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Somehow we made it to Lou's place safely. Before I knew it we had went from the car to his bedroom. All of it a blur. We are now on his bed. Louis straddling me as we are in a very heated make-out session. Our clothes thrown all over the floor from the doorway to the bed. I grind up against him trying to get some much needed friction between us. He grinds back down causing a loud moan to escape my mouth.

"Oh God, Lou, just ride me already", I manage to moan out.

"Your wish is my command", He breaths out as he lifts up and slowly slides back down as I feel my c.ock slide up inside of me. Oh dear God, this is heaven."You are so tight ..jesus. lou!", I breath out. "No, you're just huge, hazza", Louis says as he starts bouncing up and down on me. I feel his lips leaving open mouthed kisses along my neck up to my jaw. I grab his ass and start pounding harder inside him as he bounces up and down on me. His c.ock leaking all over my stomache. That is the hottest thing I have ever seen. And the sounds coming out of Louis' mouth are sinful yet satisfying. I feel myself pulsating deep inside him. He is so tight and feels so good around my cock. I quickly flip us over to where I am now hovering over him. I lift his legs to where they drape over my shoulders and I pound into him with hard sudden thrusts. His hands are gripping tightly into the bed sheets as I continue to pound into him. When suddenly he lets outs a scream of pleasure. "Oh God, Harry, riiight th-there!", He moans out loudly. I smile to myself as I have found 'the spot' that drives him crazy. I stay at this angle and continue to hit his prostate over and over again. I'm not going to lkast much longer and he confirms he isn't eaither with a loud moan of.."Oh God, harry, I'm gonna-", that's all he gets out before he is shooting white stuff all our chests and some even hitting his chin. I start pounding harder into him, chasing my own orgasm. After about three more thrusts, i feel myself letting go inside him. "Ohh Goddd, Louiiiiis", I shout out as I let go. I fall on top of him and kiss him softly on his neck as our breathing starts calming down a bit. I pull out of him slowly with a grunt and lay next to him as we cuddle next to each other. 

"No matter how many times we do it, it still feels just as amazing", Louis says as he kisses me.

"You're amazing", I tell him as we pull away from the kiss. We decide to lay there a little longer before getting up to shower. Zayn is taking over the club tonight, So Louis and I are going to go back up to the hospital before visiting hours are over.


"How are you feeling, Mr.Payne?", a cheerful nurse asked as she walked into the room. it was now evening time and I was starting to feel a bit better." A bit better", I answer her with a smile. Niall was setting in the chair by my bed flipping through channels. I could tell he was a bit tired as he has been up here with me since early this morning. But as much as I have persuaded him to go home and sleep, he insists on staying here with me.After the nurse checked my vitals, she pulled up another chair and sat down so she could talk to me.

"okay, here's the plan. You are going to get two doses total today of your new anxiety meds. Another again tomorrow morning. By noon if you have not had any bad reactions to it we will consider letting you go home. But, we will check your blood work to make sure that looks good as well. Make sure you are properly hydrated as well.", She said as she got back up. "Is there anything you need?", She asked as she walked towards the door. "Some more water please", I told her as I handed her my empty container. "Sure thing", She said as she left the room.

"You get top go home tomorrow, Payno", Niall said with a big smile as he leaned over to give me a kiss. "Yes!", I said excitedly. One day is enough time here for me. Pretty soon the nurse came back with some water, followed by two more people.

"Payno! My man!", Louis said as he made it over to my bed. Harry following behind him. Niall looked at the two of them with a pout. "No fair! You two got to do the dirty while we are stuck here", He said causing Louis and Harry to just look at each other.I busted up laughing from the looks on their faces. "You two should know that you can't hide that from Niall", I tell them. "He has a strong sence about these things". We fell into a quiet conversation about what the nurse told us and then it went silent for a bit.

"Oh yeah, Alex brought up a great idea for Halloween!", Louis said after a bit.We discussed her ideas and Niall and I agreed that it would be fun. We will announce it tomorrow evening when we go back. Harry and Louis stayed till around nine-thirty and then made their farewells so they could go get some rest. Something about Louis getting Harry up early-thirty to get his training in. Niall got up and followed them to the door and thanked them for coming back up. He dimmed the lights and came back over and climbed into bed with me. The bed was small, but we made it work.

"Are you sure you're comfortable?", Niall asks as he cuddles into my side.

"Very comfortable", I tell him as I kiss the top of his head. Best way to fall asleep, is cuddled closely to my Nialler. I barely even recall the nurse coming in to change my I.V. fluid bag. She just cooed at us and walked out the room and I drifted back to a peaceful sleep as Nialls soft breath fell upon my neck.

A/N:, So sorry it has taken me a bit to update. I am still feeling a bit sluggish, but getting better. I know Halloween is over, so the chapter for it is falling a bit late. I just haven't had the umph to write. Sorry it's falling a bit passed Halloween. It will be in the next couple of chapters. Please bare with me. Thank you for all the reads and votes that you guys have been giving. Much appreciated. I hope you continue reading and If anyone has any ideas that they would like to see happen, please let me know. I love hearing input from my readers. Is everyone getting excited about MITAM coming out?? A few more days! I can't wait!! And, no, I have not listened to any of the leaked versions. Want to wait and hear from their album as they have requested.

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