Chapter 26

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A/N: I want to give a massive thank you to all you readers out there! Every time I get on, the numbers have gone up! You guys are so amazing! Thank you to those of you who are voting! All these responses I am getting is making me want to keep writing and do what I can to keep making he book better! Thank you again! You guys are amazing!


It is now Tuesday morning. Time for us to get up and around so we can get our Payno back home. Harry and I fix up a fast breakfast of health shakes and call it good. We poor them into to-go cups and bring them with us. We got up early so we could get his run in. This time I let him run in front of me. That boy looks delicious even under neath the street lamps at 5:30 in the morning in the cold L.A. weather. Our drive to the hospital is all but quiet. Even being up so early this morning, Harry is still pumped up after his run/workout at 10:00 a.m. Right now he is jamming to 'We're not gonna take it' by Twisted Sister. And oldie but goldie. He has his window down and is belting out the words as we drive down the busy streets of L.A. Not caring what others are thinking as the drive pass us. We finally make it to the hospital and I find us a place to park. We get out, locking the car up as we walk towards the entrance. We find the elevator and hit the floor number we need..Harry being sly and pushing all of them before I could stop him. Goofball. He is way too wired up for my liking at this time of the morning. We finally make it to our floor after numerous stops. As we round the corner we are met up with a screaming Liam coming towards us at a good rate of speed in a wheel chair. Niall at the other end of the hall double over laughing. Yep. You guessed it. Niall had pushed Liam down the hall and let go. As Liam rolled towards us he was screaming out."I'm going home, maties!". I try to stop him as i get tripped up and land in his lap. Harry now doubled over in laughter. These boys will be the death of me. After we get calmed down, we go back into his room to help him get his things gathered up. And guess what was on the news. Yep..Me chewing out the reporters outside the hospital yesterday. Oh wow! I kind of sat down turning red from embarrassment. While the others cheered me on.

"Way to go, Tommo!"

"Told you he could get fiesty!"

"Tiny but mighty!"

"Thank you very much!", I say as I stand up and take a bow. At that time a nurse came in the room to give Liam his discharge papers. She looked around at us, stopping at me and Harry with a smile on her face. "Good job with those reporters yesterday. I wondered what made them scatter till I seen the news today", She said with a smile on her face. We all just chuckled a bit and said our farewells as we all left the room. We headed down for the car. Liam saying he was hungry so we stopped at a chinese take-out place on the way home. The rest of the day we just chilled at home till it was time to go get the club set up for tonight.


We are currently setting around the tables talking to all the staff about our idea for Halloween on Saturday. Perrie and Alex came up with the idea of setting the variety of snacks on each table setting to save the hustle of everyone crowding a serving table. When they wanted more of something they could tell the waitresses and they can get it for them along with their drinks. Great idea. a way to keep it less chaotic and more organized. We let them know that all staff is dressing up. Respectfully and no masks allowed. We take ideas from each worker on what we can supply food wise. We get chips and dips..little smokies..meatballs in sauce..chocolates..of course..and the list goes on. We decide that it will be open mic night as well. We finish up just in time for us to open the door and let people come in. Before we know it, the place is jumping and people having fun. Some on the dance floor. Some up here at the bar. Some just setting at their tables chatting and relaxing. Before everyone gets too plastered, Niall goes on stage taking the mic from Ed so he can fill everyone in on our plans for Saturday.

"Can I have everyone's attention please?", Niall hollars through the mic. When that didn't work, Harry did his signature whistle getting everyone's attention then. "Thank you Harry, now that you have caused me to wet myself. Now that I have everyones attention, Saturday night we are having a special night for halloween. We are going to provide all kinds of food and snacks. Of course alcohol. The staff will be dressing up. You guys are welcome to as well. All we ask is that you dress decently and no masks. If you have a mask on at the door, it will be taken from you. If you end up putting one on when you get inside, you will be asked to remove it or leave. Doing this for safety reasons, please abide by it. Any questions?", Niall says as he scans the room.

"Yes, umm, what do you consider inappropriate?", Some girl stood up and asked.

"Well, we are not a strip club, so please do not come dressed as one", Niall said as politely as he could

"Why no masks?", Another asked.

"Well, if trouble is caused and police have to be called or we have to escort some one out, We want to be able to see the persons face that we are dealing with. There's other personal reasons as well", Niall answered. "Oh, there will be a ten dollar cover charge at the door. This covers unlimited food and beverages."

"If we don't want to eat do we still have to pay?" another asked

"Well, yes. Because once you get in you may decide you do want to eat and I know you will want to drink. That charge covers both. You don't pay you don't come in. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but that's how it is", Niall answers. When he sees that no one else has any questions he hands the mic back over to Ed and heads back over to the bar area. We carry on through the night. Everything going great. Later in the night as I am serving drinks at the bar, I hear a familiar voice hollar out my name


"Oh my god!", I say as I stand in shock, dropping the glass I had in my hand. 

A/N: Yes, I know..oh gosh another authors note?..ha ha. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please comment what you think so far or any suggestions you may have. Who do you think Louis sees standing there in front of him? Is it good? Is it bad?..hmmmm...we shall see. Next chapter will be dedicated to the person/people that comment the right answer :-)..Love ya lots xx

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