Chapter 37

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"Babe, time to wake up", I say to Louis as I softly kiss him on his shoulder. Right now,we are both laying in bed. He is on his side facing from me,I'm on my side with my arm loosely draped over his waist. The sheet covering only his mid to lower half. His tummy and chest showing. Enough to get 'little harry' woken up some. Well, Louis says it's not little so I will gladly go with that.

"I don't wanna Harry. Just a few minutes longer. pretty please", He mumbles as he cuddles himself deeper into the blanket.

"I've already let you sleep a little longer boobear", I tell him as I leave soft kisses along his shoulder and up the side of his neck.

"What way are you  trying to 'wake me up', Harold?", He asks in his cheeky little voice.

"ha ha ha The 'good' way baby', I tell him as he rolls over to face me, kissing me on the lips. "But really baby we have to leave in a few minutes, so please get up and come with me", I tell him as I reluctantly climb out of bed. I agree, it is way early, and I would love to stay in bed with my loving boyfriend. But, today is the 22nd. The day my family flies in. To say that I am nervous is an understatement. I know, they are my family. But, I haven't seen them in a couple years if not longer. And I haven't talked to them at all in a few months. I just want this visit to go perfect, for  me, my family and for Louis. Louis finally stumbles out of the bed and hurries to the bathroom. I soon hear the sound of him weeing and him sighing in relief. Then I hear, "I don't want to go, Harold. They will hate me", as he comes out of the bathroom.

"They will not hate you, love", I reassure him as I pull him into a hug. "They will love you as much as I do..well not the way I do..but you know what I mean"

"What if they believe everything the media is saying in the papers and on the news?", He asks me as he buries his face in my chest.

"Baby, believe me, they do not believe everything they hear or read about, trust me", I tell as I kiss his nose and pull away so we can finish getting ready and on the road. After a lot of debating on what to wear and whose vehicle we should take, we are now finally on the road heading to LAX Airport. We decide on mine as it is bigger and will hold more passengers. Louis, being who he is, died laughing and agreed on the 'bigger' part. Tommo the pervert is what his mum should have nicked named him instead of boobear. Boobear is way too innocent of a name for him.(A/N: I do love BooBear as his nickname tho.)  The drive there was semi quiet with music playing in the back ground. My fingers tapping the steering wheel, partially due to nerves. And Louis' leg bouncing nonstop, completely due to nerves. When we finally made it to the airport, we headed to the parking garage and got out to head inside to meet up with them. I get a text saying that they are at baggage claim and for us to meet them there. I do as told like the good little boy that I am (stop laughing at me, it's true). We spot them before they spot us and I grab Louis' hand and start speed walking towards them. Seeing my mum just a few feet away from me has got me all kinds of happy right now. I want to just run into her arms and hug her tightly, but I have grown a bit since I last seen her and that probably wouldn't be a great idea. So what I do instead is go up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist and lay my head on hers.

"Oh My God! My baby!", She says after she screamed and turned to face me. Hugging me like i was going to disappear or something. She pulls away and grabs my cheeks in her hands so she can look at me in the face. "I have missed you so much, my babyboy", She said as tears slowly came down her cheeks. I hugged her tight again and the sobs I was holding in came out like a fountain. I didn't care that we were in the middle of the airport and people walking by us. If they wanted to stare, good for them. This is my mummy and I missed her. After a bit, we pulled away and wiped the tears from each others cheeks. Gemma then came up to me and hugged me tight.

"Hi there little brother", She said as she pulled away and looked up at me. "Well, my big little brother", she said laughing. "This must be the lad that is dating my brother for his money", She then said in all seriousness as she looked over at Louis. Louis looked at me and I just looked down at him mouthing an 'I'm sorry' and then looked at my sister with a scowl on my face. My mum slapped Gemma on the arms, telling her that right now is not the time to teaseingly harass Louis. She then pulled Louis into a huge hug and told him she was so very sorry that she was only picking on him and that she would slowly get him use to her teasing and picking. Louis pulled away sighing in relief that Gemma was only playing around. From that point on, them two talked about anything and everything, leaving me to deal with my mum and Robin. I finally got to Robin to give him a hug and our 'special' hand shake. One that he taught me years ago when he and my mum got together, to make me feel better and more relaxed around him. He loves Gemma and I as his own and has been great to us from the beginning. But with me being the only boy around two girls, he kind of took me under his wing per say. When we finally made it home it was early afternoon and mum, Robin and Gemma were all suffering from jetlag. We showed them where they would be sleeping at so they could unload their bags and get some needed rest. Mum and Robin were staying in Nialls room and Gemma is staying in the guestroom. For the holidays, Niall is staying at Liams and my place. And I will stay here with Louis. As my family got settled, Louis and I stayed downstairs and cuddled on the couch. We turned on a movie and laid down to watch it. I was on my side with my back against the back of the couch. Louis lay on his side with his back against my front. My arm wrapped around his waist. "Thank you for talking me into this", I whispered in his ear. "This will be the best Christmas I have had in along time". He turned his head a bit to look at me. He smiled and kissed my lips softly before facing the telly again and scooting back closer to me, if that was even possible. Yep, life right now is better than I could ever ask for.

A/N: I hope you liked it. I am going to try to update in time for Louis' birthday because i do have a chapter just for that. Can't believe he is going to be 24. No, I am not okay with this!! I think I am going to go to my room and cry now!! Love you guys. Thank you for all your support. Please comment or message your ideas or thoughts. And pretty please vote XX

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