time believing that he is going to stay with me through this, mum."

" you used your defense mechanism of shutting him out and rejecting him", She said as she looked at me with a look full of so many emotions.

"Yep, pretty much.", I tell her nodding my head. "What if the magazines and all them are right about him,that he is just with me for my money and he's going to realize that all this isn't worth the money"

"Harold Styles! You look at me right now!", she said as she grabbed my chin, not so gently mind you, and turned my head so we are now face to face. "You listen to me right now boy! That man out there, the one that gave you a chance despite your ego problem and cocky attitude, he loves you for many reasons! but i guarantee your money is not one of them!", She tells me with that glare in her eye. "We are not going to be here for much longer. In less than a week we are flying back to London. I want to know that my boy is going to be ok. And I knew he would be when you had Liam, Niall, and Louis! Things need to get fixed, Harry! Yes, you're going through a rough time and it pains me to see you have to go through it. But to see you push a way the people that love you the most, pains me more", my mum says as the tears well up in her eyes. I just stay quiet and nod my head. What else can I do but agree with what she just said. But these thoughts i have tend to take over my logical thinking and then that's when I act irrationally.


I walk into the club that Niall and I run together. I know he told me that he doesn't want to see me here tonight, but Harry gave me no choice. He doesn't want me there with him and I don't want to be at home by myself. So, I come here to my refuge place. My go to spot. As I walk in the smell of the place over takes my senses. The smell of beer and cigarette smoke. You may think of this place as a hole in the wall joint, but it really isn't. i don't think I have ever described this place to you, so I will. When you first walk in, there is a place to show your I.D. Then another door that you can walk through into the club. Those doors have medal detectors on them. Yes, you heard correctly. In this day and time you can't be too careful. You also get your hand stamped to tell us that you did get checked in. When you walk in you see tables lined up along the wall and in the center of the place. A big dance floor in the middle of the floor in front of a stage set up for karaoke and other bands. The bar where you get your drinks is by the wall the wall. There's like a door to walk through to get behind the bar. A shelf along the wall holds an assortment of liquor bottles. The floors are wood looking. There is a room that is for pool and along the walls are dart boards. Lights hanging from the ceiling. It's a pretty nice place with a good atmosphere. When I walk in, I hear shouts of my name and how are you. When I finally make it to the bar, I see Niall standing there with his hands on his hips and Liam looking at me with a questioningly look.

"I'm not here to work. I am here to drink. Please give me a couple bottles of beer", I say as I place my bum on one of the bar stools.

"What happened?", Liam asked.

"Harry decided it would be cool to shut me out and reject me, Liam", I tell him as I take a swig of my beer that Niall just handed me.

"try to unders-", he started but I cut in. "I do understand, Liam. But I wont stay around somewhere that I'm not wanted. And right now i'm not wanted at the hospital so I came here.", I explain to him. He nodded his head showing he understood what I was saying. Pretty soon I hear Eds voice come over the mic.

"As you guys know, one of our own has been hospitalized due to a boxing incident. Harry has undergone surgery and has a long road ahead of him full of rehabilitation and pain management. So, in honor of him, tonight I want to sing a special song just for him. At that time Alex walked up to the stage and grabbed a mic. Her voice coming through the speakers. The whole club goes quiet as she sings 'Fight Song' by Rachal Platten.  (A/N:I'm too lazy to right the lyrics down so go to youtube and look up,please. It fits this so much). I sat there quietly so many thoughts going through my mind. Maybe I acted irrational but I was hurt and broken when he rejected me. But at the same time I understand how he is feeling. I want to say that it's time that we quit walking away from each other, but at this time I can't promise that. when someone tells me to leave, I will. I may not go too far away from them, but I will leave their sight. I know that Harry will need all the support he can get to make it through this. He also needs to realize that. Asking and accepting help does not make one weak. It makes us human. I decide at that moment that I no longer want to drink my sorrows away. I want to go back to the hospital and kiss Harry till his pain and fears disappear or at least cease up a bit. I put my beer down on the bar and say my farewells.

"Where you going, Lou?", Liam asks as I get up to leave.

"Back to the hospital. I can't stay away, Li. Even if that's what he wants me to do. I just can't.". Liam gives me a soft smile and Niall nods his head at me as I walk away from the bar and out the door to go get my man. He's egotistical and hostile at times. But I m sassy and hard headed.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this. Louis is going to try to stay by Harrys side. Will Harry let him or will he continue to push him away due to his insecurities and stupid articles in the papers? thank you for reading and voting and commenting. While you're waiting for updates on this one, please check out my other completed story..Through The Dark..i think you will enjoy it. Please vote and comment on that one as well. Love hearing from you guys. Much love xx

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