Chapter 59

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We get around five so that we can all be ready around six so we can be up at the hospital a bit early. We all look like walking zombies. Poor Anne still has tear stains down her cheeks and red puffy eyes. Looks like she cried most of the night and didn't get much sleep if any. My suspicions were found to be correct when I seen her just about put salt in her coffee.

"Mumma Anne, that salt not sugar", I told her softly as I gently took the salt shaker from he hands.

"Oh gosh Liam! Thank you, son!", she said with a small smile on her face. "No sleep tends to mess with us old people", she said with a bit of humor in her voice.

"For one, you're not old. And for two, you are going through a lot right now as a mum", I told her as I gave her a side hug. At that time Robin came and spoke scaring us as we didn't hear him enter the kitchen.

"Sure she's old. Old and beautiful. Looking no older than 25", He said as he took her into his arms. So cute. She just slapped him lightly in the chest and laughed a bit. Robin knows how to get her to laugh or smile no matter the circumstance.

"You might watch it, old man, mum may ditch you for a younger version of you", Gem said laughing as she walked into the kitchen.

"Nah, she loves the old run down version of me better", He responded laughing. Causing us all to laugh. I love how they can banter back and forth like this and not get offended by each other. It's great to be a part of this. So glad they get to stay for another week. Niall comes down the stairs at that time. His hair swept back a bit. Wearing a pair of comfortable sweats and a shirt.

"Good morning, you", He said in his still sleepy voice as he came over to me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Good morning to you, too", I said as i kissed the top of his head. "Are you hungry?", I asked him as I looked down into his sleepy eyes. "Will just grab a poptart or something simple", He said as he pulled himself from me. Going to the cabinet and pulled out the box of strawberry flavored ones. He then grabbed a bottle of orange juice out of the fridge and handed me one as well. Will probably have this and a banana for breakfast.  Everybody grabs their coats and puts them on and we head out the door. We all look like zombies. The sky is still a bit dark, but the sun peaking out some. It's a bit cloudy and looks like it could rain a bit. The weather kind of fits the mood a bit. We climb into the vehicles, taking two again, and head off to the hospital once again. I hear Nialls phone go off and he reads the incoming text, letting one of his contagious laughs leave his lips.

"What's so funny over there, munchkin?", I ask him as I rub his thigh a bit. "Louis just texted me saying that for us to beware because Harry is out of his damn mind right now. They gave him some more pain meds to get him prepped for surgery. Wanted him relaxed a bit before putting his cathider in.", Niall tells me as he grabs his private as if thinking about it is causing him pain. "Sounds quite painful", I say with a groan. "They will give him other stuff once they get him in the O.R.", Niall said as he continued reading the texts coming in. When we made it to the hospital, we noticed there were still fans out front with a few reporters standing by. Do they not ever sleep? "Looks like we may be entering from the back again", I said to Niall as we passed the front parking area. We parked in the parking garage instead and made our way in without being seen. When we got up to the second floor we stepped out of the elevator and we could hear Harry all the way down the hall. "Louis, you're so cuuute", we heard him say in a giggly voice. "I think I can fly",He said giggling. We walked into the room at that time and seen Louis trying to hold him down so he wouldn't try standing up to prove he can fly. "Hiiii guys..Guess what!?!", Harry said a bit loud and obnoxious. "This cute and gorgeous fella right here is going to marry me and have my babies!", He said with a huge smile on his face and pointing to Louis. Well, he thought he was pointing to Louis, but he was really pointing to the wall that held a picture of a cute little pug dog. That caused us to laugh a bit. "that's exciting, son!", Anne said laughing as she went over to hug her son. "And mum, you're going to be the most prettiest grooms maid", He said as he looked up at his mum. Anne didn't know if she wanted to laugh or cry at that moment. "He may be out of it a bit, but I think he really means it", She said as she looked over at Louis. Louis shook his head in agreement and went back to listening to Harry babble. After a bit of talking and laughing, the doctor came in followed by a couple of nurses.

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