Chapter 28

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The week has gone fast with my sister being here. She kept her threat or promise when she said that she was staying the rest of her time at Alex's house due to us boys being "Too loud and proud", as Lottie had put it. She did stay with us Halloween night and hung out at the club till our shift was over. We had a great crowd that night. Everyone followed the rules and had a great time. We did have a few out of hand drinkers, but nothing we couldn't handle. I was Rumplestiltskin and Harry was Merlin. Liam was Batman(of course) and Niall was the Joker. Zayn was a 50's dude dressed in his black leather jacket. White t-shirt under neath. Black jeans. His boots. And his hair was slicked back. To tell the truth, he look kind of hot. Perrie was Tinkerbell. She looked kind of cute. Jesse was dressed as a rocker girl. She definitely rocked it. Her make up and fake lashes. Her hair spiked up. A leather skirt that came just above her knees. A leather vest to match. Alex was dressed as a hybrid kitten while Ed was her 'owner'. Lottie was a Pixie. We all had alot of fun. The girls did great waitressing as always. Lottie hung out at the bar along with Liam and Harry while we served everyone. We used the whole day Saturday getting everything set up. The food went over very well. The night was great. Ed sang a bit, but also had others come up and do a bit of Karaoke. The night and this whole week went by too fast. Lottie stayed with us and Liam and Harrys place. Again being too messed up and tired to go to mine and Nialls place. But she chose to stay down stairs just in case we decided to get 'freaky'. Her and Harry did a rematch on their push up challenge. Was a bit entertaining watching Harry try so hard to not let Lottie get ahead. In the end it was a tie. Neither one forfeited but decided chinese take-out was very important. I had to keep my distance from Harry during the challenge as to not get' frisky' with him. Here we are now, Sunday morning, in the kitchen discussing the past few days and the fun parts of it. I was all smiles as my sister and my best mates were around me. We laughed and talked all through breakfast. Was a sad but happy day. My sister was leaving for the airport in a couple of hours. Was not wanting her to leave. The laughter and chat was broken from a squeal and a "what the hell" from Niall. I looked around to see what happened when i see Liam standing in the door way of the kitchen with a water gun. And not just any water gun. A super soaker water gun. Lottie got up and ran out just as Liam started shooting at her. Harry ran out the kitchen leaving me there to fend for myself. I did what any other person would do. I climbed under the table and sat there. I didn't see where niall went. I all of a sudden heard Liam scream, so I looked out from under the table seeing Harry and Niall double teaming him. Lottie standing back laughing hysterically. I climb out from under the table and head to the kitchen sing,grabbing the sprayer hooked to the sink. I pulled it as far as it would go. Turned the water on to cold. And started spraying Liam with it from across the kitchen. He tried running from us but the universe was against him at this moment. For as he started running away from the door way that Niall was at and towards the other side of the kitchen that also had a walk through to the hallway where Harry is,he slipped on some water that was on the floor. Me not paying attention when he fell cause I was laughing, didn't see that he was headed straight for me, taking me down with him. I was still laughing as was everyone else.

"I so don't want to go home", Lottie said from her little dry corner. "You guys are more entertaining than everyone else at home", she said between her laughter.

'We don't want you to go back either, Lots", Liam said as he was trying to get up off the floor. Finally giving up and just laying back down, sprawling himself out across the floor. When Niall finally quit laughing he and Harry went over to help him. I would have, but the bugger knocked me down. He could stay there, I thought to myself laughing.

The day went by too fast when we found ourselves at the airport to see Lottie off. We gave each other long hugs. Me promising to see them at christmas. I was going to go home,finally, for a few days for christmas. Well leaving the day after. As I also wanted to spend it with Harry.

"Flight 325 to London now boarding", We heard over the intercom. We all gave her final hugs. Her and I wiping the tears from each others cheeks as we said our final good-byes.

"See you at Christmas", She said as she started walking away. Her hand still loosely holding mine. We held each others hand till she was far enough away letting my hand drop to my side.

"I love you, Lottie!", I cried out across the way. She turned around before steeping into the walk area leading to the plane. She had tears going down her cheeks. "I love you, too, big brother!", she hollered out as she walked out of sight. We all stood by the window so we could see her plane take off. When it was safely in the air I turned to look at the lads.

"Well, this is it boys. She's headed back home", I said as I wiped my tears and Harry pulled me closer.

"Going to be too quiet without her around", Niall replied. "Didn't realize how much I missed her till she got here and left again", he said as we started walking towards the exit into the parking lot. As we got to the parking lot we seen someone running towards our direction.

"Alex?", Liam said as she got closer.

"Yes", she said breathing heavy and doubled over trying to catch her breath. "Please tell me she hasn't left yet", She said as she looked around and noticed Alex wasn't with us. "She's just grabbing a quick coffee to calm her nerves, right?", She asked as her eyes starting building up with tears.

"No, Love,she already left", Liam said as he pulled her into a hug. He got pretty close to her as she is Nialls cousin. So they hang out often. She cried hard into Liams chest while he and Niall cuddled her in between them. "My best friend, and I wasn't here to see her off", She said. Her words muffled by Liams shirt which was not soaked with her tears. "We can call her when she lands, love, so you can talk to her", Niall said, knowing that wasn't going to be good enough. We all headed towards our vehicle, Niall and Liam opting to ride in Alex's car with her. Leaving me and Harry alone in our vehicle. Needless to say some interesting thoughts were going through my head as we drove off heading away from the airport and to find something to eat for supper. I believe we all agreed on the Olive Garden, so that's where we are heading now. Me debating on wether I should go along with my ideas while the radio played and Harrys hand rubbed on my upper thigh. Ah what the hell? Why not? I thought as I leaned over towards his lap and did what he liked best. Well his second favorite thing, that is.

A/N: So sorry this took me a bit to get written and posted. Has been a busy week. It was kind of rushed cause I wanted to get something posted for you guys. I hope you enjoy it. Please vote and or comment me your thoughts or any ideas you may have. I love hearing feedback from you guys. I also want to thank you wonderful readers again for taking the time to read this story. I really appreciate it. Makes me so happy when I get on and see that the number of reads have jumped up a bit. You guys are wonderful and amazing! All the love~ K

The Boxer VS The Bartender (Larry Stylinson AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя