Chapter 38

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A/N: I know that this chapter is one day before Louis' actual Birthday and Christmas Eve. But I know that I will be away from my computer the next couple days,so I wanted to make sure I got this posted in time. In this chapter Harrys family has been there for a couple of days. Just didn't want you guys lost or confused. A big huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to The Tommo! We love you lots!


I woke up to the smell of bacon and sausage. I stretched my limbs hearing them pop as I climbed out of bed. I glanced at the clock and seen that it was only seven in the morning. No wonder I am so tired. Was a long night at the club last night. Had an early Christmas Eve celebration and it was very crowded and some got out of hand. We normally get out of there at three. Last night it was nearly four this morning. So, yes, very tired. Only a couple of hours of sleep. But when your bladder screams you answer. I look over at Harry who is snoozing away still. He didn't come to the club like he normally does. Instead he stayed home with his family and visited with them. I understood completely. I missed him being there but I survived. When I got done in the bathroom I made my way downstairs and to the kitchen. Anne was standing there in a pair of cute Christmasy sweat pants and sweat shirt with snowman slippers. Reminds me of Harry standing there in the mornings. Him and his mum are so much a like. Once you get past Harrys tough exterior, you find a very gentle,loving person. just like his mum. As I walked in, I sat down at the table and Anne handed me a cup of hot tea. Love her already.

"Good morning, Louis", She said with a soft smile on her face. "How'd you sleep? You are up quite early, I hope I didn't wake you did I?",She asked as she handed me a plate of eggs, sausage, bacon and toast. This woman can sure cook. Again, something she handed down to her son.

"I slept okay, Mrs. Cox, Thank you. I did get in a bit later than usual, but when nature calls you must answer. And then I smelt something delicious so I just had to come check it out", I told her as I took a bite of eggs.

"For one, Louis", She started out as she came to set down at the table, placing her food and coffee in front of her. "Please do not call me Mrs.Cox. You are like family, so please call me Anne or Mum. And plus two, Mrs.Cox makes me sound so old", She stated with a light laugh. After a bit of us chit chatting, we hear someone coming down the stairs. We then hear a thud followed by a "shit, that hurt". "Harry,s up", I told Anne as I laughed a bit. Sure enough, Harry comes around the corner all sleepy looking and stumbles over to the table and places a lazy kiss on my cheek.

"What happened, love?", I asked him as he sat down and laid his head on my shoulder.

"I tripped on the last step and fell into the wall", he mumbled into my shoulder. I couldn't help but laugh. I looked over at Anne and she had her hand covering up her smile shaking her head. "My poor poor son", Is all she could say before a laugh escaped her mouth.

"Enough about me and my clumsy self. How'd you sleep mum?", Harry said as he lifted his head and wiped his eyes a bit.

"I slept well, love. how'd you sleep?", Anne responded trying to quiet her laughter some. "And do you by any chance have any plans for Louis' b-day today?"

"I slept good", Harry responded as he looked at me and smiled. "We will probably just have a little dinner here at the house with some drinking and presents", Harry answered as he got up to get himself some coffee and some fruit for breakfast. After a bit of us chit chatting and finishing our breakfast, a sleepy looking Gemma makes her way into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Gem", Anne says as she gets up to get Gemma some breakfast and coffee.

"Morning,mum", she responds with a yawn. Bopping me on the head and ruffling Louis' hair as she walks by.

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